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drowninginthesouth t1_j5dw3tr wrote

Second verse, same as the last one but a little bit louder and a little bit worse.


BazilBroketail t1_j5dx3l4 wrote

Lol. If anyone goes....

Lol!! People are gonna go....


F4STW4LKER t1_j5dxetb wrote

It's called PYRT because he wants to plunder your booty


Polygrammar t1_j5dxj35 wrote

He literally hooked up with other convicted fraudsters and expects people to believe that this will be different. Dude needs to know how to quit.


thirdeyefish t1_j5dzcxk wrote

I didn't have any sympathy for the first batch of assholes who got stranded. I'm not going to have any for these pricks.


Raevix t1_j5dztdf wrote

“This time, it’s a little crazier but a whole lot bigger than anything I’ve tried before,” -Billy McFarland, director of the Fire Festival and fresh off of 4 years in jail for it.

Ah good. I can't see any possible way this can go wrong.


RooneyD t1_j5dzx32 wrote

Awesome, I was too late to get tickets to Fyre Festival.


__JonnyG t1_j5e190t wrote

You know I’ve just signed up, pretty sure it’ll be great. No one else is going to go so I’ll finally get some peace.


Raevix t1_j5e1tbj wrote

It seems like he just craves any kind of public attention, which is... really sad. I suspect he is probably aware on some level that there's no good ending to this. But saying "Guys I'm gonna do a totally not festival" puts him into the headlines again and that's all he needs. I don't think all the jail time, fines or public outrage in the world could deter him from trying to get into the spotlight again for another ten minutes.

If you read the article it's clear that he's incapable of preventing himself from misleading people to generate short term buzz. He's subtly promising it's going to happen in the Bahamas despite the Bahamas already explicitly stating "No,and If you set foot here you'll be arrested"


Hallowexia t1_j5e1uoi wrote

The shame is it could have been awesome with better logistics.


venReddit t1_j5e24oi wrote

Fuck yes! I love that my man is back with some new fyre shit, PYRT, spelled out "pirate". I cant wait for the new video from internethistorian about this amazing new experience!


Sunshinehaiku t1_j5e3nai wrote

“Really kind of getting back to tech, which I think is where my unique skillset lies,” said McFarland.

Deng, the former product designer, said the opposite.

“He was really good at pitching but had no technical skills,” she said"


SaltySteveD87 t1_j5e63p0 wrote

I would have at least a tiny bit of sympathy. Tickets for a week’s all expenses paid vacation in the Bahamas for only $1200 (or less for certain specials). It was naive to think they would actually deliver that but if they had it would’ve been a hell of a deal.


aghilardi t1_j5e741u wrote

Not sure why but i read it all. "McFarland told NBC News that during his time in prison he served two separate turns in solitary confinement: a three-month stint for sneaking a USB drive in with him containing notes for a possible tell-all book, and later a seven-month stretch for calling into a podcast about Fyre via payphone. Prison officials declined to discuss McFarland’s time in solitary. "

I can't even imagine being a week locked alone. Not defending this scumbag but... man, isn't that too much?

Edit: I think your comment hits the nail: (the man looks fried btw).


SB_90s t1_j5eaob4 wrote

All that says is that the jail time wasn't long enough to offset the benefits of defrauding thousands of people. That's the fundamental problem. Jail is meant to be a deterrent for crime, but if it's still net beneficial to commit the crime and go to jail, then it's failed.


BaseActionBastard t1_j5ecisw wrote

I await his second attempt at throwing rich people into a gulag.


Innocent_Convict t1_j5ed12o wrote

I actually want to hear Ja's thoughts on the matter. Where is Ja!!


CreamPuffDelight t1_j5edbao wrote

Why? Even a single sucker falling for his scam is a win for him and in the world we live in, a sucker is pretty much guaranteed to fall for his grift. Then you get to trump and gang and remeber that there's plenty of suckers to go around.


Nanikarp t1_j5edoeq wrote

i cant wait for the sequel documentaries :D the fyre docus were so much fun to watch


particle409 t1_j5efeya wrote

It's wild how many times Trump went back to donors. With Trump University and all his other scams, he had to offer a product or service. He realized that in politics, he didn't have to do that, he could just collect donations. He inspired a whole industry of conservative grifters.


YourUncleBuck t1_j5elb70 wrote

Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.


Vedorias t1_j5elw2k wrote

If this becomes a thing I'm going on location to sell sandwiches, tents and airplane tickets at 1000% mark-up prices.


Shinard t1_j5ema2o wrote

Jesus Christ, PoWs can get less solitary than that. That's all but torture - American prisons really need some proper oversight to stop this shit. If you lock someone up with no human contact for 7 months for calling into a podcast, you're on the wrong side of the bars.

With that said, might be worth taking what he says with a grain of salt, he hasn't exactly got a reputation for honest and accurate commentary. With that said, we do know that American prisons are terrible, so...


Miles-za t1_j5embd7 wrote

The guy was running a fraudulent VIP ticket schtick while he was under house arrest, awaiting trial for the events of Fyre Festival. It seems pathological, he's trying to do the same thing right out of prison.


Jester252 t1_j5emw9e wrote

Is this the first time someone turned their scam into a hustle?


Roastar t1_j5enfyu wrote

They will absolutely go except this time he won’t be using celebrities because none of them will fall for this clown’s scam, he will 100% be using influencers on tik tok, instagram, etc


Kezzii96 t1_j5eni6g wrote

Hope they got the guy who was willing to suck dick for the evian water, might at least have a chance of getting something done!


h4mx0r t1_j5eopjp wrote

The Fyre Festival docs are some of my favorite things ever... so like if I end up getting another set of these later... well I've got the popcorn ready.


Realshow t1_j5eoqn7 wrote

You know what they day, sequels always have to raise the stakes.


t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_j5eqard wrote

Why get stood up on your disaster vacation, just go to Haiti.


elementagas t1_j5eqs88 wrote

Can't wait for the Internet Historian Fyre Festival Pt. 2 video tho...


ddt70 t1_j5er2ei wrote

See also: Wall Street, where the fines bear almost zero correlation to the actual crimes…… thus being just simply part of the cost of doing business.


Brewing_Tea t1_j5f1sit wrote

Genius! They can't charge him for the same crime a SECOND time... That's double-jeopardy!


phirebird t1_j5f8czv wrote

Some dupes are about to become a statistic in the "Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it" column.


OldBob10 t1_j5fcxdj wrote

Sounds legit. Where do I send my money?!?!?


Jack_Zypher t1_j5fdtf2 wrote

At this point if anyone goes they have no one to blame but themselves.


SrepliciousDelicious t1_j5fdz27 wrote

Idea for netflix: fund it just enough so that it happens so it'll be another dumpster to make a series about


supcoco t1_j5fixhz wrote

How is he not in jail


YadaYadaYou t1_j5fn6b5 wrote

if I was one of these former hucksters I would be concerned about my personal safety. It seems like there would be a lot of former clients and customers who have been defrauded of millions of dollars who did not appreciate losing all of that money.


blueskies1800 t1_j5fnqcm wrote

anyone who signs up for this who gets scammed have only themselves to blame.


SBacklin t1_j5frcco wrote

I see a new Netflix documentary special coming in a few years. Lol


Daimakku1 t1_j5frgzo wrote

I’m gonna be honest here.. I would enjoy a Fyre Festival 2.0. The live updates from the first one were an amazing train wreck.


only-truth-here t1_j5ft99r wrote

I hope his scam works again. As only dumb social media obsessed kids will take the bait.


scuac t1_j5fvgeu wrote

If people are dumb enough to fall for this... don't know what to say. Just let fools be parted from their money.


ITstaph t1_j5fx8dw wrote

“Cabin in the Woods” style I’m calling it, 200 karma on Pygmy Cannibals.


CheekyLando88 t1_j5g7rm1 wrote

4 years is enough time for the kids who don't remember this fiasco to get older and make spending money. Given that he's promoting it on Tic-Tok, it's definitely going to get some people interested. Excited for the next documentary tho.


x31b t1_j5gpyfd wrote

Last time he was crazy for the poor planning and business plan for a party on an island for Instagram influencers.

This time, anyone else is crazy for paying him for a ticket.


Cat_Crap t1_j5gvrkd wrote

You guys might be ruling out the concept that he wanted to be in solitary. For multiple reasons, but often safety. Protective Custody sometimes is more or less solitary in same facilities.

That's not to say Solitary as punishment isn't torture. It absolutely is torture and shouldn't be allowed.


forkandspoon2011 t1_j5gzrt7 wrote

When all you got is one dance move, it doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad.


grandmawaffles t1_j5h0ct9 wrote

People would pay to go for a chance at having their cheese sandwich pics to go viral.


Mnemon-TORreport t1_j5h0fyc wrote

Sounds like one of those "he went to jail to get a master's degree in being a criminal" scenarios.


coreyosb t1_j5h5jeq wrote

I heard the backup plan is Publix subs instead of cheese sandwiches this time, so there’s that


serberusno1 t1_j5h6z6v wrote

His dealings are so infamous now what else is he gonna do? Nobody would hire him, may as well try the same shit again


migsmcgee2019 t1_j5h8n7j wrote

Anna sorrin the other swindling socialite and McFarland were roommates year back lol


collimat t1_j5hbd8q wrote

Ooh, Battle Royale by Koushun Takami. I remember this book!


kevinds t1_j5hczic wrote

>virtual reality technology that the company says will allow users to participate and control what happens on the island in real time from home.

This is the part where I got confused..


trucorsair t1_j5hde4z wrote

1.). Who in their right mind would hire him as a consultant? For what? How to be a fraud?

2.). What island/Country would want to be associated with him? Bahamas still views him as a fugitive and anyone foolish enough to put their influencer reputation in his hands, deserves what they get.


Bern_itdown t1_j5hgg32 wrote

So.. he’s not still in jail? Unreal..


CeeArthur t1_j5hhk71 wrote

I didn't realize until recently, but I was working in the area where the Fyre festival happened for about a month several years ago. Really hard to imagine anyone thought a festival that size would happen there, the whole area is pretty barren save for a few resorts and restaurants.


brez t1_j5hifdx wrote

He should call it "ReFyre"


TinFoilBeanieTech t1_j5hm2lz wrote

I, for one, support him taking as many of the 1% as possible to his island party.


egregiouscodswallop t1_j5iduxg wrote

Love that he and Anna Delvey are back on their bullshit at the same time. Kindred spirits!


cerberus698 t1_j5im6gl wrote

Billy must be so mad he missed the crypto bubble by a few months.


antsmasher t1_j5niirh wrote

I just finished watching the Netflix document Fyre: The Greatest Festival that Never Happened and I am disgusted at how many people McFarland has hurt. A lot of people were owed money and a restaurant owner had to wipe away her entire life savings to pay her staff who worked day and night to provide service at the event. To add more salt the wound, this asshole continued to defraud Fyre attendees by selling them fake tickets on false promises such as getting a meet and greet with Taylor Swift. And he is definitely not sorry for all that he had done.


Shinard t1_j69u4xa wrote

I am, honestly. The quote from the article was "McFarland told NBC News that during his time in prison he served two separate turns in solitary confinement: a three-month stint for sneaking a USB drive in with him containing notes for a possible tell-all book, and later a seven-month stretch for calling into a podcast about Fyre via payphone. Prison officials declined to discuss McFarland’s time in solitary. ". That's not framing the solitary as consensual.

Again, he could well be lying - that is rather what he's known for - but I can believe that he's not, and that in itself is pretty damning.