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drecklia t1_j6qawkx wrote

If a parking lot can be a landmark, so can this wall


SexyPeanut_9279 t1_j6qtw5q wrote

For the curious- where is there a landmark parking lot?


Marlsfarp t1_j6ruic2 wrote

There are lots of them! Abuse of "historic landmark" status is the bread and butter of NIMBYs everywhere. Googling "historic landmark parking lot" gives news stories from all over the country, and those are just the ones notable enough to get op eds about.


Pennwisedom t1_j6s3062 wrote

I googled it and came up with exactly one example, because the parking lot is within a bigger historic area (the South Street Seaport), as well as one scholarly article from the National Council on Public History. The rest were mostly news stories which were either about claims that didn't happen or just the words "historic" and "parking".

I admit this isn't exactly a thorough search though, so do you have examples?