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ICantThinkOfANameBud t1_j750inu wrote

You are 38 speaking like a teenager.


zizmorcore t1_j7537j5 wrote

Yeah well you write "I don't like the way you speak" to strangers on the internet, which is at least just as bad, bruh. Almost certainly worse.


ICantThinkOfANameBud t1_j753tz7 wrote

You give off vibes of a dad who is trying too hard to connect with his young teen child.


zizmorcore t1_j758sxa wrote

Why is it so hilarious that there's a guy out there who will read through your comment history and shame you if your lingo isn't age appropriate?

I just think you're really cool, ICantThinkOfANameBud. You know I'm always here if you ever want to just talk, right?


ICantThinkOfANameBud t1_j75a7um wrote

I took a quick glance, literally took all of two seconds, I didn't have to read through anything.


zizmorcore t1_j79fnz0 wrote

It's just wild you're in the NYC sub so presumably you're from here or had prolonged exposure to the countless and myriad freaks, weirdos, deranged maniacs, and that's just the Columbus day parade.

But your bete noire is some dude who you think talks sus. It just says volumes about how you decide to spend your time

Which is all an elaborate lead up to ask you an important question: are you planning on marching in the Columbus day parade this year?


ICantThinkOfANameBud t1_j79jrdn wrote

You speak like you either groom children online or like your children told you that you're uncool so you're trying to show how you aren't old. That, or having a mid-life crisis already.