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Pushed-pencil718 t1_j78o978 wrote

DeBlasio literally destroyed this city with his mishandling of funds and anti law enforcement attitude. Adams reintroduced anti gun units, instituted composting measures, enacted 24/7 speed cameras to help pedestrians feel safe, instructed all public schools to screen for dyslexia (instead of treating dyslexic students like they dont exist), and baselined summer employment for the youth.

DeBlasio said fck the police, free the prisoners, punish the working class, coddle the poor, and basically told anybody that asked questions about what happened to all the the mental health funding (that his wife stole) to fck off.


daveisarobot t1_j7k7z8u wrote

I work at a school for kids with special needs, where exactly can I find this dyslexia testing? Because I sure as hell have not seen it.