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russyc t1_j71p9og wrote

Set it on fire and it’s a completely appropriate mascot for this administration


Rottimer t1_j71s7lv wrote

There is only one appropriate mascot for sanitation in nyc, and that’s Oscar the Grouch. If they can’t make that happen, skip the mascot entirely.


iv2892 t1_j71sva2 wrote

How is mayor adams not a parody of himself at this point ?


ECK-2188 t1_j71t7hw wrote

Nahhhhh, They playin!!!! 💀


Pohara521 t1_j71udie wrote

Yeah, I dont get the pink tie either


NoStripeZebra3 t1_j71uqv3 wrote

That's culturally a Japanese thing. Think it will be too foreign here.


Kiritowerty t1_j71uyzt wrote

Yeah... we've entered the south park timeline


ImJackieNoff t1_j71wmod wrote

That dumpster looks high as fuck.

Edit: He also looks like he just asked you if you've ever been curious about getting a blowjob from another guy. And while the answer may be yes, you don't know him well enough to have that kind of conversation as he's a friend of a friend. Your'e now regretting coming over to smoke up and play Xbox, especially since your mutual friend is running way late and it's just the two of you in the meantime. That fucking smile is getting creepy, and the weed is hitting hard and you're starting to get paranoid that he might have put something else in it.


thepatientwaiting t1_j71wycm wrote

The best is when the news just showed a clip of Adams praising his administration and "all they've accomplished" and there was just this non-contextual giant trash bin behind him. So deliciously confusing yet appropriate.


MFoy t1_j71x3l4 wrote

When Baltimore has a better trash mascot than you, you fucked up.


_Maxolotl t1_j71xqbi wrote

This is what happens when you ask an AI to draw you Samuel L Jackson guest staring on South Park in the role of a garbage bin.


Space_Cowboy10859 t1_j71zrb1 wrote

It's Scotty the Full of 💩 mascot for #EricAdams press conferences.


BlancoBenny t1_j72063t wrote

A guy in a suit that’s garbage next to a guy in a suit that’s garbage.


suitcase88 t1_j720qsr wrote

If it was decided by public opinion, Pizza Rat would be NYC's mascot.


PussyChang t1_j722a49 wrote

I bet the mascot makes $100k a year.


VectorRaptor t1_j722ft3 wrote

I dislike a lot about this administration, but I think that compost bin creature is cute.


mikeluscher159 t1_j722mvw wrote

You'll see the sanitation mascot on the DSNY TikTok 🤌


ProfessionalAd3472 t1_j7238p5 wrote

Mayor is not great. Nothing he does serves any purpose other than to maintain the status quo of the landowning class.


snowdrone t1_j723e26 wrote

Is that compost? We get composting now?? Please?


Beerbonkos t1_j723wk1 wrote

So this sub is just hate everything about NYC? If you hate here so much why not leave?


NoStripeZebra3 t1_j727twa wrote

Yeah there is no way these guys can match the levels of Japanese character design, but at the same time, US has its own separate character aesthetics, regardless of which I think is objectively better lol


PlaneStill6 t1_j729jh5 wrote

That compost mascot is gonna get a six-figure pension and lavish health care for life.


LCPhotowerx t1_j72ejeu wrote

"get stuff done" just doesn't sound right to me as a marketing slogan. "Stuff"....i dunno, it just makes it sound unimportant. "Get things done." sounds more constructive and planned out.


MRC1986 t1_j72faw8 wrote

Adams is actually pretty good, though. I would've preferred Garcia, but FOH about having some Squad-adjacent Mayor like Wiley or that clown Yang.

In any event, if DSA/leftists didn't want Adams as Mayor, they shouldn't have spoiled their ballots after Wiley was eliminated, as 75,000 (or ~30%) of Wiley voters did. They could have ranked Garcia 2nd, who isn't a DSA-type but certainly more liberal than Adams.

But nope, DSA/leftists shooting themselves in the foot as always.


myassholealt t1_j72fk3p wrote

Plot twist: many don't actually live in nyc anyway lol. It's just important to keep an active presence voicing displeasure, fear for one's safety, and overall government incompetence in all the big city subs on this site.


MRC1986 t1_j72flzu wrote

Gonna be downvoted to hell, but whatever.

Adams is actually pretty good, though. I would've preferred Garcia, but FOH about having some Squad-adjacent Mayor like Wiley or that clown Yang.

In any event, if DSA/leftists didn't want Adams as Mayor, they shouldn't have spoiled their ballots after Wiley was eliminated, as 75,000 (or ~30%) of Wiley voters did. They could have ranked Garcia 2nd, who isn't a DSA-type but certainly more liberal than Adams.

But nope, DSA/leftists shooting themselves in the foot as always.


nycgamer4ever t1_j72ht0x wrote

Is this real life or photoshop. Can't tell anymore.


Academic-Struggle-71 t1_j72lgyv wrote

Lol I lived in Queens 3 years ago. When they started making us use those the little compostable baggies you used for the indoor receptacle would fall apart and there’s be maggots everywhere.


Amon213 t1_j72p1dx wrote

Aw the perpetual tale of our discontent with our "leaders." I wonder why we bother with voting at all. I remember people being so psyche for him.


Tips-for-advice t1_j72paio wrote

I thought someone photoshopped this. Can't believe it's real haha


damnatio_memoriae t1_j72qa4q wrote

I opened this in a small window and didn't see the actual mascot and thought you were saying Eric Adams' administration is garbage and he was a weird choice to be its mascot. and I thought... well you're not wrong, but that's an interesting way to phrase that.


NatLawson t1_j72s6xh wrote

Ha, ha - ah hah hah, hah, hah, hah,hah. Ha, ha - ah hah hah, hah, hah, hah,hah, Ha, ha - ah hah hah, hah, hah, hah,hah, Ha, ha - ah hah hah, hah, hah, hah,hah.


hjablowme919 t1_j72uy9t wrote

This guy should be giving this speech wearing a clown suit with a big rubber nose, and every once in a while, water shoots out of a fake flower pinned to the clown suit and he honks a horn when it happens.


Deluxe78 t1_j72uyb4 wrote

That’s just Donny Dumpster Fire the city’s new mascot


JessoRx t1_j72x0d7 wrote

At least deblasio looked like he was trying to run the show.


edtheoddfish t1_j72xg28 wrote

The health care is not what people think. So little doctors in NYC even take the city health care, and if they do it’s super long waits. People should work 10 years for the city and see what it’s actually like.


HendrixChord12 t1_j7311fl wrote

That’s like a literal garbage version of Towlie.

Don’t forget to throw out your trash! Want to get high?


spacelyspocet79 t1_j73amcy wrote

Should have use a rat not that brown bag with greasy ass Chinese chicken in it


SBAPERSON t1_j73b62b wrote

Mayor adams is looking so spaced out, mans just wants to be in the club


cha614 t1_j73ffil wrote

Composty Malone or Compost mcshitfuckheadmayor


my_metrocard t1_j73xsf9 wrote

But I like our sanitation mascots. What’s everyone’s objection, that the compost bin is brown?


werdnak84 t1_j749cmg wrote



kimbolll t1_j74kuz9 wrote

Why is it that NYC residents can’t seem to vote for a decent mayor. I mean, he’s better than DeBlasio, but like just barely. This has “eating fries and a burger at 9am, trying to convince people to get vaccinated” vibes.


paruresis_guy t1_j74lkyi wrote

Kinda looks like a good mascot for that stool-sample colonoscopy mail-in substitute.


danisreallycool t1_j74nzd1 wrote

I think it’s a perfect choice of a mascot for garbage. not sure who the guy on the right is though.


seejordan3 t1_j74pc97 wrote

Yes! Thank you! I still see these stickers occasionally on trash bins. Now I want to start a sub sighting them. There's a VERY old city recycling sign near us I've been tempted to nab. Gotta be late 80's, basically announcing what recycling is.


MC-Sherm t1_j74sppr wrote

Why’d he make the garbage cans skin tone flesh black? Should’ve kept blue green or gray


jonnycash11 t1_j74yvgy wrote

This is why the rest of the country thinks we’re crazy


zizmorcore t1_j758sxa wrote

Why is it so hilarious that there's a guy out there who will read through your comment history and shame you if your lingo isn't age appropriate?

I just think you're really cool, ICantThinkOfANameBud. You know I'm always here if you ever want to just talk, right?


Junior_Immanuel t1_j759eo7 wrote

It seems a lot of people here have never seen a composting bin.


littlekurousagi t1_j75cj9z wrote

I think it's actually kinda cute

I wonder if the person in it feels like literal trash though.🤔


shades747 t1_j7650pu wrote

Not weird. I think Eric Adams is a good mascot for the Garbage administration


stadiumjay t1_j76a84y wrote

Why this pic looks like an episode of sesame street 😂


FiascoBarbie t1_j76cyq5 wrote

I think Adams is a perfect choice to represent garbage. What am I missing here ?


BigAppleGuy t1_j76fom3 wrote

I am 100% for this but realistically, there is a reason composting has been so slow to roll out. People are still working on basic recycling. Separating metal/cartons from paper/cardboard, knowing what is not trash and must be taken to 'e-cycle', knowing which styrofoams and plastics are and aren't recyclable, knowing to dispose paints and chemicals and . Not as simple as seems at first.

'rat resistant containers' are the key, and trash needs to stay in them for the entire disposal cycle. Doesn't matter what time you put trash out ,if it's in plastic bags, rats will tear through it. 'Mint' bags must be just an appetizer for our monster rats lol. Need to line the streets with rat proof bins and system to pick up efficiently?
The Metrobins I get for my job cost 1,300+ for equivalent of two 50 gallon garbage cans. And then you still bag it and put it on curb where rats will get at it overnight.


MLao_ t1_j77mpu6 wrote

Are you sure this isn't fake


letgomygrego t1_j77pehf wrote

That looks like its supposed to be a post credit character for the California Raisins that where that trash belongs


Ilostmytractor t1_j781f2y wrote

Yes change is hard, but sometimes necessary. Fortunately we only need to put the food scraps in the rat resistant containers, which are provided free by the city, and there’s no sorting. If you eat it it goes in the food bin. You can acumúlate the scraps in a plastic bag in your apt. and throw it , bag and all, in the building food scrap bin. If you have your own bin , even easier. This way food is never left in appetizing bags outside. Less bugs, less smells, less rats, less trash to ship to Maryland or wherever it goes.


Pushed-pencil718 t1_j78o978 wrote

DeBlasio literally destroyed this city with his mishandling of funds and anti law enforcement attitude. Adams reintroduced anti gun units, instituted composting measures, enacted 24/7 speed cameras to help pedestrians feel safe, instructed all public schools to screen for dyslexia (instead of treating dyslexic students like they dont exist), and baselined summer employment for the youth.

DeBlasio said fck the police, free the prisoners, punish the working class, coddle the poor, and basically told anybody that asked questions about what happened to all the the mental health funding (that his wife stole) to fck off.


zizmorcore t1_j79fnz0 wrote

It's just wild you're in the NYC sub so presumably you're from here or had prolonged exposure to the countless and myriad freaks, weirdos, deranged maniacs, and that's just the Columbus day parade.

But your bete noire is some dude who you think talks sus. It just says volumes about how you decide to spend your time

Which is all an elaborate lead up to ask you an important question: are you planning on marching in the Columbus day parade this year?


Leftturnhopkins3 t1_j7ardh7 wrote

Waste management is becoming a major issue everywhere. Adding composting to their mix will be good for upstate farming. Currently farmers actually pay for composting, as it helps their topsoil replenish nutrients. Composting is a legitimate business when taken to its extreme, so NYC should be able to earn revenue from this.


circa1337 t1_j7ejg43 wrote

Well-fitting slim, pressed coat. Spread collar. Wall street wannabe hermes-print tie, color pink. Pocket square. Earring. Starter high-end watch behind the podium (submariner or similar). Thousand-dollar shell cordovan dress shoes, or thousand dollar ferragamo-type loafers.

Garbage mascot.

Edit: Garbage motto too. “Get stuff done.” Shows you how much effort went into it. Lazy version of “Just Do It”, which is a zillion times better. Yet another example of corp america being far more competent than gov’t. I suppose that’s mostly always been true, but the gap at times now can be astonishingly big

Is he a mayor, or do we see two mascots in the image?