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myassholealt t1_j8y8wk5 wrote

I don't see why the government is allowed to even fund anything that intentionally discriminates. Can't this be a lawsuit in the making?


spoil_of_the_cities t1_j8ymlsd wrote

You got it kinda backwards. It's the gov't that's not allowed to discriminate.

The gov't has decided that private groups may use the public streets for parades with the proper permits. The gov't can adopt neutral requirements for those permits, but it cannot adopt religious requirements. The group authorized to hold the parade can decide who marches.

The gov't also allows private groups to hold events in parks. Let's say a Jewish group got a permit for a Jewish festival and invited others to put up tables and tents for activities, merchandise, etc. The Jewish group could refuse a table to a Christian group that focused on converting Jews. If that Christian group applied to the gov't for their own park event permit, the gov't could not refuse them because of their beliefs.


_Maxolotl t1_j8z23p2 wrote

It wouldn't be a religious requirement.

The Pope doesn't exclude gay people from Catholicism or Catholic Church properties. And he's infallible according to Catholicism. So the cavemen who run this parade can't claim legitimately their bigotry is based on religion unless they want to tell us they're not Catholic.

They can't claim it's about Irishness either. The head of Irish government is gay, FFS.


spoil_of_the_cities t1_j8zqk58 wrote

OK so here's the nuance: the gov't under secularism cannot refer to the dictates of the Pope. If the Pope is for allowing gay people in the parade but this particular Catholic is not, this internal dispute is none of the gov'ts business.


_Maxolotl t1_j8zrz5o wrote

OK, so the Community Board should have a new meeting, and petition the city to pull Larry Cummings' parade permit because he's a huge douche, and that they all agree that he's a huge douche, for reasons completely unrelated to religion.

Then Adams can say "you're right, what a douche," and give the parade permit to some Irish American homosexuals who we all agree are cool for reasons completely unrelated to religion.


spoil_of_the_cities t1_j8ztf10 wrote

And then this dude sues and says "obviously this is actually because of my religious belief". I dunno who wins


_Maxolotl t1_j8zxxnr wrote

I'm old enough to remember when Trump explicitly declared a "Muslim Ban", had that ruled unconstitutional, and then came back with a ban on persons from (list of a bunch of countries that by sheer coincidence are majority Muslim), and won.


OneYungGun t1_j94poae wrote

The government is not allowed to rule on who is or is not a true Catholic.


myassholealt t1_j8yri3b wrote

No. I have it as it is in the article posted.

When private organizations want public services like NYPD officers working security at their event, private organizations hire them and pay for them via the NYPD Paid Detail Program. Here, the city is picking up that expense for this private organization to hold their event.


spoil_of_the_cities t1_j8yuwka wrote

If the city has a policy of picking up that expense for parades, it can't pick and choose based on religion


_Maxolotl t1_j8zba2x wrote

They're Catholic. The pope is their infallible leader. He's doesn't exclude gays from attending catholic events.

So their choice to exclude gay people isn't about their religion. They're going against their own religion in order to be bigots.


BraveSirZaphod t1_j8zh3q7 wrote

I wonder, if another, more inclusive organization, filed for conflicting permits on the same streets at the same time, could the city opt to choose the inclusive parade under some ostensibly secular basis?