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Ok_Yogurtcloset8915 t1_j77j3kb wrote

yeah I'm definitely picking up on that elitism. there's nothing wrong with a big piece of art that just looks neat. it doesn't have to mean anything


mowotlarx t1_j77lmf9 wrote

Exactly. For stuff like this, the meaning is really just in the reflection. Letting people interact with art (and see themselves in it) is a good thing. You want people to do that.

I hate the "Fearless Girl" statue (I think it's ugly as hell), but it's incredibly successful public art. I think that's because of people's desire to pose next to her in the same stance, whatever that defiant pose means for them. There's nothing a well read art critic can say to change that.


Ok_Yogurtcloset8915 t1_j787uqn wrote

I'm a little divided on the fearless girl one bc it sort of interferes with the preexisting bull statue in a way that seems a little unfair, but other than that yeah it's a great example. it doesn't have to be like an abstract representation of some deep tragedy to be worthwhile art. it's ok to have art that just looks cool jfc