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WorthPrudent3028 t1_j9s7vnr wrote


xiirri t1_j9s825x wrote

Ya cool, live in whatever weird fucked up delusion you need to.

Hard reality, NYPD is majority minority. I have no idea why these stats are what they are. Possible explanation could in part be ride share drivers are more targeted, way more likely to be a minority, more likely to break driving laws.

But nah keep living in the fucked up delusion of absolute certainty and weird race baiting creepiness.


WorthPrudent3028 t1_j9sao0g wrote

Okay officer. It doesn't matter what the makeup of NYPD is. 90% of drivers who were searched are minorities. What percentage of drivers in NYC overall are minorities?

And I'll give you a task. The cops that murdered Tyre Nichols were black. Show me a video of cops of any color murdering a white person in a similar way. Not accidentally killing a junkie who is fucking them up. Just straight up murder like Nichols. One example.

Cops have a color. It doesn't matter what they were before. It's not white. It not black. Or Latino. It's blue. And blue hates black and brown. 90% in the OP should have told you.


xiirri t1_j9sbs0q wrote

Dude seriously you dont think unarmed white people are murdered by police? Did you ever think to look this up before posting such a crazy ignorant theory.

Police immunity is bullshit. But you realize there are 330 million people in the USA? There are millions of police interactions every single day that are non violent. Only a handful of interactions where the suspect is unarmed are deadly per year.

Every death is a tragedy but this isn't an epidemic.

Every single day we are possibly going to see the worst thing that happens in the US due to the internet and virality, the relationship between news and clicks and revenue. You are taking that ONE thing that happens and acting as if its reality.



WorthPrudent3028 t1_j9senwj wrote

We are getting somewhere now. And I appreciate you finding these. The first is 5 years old and the second 2 years old. So you do have to go a ways back to find a person of the majority getting killed unjustly. Since the oldest video you posted, how many black people were killed by police? Since the newest?

It's not the internet and virality that is the problem though. It's societally acceptable for a regular citizen to kill another regular citizen unjustly. People are never going to be perfect. It will always be both societally acceptable and sad when one random person murders another.

But we should hold police officers to a higher standard because we hire them to protect society. They are hired by and represent the state. When you put the badge on, you aren't just the guy who got in a bar fight last week. You are a representative of the people. You're there to protect them. Both the 6 white people you posted and the 100s of black people you didn't. You signed up to protect and serve. You did not sign up to be an invading military. If you want that, join the marines. But the truth is that the marines, when invading Afghanistan, understood what protect and serve means better than NYPD in their own city.


xiirri t1_j9sfatp wrote

Wait im sorry what lol, i found you a buncha clips INSTANTLY that you swore didnt exist and you said they are too old?

The statistics are out there, MORE WHITE PEOPLE are murdered by police. Just not by % of the population.

A big boy like yourself can start looking these easily findable statistics on their own from now on, especially before they spout off on the internet.

Its righteous to be upset about a terrible murder that takes place by people who are sworn to protect and want to hold the police accountable. But its fucking stupid and child brained to watch a couple of murder porn videos that make headlines every year and extrapolate broader trends.


WorthPrudent3028 t1_j9sfugd wrote

And you really are a cop aren't you? You know, you don't have to defend everything other cops do, right? And in fact, that's the biggest problem with you guys. Here's a simple statement to help you understand. You are part of the community and you are not an invading army. Can you act like it?


[deleted] t1_j9sghaw wrote



ehsurfskate t1_j9t93lc wrote

I don’t think I have ever seen someone coping harder on Reddit than who you are arguing with lol.


[deleted] t1_j9sii4v wrote



plump_helmet_addict t1_j9tkims wrote

>You already know I'm older than you. And you probably already know I've seen the world. Well, 21 countries. 34 states. Most of them when I was really broke. And you also probably know I've had relative success compared to you.

And yet you're still just a whacky redditor who can't be taken seriously.


WonderingInane t1_j9s9zzm wrote

You do realize 90% is a ridiculously high amount. Nowhere close to that amount of the NYPD is white themselves. So you’re saying other races are in on it? For it to be that high they would have to be… or… maybe the truth that some groups do more of certain crimes is the unfortunate truth that you are incapable of accepting. Instead let’s promote conspiracy and hate instead. Smart.


WorthPrudent3028 t1_j9scxdk wrote

90% is the search rate of NYPD. 90% of their searches are minorities. What percentage of drivers do you think are minorities?

What I said is most people driving with fake plates are white. And most drivers overall are white. If you want to solve that problem, you need to actually confront the main culprits.

I can also tell you this. I am white and I could drive around in a clown car with no plates and the cop i was replying to isn't going to do shit. Part of that is inherent bias but the other part is because he expects white people to be connected. And maybe we are. That's something I haven't done the math on. I have a DEA card because one of my best friends is a detective. I also know judges. And I don't even come from anywhere around here. The white people in NYC almost all know at least one NYPD very well. And you know, the last time I got pulled over at all in NYC was with way out of state plates a long time ago.


WonderingInane t1_j9tdy4s wrote

You’re a straight up conspiracy theorist. Where is your data on white people with fake plates? Somehow you’re 100% sure that white people do more of the crime they just get away with it because the police are afraid they’re connected? Are you seriously that eager to believe in a racist agenda? Every white person knows a cop? You just pulled that out of your ass based on your own experience with no actual data to support it. You know a detective, you know ‘judges’? Sounds like you’re the problem you describing but you think all white people are like you based on delusion alone


WorthPrudent3028 t1_j9tulan wrote

Where's your data on me being "100% sure?"

90% of people searched are black or brown. That's the article. One doesn't have to extrapolate any other data to see racism there.

And sure, I'm the problem in that I don't get pulled over at all. Not much I can do about that though, is there?


WonderingInane t1_j9tvvkm wrote

You said “most people driving with fake plates are white”. What makes you so sure? You seem pretty confident. Maybe it’s just you, and not getting pulled over is your confirmation bias. Turn yourself in.


WorthPrudent3028 t1_j9unnvd wrote

Observation makes me sure. And ghost plates are still all over town in pretty much the same numbers after the NYPD crack down on black and latino drivers. And why would I turn myself in for anything? The difference between me and you is that I acknowledge white privilege exists while you pretend it doesn't. Whether you've taken advantage of that privilege actively or passively has always been up to you, but if you are white, you have absolutely taken advantage of it.

And not getting pulled over being confirmation bias is laughable. There is plenty of demographic data on police stop rates. Driving while black is an actual thing whether you want to pretend it isn't or not.

And not only are people with fake, obscured, or no plates mostly white, they're also mostly cops. It's legitimately the easiest "crime" to actually stop if cops actually wanted to stop it. It's the most transparent violation that it's possible to commit short of open carrying a gun through Times Square. Yet it still happens.