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WorthPrudent3028 t1_j9senwj wrote

We are getting somewhere now. And I appreciate you finding these. The first is 5 years old and the second 2 years old. So you do have to go a ways back to find a person of the majority getting killed unjustly. Since the oldest video you posted, how many black people were killed by police? Since the newest?

It's not the internet and virality that is the problem though. It's societally acceptable for a regular citizen to kill another regular citizen unjustly. People are never going to be perfect. It will always be both societally acceptable and sad when one random person murders another.

But we should hold police officers to a higher standard because we hire them to protect society. They are hired by and represent the state. When you put the badge on, you aren't just the guy who got in a bar fight last week. You are a representative of the people. You're there to protect them. Both the 6 white people you posted and the 100s of black people you didn't. You signed up to protect and serve. You did not sign up to be an invading military. If you want that, join the marines. But the truth is that the marines, when invading Afghanistan, understood what protect and serve means better than NYPD in their own city.


xiirri t1_j9sfatp wrote

Wait im sorry what lol, i found you a buncha clips INSTANTLY that you swore didnt exist and you said they are too old?

The statistics are out there, MORE WHITE PEOPLE are murdered by police. Just not by % of the population.

A big boy like yourself can start looking these easily findable statistics on their own from now on, especially before they spout off on the internet.

Its righteous to be upset about a terrible murder that takes place by people who are sworn to protect and want to hold the police accountable. But its fucking stupid and child brained to watch a couple of murder porn videos that make headlines every year and extrapolate broader trends.


WorthPrudent3028 t1_j9sfugd wrote

And you really are a cop aren't you? You know, you don't have to defend everything other cops do, right? And in fact, that's the biggest problem with you guys. Here's a simple statement to help you understand. You are part of the community and you are not an invading army. Can you act like it?


[deleted] t1_j9sghaw wrote



ehsurfskate t1_j9t93lc wrote

I don’t think I have ever seen someone coping harder on Reddit than who you are arguing with lol.


[deleted] t1_j9sii4v wrote



plump_helmet_addict t1_j9tkims wrote

>You already know I'm older than you. And you probably already know I've seen the world. Well, 21 countries. 34 states. Most of them when I was really broke. And you also probably know I've had relative success compared to you.

And yet you're still just a whacky redditor who can't be taken seriously.