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oreosfly t1_j9u0ojl wrote

Hmm, in my eight years of driving I’ve never been stopped by the police or arrested. Maybe it has something to do with my real plates and real registration 🤷‍♂️


birthdaycakefig t1_ja2xtlo wrote

Same, am Latino and never got stopped or arrested when I was driving for years.

IMO The real question is what kind of people they are stopping in different neighborhoods compared to the make up of the area.


NatLawson t1_j9vrubp wrote

Or, or it could be you have a sign "Dorkenstein" on your head? There that...


oreosfly t1_j9vujsi wrote

Shh, don't expose my secret


NatLawson t1_j9vzj86 wrote

See ... now you are going to get stopped... You are woke.
