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BraveSirZaphod OP t1_j9asjw3 wrote

IG Story from Councilman Erik Bottcher with surveillance video.

Just gotta say, it's very disheartening to see progress go backwards, even if I think it is probably accurate to say that this is just the last dying gasp of a pitiful angry minority.


Shawn_NYC t1_j9d2yvn wrote

Our Mayor may be a joke but I really like Erik Bottcher. What a good leader he is.


fluffstravels t1_j9c9vg8 wrote

That’s a nicer car than I’d thought it’d be for a group of people so angry


FriendLost9587 t1_j9canf2 wrote

What’s the correlation between anger and nice car? Not sure I’m understanding


fluffstravels t1_j9cbilk wrote

I figure if you’re that hateful, would prob be hard for you to get and hold down a job to make good money but realizing now there’s prob no correlation there


craaaaaazy44u t1_j9cs1uw wrote

That’s a really skewed way of thinking.


fluffstravels t1_j9d0e0v wrote

Meh there’s a logic to it- bill gates essentially said it’s the one way to improve an economy when asked about it abroad
