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RepresentativeAge444 t1_j9dduho wrote

They weren’t riots. They were largely peaceful protests marred by occasional incidents. A lot of violence was started by heavy handed police tactics a lot of which you can find on video but I’m sure you won’t care to. Also they wouldn’t have the addition of a hate crime.


nlikelyReaction t1_j9dx6sn wrote

Yeah this has been outed already but it's easy to say BLM protests were violent because black = violent and also just the way riots are framed to make the oppressed's anger look meaningless and not an outcry for constantly being ostracized. People just want to buy into whatever racial bias they have already instead of looking deeper within.

If we were actually fully transparent with our history (American) maybe a lot of people would recognize these tactics lol I mean that shit goes back to the days of the Black Panthers, fucking one look at the CIA and what they did during that time as well as what the police and fire departments would do back then to destroy Black community for decades, it'd be obvious asf that they weren't done by protestors the majority of the time and most of these tactics were done to frame protestors to fit whatever fucked up narrative the shell out to the media to come up with, one being BLM is a terrorist organization, same shit they said about Black Panthers. Nothing new lol but isn't that the majority of history?


-obeytherules t1_j9dhh1e wrote

This is gaslighting: it was absolutely riots


[deleted] t1_j9dijp1 wrote



-obeytherules t1_j9dj3r6 wrote

I don’t need you to tell me what I saw with my own two eyes here and multiple cities in the United States in the summer of 2020. You can be as adamant and pedantic as you want but I know what those “mostly peaceful protests” turned into once the sun went down and to say any different is being willfully ignorant and you fucking know it


nlikelyReaction t1_j9dxp4y wrote

Yeah that's bullshit you must watch a lot of Fox News huh


-obeytherules t1_j9dzmov wrote

that’s the best you got? Dude what do you think the demographic crossover of Reddit users who are active on nyc subreddits and Fox News watchers? I don’t even have a tv. I don’t need the news to tell me what I saw with my own two eyes.

the level of discourse here is so fucking sad.

Hurrr durrr yer a Fox News watcher cause you said there were riots in the summer of 2020. Hurrr durrr. goddamn it’s pathetic


bangbangthreehunna t1_j9dewbi wrote

NYPD must have been handing out molotov cocktail supplies.


RepresentativeAge444 t1_j9dfywt wrote

You understand that it’s been documented that many of the protests were infiltrated by white supremacist provocateurs right?

FBI paid a violent felon to infiltrate BLM protests

The protests still overall were peaceful

But of course I know I’m wasting my time because someone such as yourself doesn’t care about the facts just your narrative of mass riots and cities being burned to the ground.


bangbangthreehunna t1_j9dgfuz wrote

2 lawyers pled out in federal court for torching a van. Its 100% on them.


RepresentativeAge444 t1_j9dh27m wrote

I mean do you have a problem with reading comprehension? I never said there weren’t legit incidents of violence by actual people attached to the protests. I took issue with you referring to them as “riots” when they were overwhelmingly peaceful as all the data shows and a lot of the violence was initiated by outsiders and cops themselves.


bangbangthreehunna t1_j9dhocp wrote

What those 2 were a part of, was a riot. Plain and simple. There were peaceful protests and sit downs. But what they were in at the time of their crime, was a riot.


Least-Cry-7317 t1_j9diak9 wrote

That guys a clown Soho was a war zone for 3 days. There were 100% riots those nights and any one who says otherwise is living in a different reality.


bangbangthreehunna t1_j9diuqh wrote

Fordham Road. Bed Stuy. Full blown riot.


nlikelyReaction t1_j9dxmj3 wrote

Doesn't mean that was the majority of BLM protests is what they're saying. You're lumping a few incidents compared to the majority of the incidents that were started by the police and the FBI to continue to push a narrative that BLM is essentially riots. We get it. You were there....I was in NYC too from the Bronx so I know the ugly you're talking about but either way it doesn't mean it was like that most of the time and saying BLM is nothing but riots is you falling for the brainwashing. Gonna talk about riots talk about the riots that happened not lumping it all under BLM as nothing BUT riots


bangbangthreehunna t1_j9e0mft wrote

I never said majority. The 2 lawyers were apart of a riot and committed crimes. Simple.