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superangry2 t1_j9b2as3 wrote

The whole facade was burned down. Awful.


kinky_boots t1_j9bbul6 wrote

The perpetrator is a woman with long red hair, not wearing a mask, easily identifiable. Shouldn’t be too long before someone recognizes her and she’s caught.


Complete_Selection56 t1_j9byyvx wrote

She's not spending any time in prison at all...

Unfortunately NYC has become wayyy too lenient on crime we have repeat offenders of violent crimes let back out on the streets with no bail or anything.

Crackheads , drug dealers, violence, hate crimes everything has been getting worse as a result.


Complete_Selection56 t1_j9c9bbv wrote

Lmaoo who is my friend?? I'm not siding with her , I was simply pointing out that even if she is arrested the DA will throw out the case.

I live in NYC and the crime has been through the roof because of bail reform and new laws in place.

Next time read carefully so you can understand before feeling offended.


Complete_Selection56 t1_j9cggoi wrote

Who's trolling? You obviously don't live in NYC because those law changes directly led to higher crame rates , including violent crimes.

A man was killed because someone who was arrested 15+ times ( including stabbing someone ) suffered little to no consequences and was free to then steal a U-Haul go on a rampage.

I would love for the arsonist to be arrested and charged correctly but the way things have been that is not likely. I am simply pointing these things out. Once again sorry if I offended anyone 💙

Much love to all my LGBT friends, be safe.


MandatoryDissent55 t1_j9cgl6n wrote

Sorry, everybody. False alarm. Never mind. Go about your business. It was just an American Flag.


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j9cm8ah wrote

Wouldn't surprise me if it's someone who got kicked out of the place


Cachesystem t1_j9cmdfz wrote

Why is the flag more important than the building? Was anyone hurt?


WhaleyWino235 t1_j9cn8nw wrote

I’d love to help and show support for this restaurant. Anyone see/know how we can other than patronizing them? Thanks!


MandatoryDissent55 t1_j9cp9fy wrote

There are literally hundreds of cases... HUNDREDS. OF. CASES... in which burning somebody else's American Flag has been declared "free speech" in the last 60 years, and only related to property damage and not a hate crime. You don't get to change the rules now.


BraveSirZaphod OP t1_j9cpwch wrote

Given that her hatred of a rainbow flag was so strong that it appears to have motivated her to set a fire that burned the façade of the building and very much could have gotten much much worse, especially as there are apartments above the restaurant, it is, perhaps, a relevant part of the story to note.

It is generally unusual to be driven to such anger by a piece of fabric that one commits arson.


lila-pink t1_j9cq8f0 wrote

can you imagine a scenario where its just some tall awkward guy having a cigarette and hes too embarrassed and horrified to say it was an accident lmfao


lila-pink t1_j9cqcsy wrote

also i hope she accidentally consumes various house cleaners


Rottimer t1_j9cswna wrote

>A man was killed because someone who was arrested 15+ times ( including stabbing someone ) suffered little to no consequences and was free to then steal a U-Haul go on a rampage.

>The NYPD said Sor has eight prior arrests in his home state of Nevada, including one for stabbing his brother in 2015.

Ahh, yes, NYC is now responsible for crime taking place in Nevada. . . Like I said, embarrassing attempt at trolling.


Shawn_NYC t1_j9d3qox wrote

It's both a crime to burn your neighbor's American flag and your neighbor's pride flag. Both are illiegal arson.

If you were to legally purchase a pride flag or an American flag and burn it yourself that would be legal in both instances.


froggythefish t1_j9d4bzm wrote

Laws and morals are separate things. Just because it’s illegal to burn your neighbors genocide flag, doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

And just because it’s legal to burn your own anti-genocide flag, doesn’t mean it’s right


m1kasa4ckerman t1_j9d5otb wrote

Lol did she also stop in the bike lane, too? This lady is about to have many groups of enemies


RepresentativeAge444 t1_j9dduho wrote

They weren’t riots. They were largely peaceful protests marred by occasional incidents. A lot of violence was started by heavy handed police tactics a lot of which you can find on video but I’m sure you won’t care to. Also they wouldn’t have the addition of a hate crime.


RepresentativeAge444 t1_j9dewyt wrote

I just want to make sure you understand that crime rose nationally since the onset of the pandemic and in states that you wouldn’t say were lenient on crime. You understand this right?

Murder highest in death penalty states.

Violent crime rates did fall overall last year.

You understand this and aren’t saying NYC is unique in the US right?


RepresentativeAge444 t1_j9dfywt wrote

You understand that it’s been documented that many of the protests were infiltrated by white supremacist provocateurs right?

FBI paid a violent felon to infiltrate BLM protests

The protests still overall were peaceful

But of course I know I’m wasting my time because someone such as yourself doesn’t care about the facts just your narrative of mass riots and cities being burned to the ground.


RepresentativeAge444 t1_j9dh27m wrote

I mean do you have a problem with reading comprehension? I never said there weren’t legit incidents of violence by actual people attached to the protests. I took issue with you referring to them as “riots” when they were overwhelmingly peaceful as all the data shows and a lot of the violence was initiated by outsiders and cops themselves.


-obeytherules t1_j9dj3r6 wrote

I don’t need you to tell me what I saw with my own two eyes here and multiple cities in the United States in the summer of 2020. You can be as adamant and pedantic as you want but I know what those “mostly peaceful protests” turned into once the sun went down and to say any different is being willfully ignorant and you fucking know it


nlikelyReaction t1_j9dx6sn wrote

Yeah this has been outed already but it's easy to say BLM protests were violent because black = violent and also just the way riots are framed to make the oppressed's anger look meaningless and not an outcry for constantly being ostracized. People just want to buy into whatever racial bias they have already instead of looking deeper within.

If we were actually fully transparent with our history (American) maybe a lot of people would recognize these tactics lol I mean that shit goes back to the days of the Black Panthers, fucking one look at the CIA and what they did during that time as well as what the police and fire departments would do back then to destroy Black community for decades, it'd be obvious asf that they weren't done by protestors the majority of the time and most of these tactics were done to frame protestors to fit whatever fucked up narrative the shell out to the media to come up with, one being BLM is a terrorist organization, same shit they said about Black Panthers. Nothing new lol but isn't that the majority of history?


nlikelyReaction t1_j9dxmj3 wrote

Doesn't mean that was the majority of BLM protests is what they're saying. You're lumping a few incidents compared to the majority of the incidents that were started by the police and the FBI to continue to push a narrative that BLM is essentially riots. We get it. You were there....I was in NYC too from the Bronx so I know the ugly you're talking about but either way it doesn't mean it was like that most of the time and saying BLM is nothing but riots is you falling for the brainwashing. Gonna talk about riots talk about the riots that happened not lumping it all under BLM as nothing BUT riots


-obeytherules t1_j9dzmov wrote

that’s the best you got? Dude what do you think the demographic crossover of Reddit users who are active on nyc subreddits and Fox News watchers? I don’t even have a tv. I don’t need the news to tell me what I saw with my own two eyes.

the level of discourse here is so fucking sad.

Hurrr durrr yer a Fox News watcher cause you said there were riots in the summer of 2020. Hurrr durrr. goddamn it’s pathetic


Cachesystem t1_j9e0v52 wrote

It’s no different from burning the US flag and starting the fire that way. The flag isn’t important; the important details are people, home(s)/business(es) ruined, and damage done. Nobody would care if it was a US flag; it’s the fact that it’s political and aligns with their ideologies when people think they have to care to make themselves look noble when in reality it makes them look like a narcissist. The same mentality would go down in a groupthink of Republicans if it was a US flag that was burned instead and we all know it. “Oh Lordy, not the American flag. Oh my heavens; who would do such a thing.” Meanwhile a school burned down and all the deaf kids died because they had no way of communicating.


AlarmingDrawing t1_j9fbl8t wrote

I never said she was. The video clearly shows her getting out of the passenger side. That said, she's the one who committed this hate crime so needs to be found and held accountable for her actions.


lila-pink t1_j9fu1vy wrote

Jesus christ people. nobody died like relax i had a joint when i read this lmao


BraveSirZaphod OP t1_j9fvf0r wrote

The only reason this wasn't much much worse is because there was an employee inside who called 911 immediately.

This very easily could have killed people, and the fact that someone got so triggered over a piece of fabric that they either tried, or didn't care about, killing several people is a problem.

If you don't have anyone that would gladly burn you to death over a basic aspect of your identity, I'm envious, since I apparently can't say the same.


lila-pink t1_j9hgvib wrote

seeing how im not a straight white male yes i have come in contact with people who would want to harm me/ have harmed me in the past. this planet is falling the fuck apart and i cant have a chuckle over an immaterial thought too lol


volkommm t1_j9jpuim wrote

Another "hate crime" that doesn't meet the legal threshold and will be reduced to a lesser charge.


JohnnnyCupcakes t1_j9odtlf wrote

Welllll…sorry, but noone’s out there trying to burn you to death, so maybe lets pump the brakes on the dramatics. Don’t worry, we’re all still very supportive of your penis and vagina rights. By the way, did you ever think that this could’ve been an attempt at insurance fraud? When you think about it, an unhinged neighborhood vagrant and a rainbow flag are the perfect cover story..
