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snakopaks t1_j7gxcdg wrote

They're only legit in very specific areas. They don't permit parking on sidewalks, no standing zones, fire hydrants, bike lanes, crosswalks, etc... It's really just for meters and authorized vehicle only areas


Butt_Sauce t1_j7gyg7b wrote

It’s also at the discretion of the traffic agent. Do public sector employees get certain courtesies extended to them, yes. So do private citizens. If you roll through a stop sign, it’s up to an officer whether they pull you over and give you a ticket or not. Happens all the time.

It’s a slippery slope when we start saying traffic agents should be punished for not ticketing certain violations.


_Maxolotl t1_j7h4j7s wrote

Tell me you have a placard and you use it to get away with parking like a douche without telling me you have a placard and you use it to get away with parking like a douche.


Butt_Sauce t1_j7h5bx7 wrote

I don’t even own a car, I ride my bike to work everyday. But nice try pal.


_Maxolotl t1_j7h75fe wrote

So you're just a bootlicker?

How about instead of fining parking officers who let placard abuse slide, we just move parking enforcement and internal affairs to be under the control of an elected public defender's office?


Butt_Sauce t1_j7h7mr2 wrote

You want to get personal and then think we’re going to have a civil discussion?

Sure, good luck with that.


snakopaks t1_j7i14gh wrote

It's not really discretion when it's 100% of the time. Traffic agents report to the police, and don't have discretion to enforce outside what the NYPD let's them.


Butt_Sauce t1_j7iddzu wrote

I know people with placards who have gotten tickets before, as they should, so it’s not 100% of the time. But whatever you say.