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Slggyqo t1_j7ggcqt wrote

Ehhh…maybe if they’re relatively new, like in some Asian countries.

People like to tout the Paris metro as an example of mass transit expansion, but many Paris subway lines have trains with manually operated doors. Train advancements are not a priority there.

I’ve ridden the MTA, DC Metro, Paris subway, several Tokyo train lines, and the subway in Seoul, and the MTA measures up fine.

The main way the MTA falls short these days has more to do with our homelessness and mental illness crises than details of the subway.

Edit: Paris trains also don’t have AC.


ManhattanRailfan t1_j7gh7h4 wrote

And it's not like the MTA can do anything about homelessness. They can't build affordable housing or implement universal healthcare.


Slggyqo t1_j7ghr16 wrote

Exactly, it’s a symptom of a greater problem, not a failure of the MTA.


ctindel t1_j7gt7k8 wrote

We don’t need them to we just need them to keep the homeless people out of the train and stations.


AcrossAmerica t1_j7upkwl wrote

Hard and expensive problem to solve.


ctindel t1_j7urfcy wrote

It’s not that hard to solve and we already have the most expensive police force in the country, so yeah let’s just have them take care of it.


GnRgr2 t1_j7hdbml wrote

They absolutely can keep them out. If the police can search me without probable cause, there should be a hygiene and "dont disturb the peace" standard.


ikemr t1_j7gjmth wrote

This deserves all the likes


SnooSongs2714 t1_j7k4d14 wrote

The subways are NYC’s mobile homeless shelters/asylums.


Commotion t1_j7gndkd wrote

I was just in Paris, and multiple times, the metro train I was on was literally from the 1960s-1970s. And you could tell.


birthdaycakefig t1_j7kfsco wrote

How frequent did it run and how consistent was the service though? That’s all I care about.


Commotion t1_j7lihqk wrote

It was consistent and frequent, yes. Generally, better headways than I’ve experienced in New York - but both systems are huge so it’s hard to draw any conclusions based on my experience. I know at least some Paris metro lines do have more frequent service than some (all?) subway lines.

Paris metro was generally more disgusting than the subway, though, which was a surprise to me.


birthdaycakefig t1_j7lp77b wrote

Oh interesting on the cleanliness aspect. I don’t recall noticing that when I was there.

The biggest things I’ve noticed in Paris and London is how I never waited for a train more than 4-5 minutes at any time. In nyc I’m often waiting 10+ for some lines even before 11pm.


mrchumblie t1_j7gm83o wrote

Thank you. Everyone loves to shit on the MTA. While some of it is deserved, I think they do a pretty exceptional job for the most part. People don’t treat the stations or cars with respect because of other issues that are outside of the MTAs control.


SolutionRelative4586 t1_j7i6d6b wrote

Eh, I wouldn't say the MTA is "exceptional" for the most part. They drop the ball on really big, important things (and a lot of little but important things, like keeping the place clean).


mrchumblie t1_j7i7szw wrote

Yeah I think I meant to say acceptable, not exceptional lol. Whoops


b1argg t1_j7gmyra wrote

I was recently in Singapore and their MRT made me want to cry.


Tatar_Kulchik t1_j7h0lff wrote

what happens to people who leave trash in the trains there?


ads3df3daf34 t1_j7hkx96 wrote

As a former SG resident, this questions make no sense in their culture.


b1argg t1_j7ht3a4 wrote

Yeah but durians


ads3df3daf34 t1_j7ihx6c wrote

When I first moved there I couldn't understand why every taxi had a no smoking and no spikey bomb sign on the window.


JE163 t1_j7hc0ye wrote

The same thing that should happen here!