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Babhadfad12 t1_j9dlef2 wrote

The 2017 tax cut and jobs act fixed this.


azn_dude1 t1_j9e5kjo wrote

I just checked with this site. It's for 2021 but still applies

Enter 500k wage for each person, no children, and standard deductions. You pay 7k more in tax if you file as a married couple than if you filed two single returns.


Ethoannalol t1_j9fs0ru wrote

I didn't believe it at first, since at first glance the brackets for married are exactly double of the single ones. However, it looks like its the high end of the 35% bracket that ruins things. For single the 35% bracket is from 215951-539900, for married its 431901-647850. so any married totals that are above 647850 get penalized.