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Oslopa t1_j9qbvs6 wrote

Well, there goes the neighborhood. PE strikes again.


bklyn1977 t1_j9qdh14 wrote

is this something to celebrate?


azspeedbullet t1_j9qikqi wrote

That area is building up nicely. there is a trader joes a few blocks away too


GreenGator t1_j9r20k2 wrote

nah, you have to be mad that locals are getting more options to do their shopping at.

if you don’t let everybody know that you hate brands, how will anybody figure out you’re a real new yorker??


Oslopa t1_j9r2uku wrote

Yeah, but literally across the street from this location is a hardware store, a drug store, and a grocery store. All of them independent or small chains. This is swapping out a library for a retail chain that might swamp all of that stuff out.


thisfilmkid t1_j9r6y9z wrote

I miss the cheap apartments. A lot of college friends and freelancers were living in LIC for $600 - $1600.

Ever since Amazon wanted to move in, the pandemic, inflation, and all the new developments, a lot of New Yorkers and immigrants who once called LIC home were replaced by new and wealthy folks, some who it’s their first time in NYC.

My co-worker, who lives in NJ, says all the time, she have a summer home in the Avalon, and how beautiful their two bedroom apartment is!

Damn. This feeling is nostalgic. I’m alive to witness an entire part of Queens changing, drastically, within less than 10 years.

Damn. Stay strong!


Candid_Yam_5461 t1_j9rls62 wrote

Absolutely disgusting. A suburban shitchain with a surveillance side business replacing a library.


tyloner t1_j9sf3a4 wrote

Welp the transplants have taken over yet another neighborhood. Goddamn invaders.


ooouroboros t1_j9si0vy wrote

Is it a real target of one of those 'curated' targets like in Manhattan?


ellvoyu t1_j9tu4e3 wrote

I'm sad we had to lose a library for this


mastercheif t1_j9tv3cc wrote

So would most people. That said, LIC has been a residential neighborhood for 15 years now, no business has stepped in to fill that void. Probably because it’s not very profitable unless you do it at scale + have other higher margin products to sell.


danhakimi t1_j9x3ijt wrote

Target doesn't increase people's options. It destroys local businesses and measurably reduces quality of life in multiple ways, just like wal mart and all these other crappy stores. A local businesses opening a location there would have been dramatically better for the community.


Throwdis854 t1_ja0kzey wrote

It’s not going to be like the Rego Park Target