Submitted by WarrenBuffetsDriver t3_10xv3er in nyc
KeepthePeaceHumanity t1_j7udp4g wrote
Must be worth it if the price is so high, why else would it be rising
NeegzmVaqu1 t1_j7uea0n wrote
Which is why you should start buying as much real estate as possible with those prices.
[deleted] t1_j7wndsw wrote
ctindel t1_j7vmocb wrote
I mean most of the time it makes sense to buy and hold real estate in NYC. Actually my conspiracy theory is that the "powers that be" periodically (say once every 50 years) decrease the police enforcement to allow crime to increase and the city to fall to shit so they can go buy up and consolidate more real estate at low prices, then install a tough guy like giuliani and bloomberg to clean it up so the prices rise again.
socialcommentary2000 t1_j7vzghs wrote
This is ridiculous. Mainly because they've been trying to do this for almost 15 years and it doesn't work.
The numbers do not lie. There have been some specific tragedies, but this place hasn't really gotten that much more dangerous in an absolute sense.
Mainly because we're all not huffing lead as a main part of our existence anymore. Funny how that works. We're literally not being bad enough to each other.
ctindel t1_j7w0lvr wrote
> The numbers do not lie.
Numbers lie all the time. They lie when police don't enforce the laws (traffic or otherwise), they lie when DAs don't even bother to prosecute crimes, they lie when DAs downgrade felonies to misdemeanors.
If people's jobs and careers depend on there being less violent crime based on certain measurements, you better believe those measurements are going down one way or another. But this city is more dangerous than it was in 2019.
socialcommentary2000 t1_j7w85si wrote
>If people's jobs and careers depend on there being less violent crime based on certain measurements, you better believe those measurements are going down one way or another. But this city is more dangerous than it was in 2019.
But...the thing is, and I say this as someone that's particularly close to the NYPD, the numbers are not working for them internally.
They are staffed at a level for a city that no longer exists. It's a city that had around 900 thousand violent crime incidents a year..e.g. the early 80's. That simply does not exist anymore and the hiring spree that they went on during the Dinkins administration is now over 30 years in the rearview. This means that many of the officer lines that were created and filled at the time are now nearing, at or beyond their 30 and they can ride off into the sunset with a fat pension.
Every last one of those guys and gals that retires is another round were the NYPD has to justify their staffing levels to the City and the State. That's a hard sell if the numbers aren't there to justify it.
And they are not.
They literally are not. I'm not kidding when I said above that we are literally not being bad enough to each other anymore. Because we are not.
ctindel t1_j7w97gs wrote
I agree its not the 1970s or 1980s. Nobody serious is saying it is. But you know when it also wasn't? The 1950s and the 1960s when the city went on the slow decline into lawlessness and crime, which is what this feels like.
frugalbruin t1_j7wao26 wrote
Were you there in 50s and 60s to make a valid comparison?
ctindel t1_j7wgkb4 wrote
Are you trying to argue with the notion that between periods of lower crime and higher crime there was a period where crime was increasing?
Embarrassed_Big372 t1_j7xgter wrote
I agree. My close buddy had his electric bike stolen and the detectives flat out told him they would do everything not to report it as larceny so that their precinct didn’t have shit numbers for the year.
[deleted] t1_j7uxydr wrote
> Must be worth it if the price is so high, why else would it be rising
You seriously think this train of thought makes sense?
WagwanDeezNutz t1_j7v14x9 wrote
I think you just got served a plate of sarcasm over rice, my friend
[deleted] t1_j7v1xen wrote
I am not at all embarrassed that I can no longer detect sarcasm on this sub.
KeepthePeaceHumanity t1_j7v17z3 wrote
It’s okay, you’ll get it one day, not today, but one day…
[deleted] t1_j7v279r wrote
I am not at all embarrassed that I can no longer detect sarcasm on this sub. The onus is one you to clearly differentiate yourself from the idiots.
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