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[deleted] t1_j7uxydr wrote

> Must be worth it if the price is so high, why else would it be rising

You seriously think this train of thought makes sense?


WagwanDeezNutz t1_j7v14x9 wrote

I think you just got served a plate of sarcasm over rice, my friend


[deleted] t1_j7v1xen wrote

I am not at all embarrassed that I can no longer detect sarcasm on this sub.


KeepthePeaceHumanity t1_j7v17z3 wrote

It’s okay, you’ll get it one day, not today, but one day…


[deleted] t1_j7v279r wrote

I am not at all embarrassed that I can no longer detect sarcasm on this sub. The onus is one you to clearly differentiate yourself from the idiots.
