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KatzDeli OP t1_jactzq5 wrote

I still call the Ed Koch the 59th street bridge and that was two names ago.


lupuscapabilis t1_jadltuq wrote

I honestly forgot it was called the Ed Koch. I still use 59th street.


-wnr- t1_jadyuf0 wrote

It's always been Queensboro for me.


Rottimer t1_jad9dqz wrote

I’ve only ever called it the 59th street Bridge because it reminds me exactly where it goes.


IIAOPSW t1_jaep3x8 wrote

I have a similar system for remembering exactly where all the streets are.


pfrank6048 t1_jadrvc9 wrote

Is it just because of the song? From what I can tell it’s (almost) always been called the Queensboro bridge, at least going back to the 20s.