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midnight_reborn t1_j7zy3m6 wrote

Found the man-made climate change denier.


Papa--Mochi t1_j7zyzly wrote

I'm off to buy some bargain waterfront NYC real-estate.

If people really believe that the place is gonna be underwater in 10 years, then I'm pretty sure they must be giving it away.


midnight_reborn t1_j800xa9 wrote

It's not that all of the city will be underwater all of the time, but we'll be seeing more massive storms that knock out large areas of lower Manhattan like with Hurricane Sandy. It's going to get worse, and it's not going to get better until humans stop emitting so much damn carbon.


plants_pants t1_j801mev wrote

So we are not overdue for a planet changing asteroid smacking into the planet?


midnight_reborn t1_j807qkh wrote

I have no idea. I don't know the statistical probability or history of such events happening.


plants_pants t1_j80aws4 wrote

"Only once every few million years, an object large enough to threaten Earth's civilization comes along. Impact craters on Earth, the moon and other planetary bodies are evidence of these occurrences."

Last one was 66 millions years ago. We are overdue