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t1_j9vdcdh wrote

Problem they have is where they charge, and what, and mostly HOW. They're unfocused.

To travel between NJ and Brooklyn, you're certain to pay it if you use a bridge.

If you complete your Manhattan traverse in 20 minutes or less ... You pay..... but 20 minutes out of a day isn't congestion. It's über drivers who circle the streets for 10 hours that cause congestion. Find a way to focus on the cause.


t1_j9vfwmr wrote

Remember you’re not in traffic, you are traffic.


t1_j9vjc4l wrote

For minutes, being charged the day rate


t1_j9vjtd7 wrote

Yeah I don’t think you have much of a background in urban planning.


t1_j9vkj67 wrote

Jane Jacobs would like a word with you


t1_j9vkzax wrote

Yeah please tell me what the famously pro car Jane Jacobs would think of a plan that would lessen the amount of cars in lower Manhattan.


t1_j9vln9b wrote

Pro car? From Wikipedia:

>Jacobs organized grassroots efforts to protect neighborhoods from urban renewal and slum clearance – in particular plans by Robert Moses to overhaul her own Greenwich Village neighborhood. She was instrumental in the eventual cancellation of the Lower Manhattan Expressway, which would have passed directly through an area of Manhattan that later became known as SoHo, as well as part of Little Italy and Chinatown.

What planet were you on?


t1_j9vm5n9 wrote

Sarcasm bud. Try to keep up. Can you let me know why Jane Jacobs would be opposed to a plan that would lessen car traffic in lower Manhattan?


t1_j9wze4u wrote

> but 20 minutes out of a day isn't congestion

Not quite how it works. Your commute time is irrelevant, if you try to drive down a road that's already at capacity, you are adding to congestion and queues. I will give you props pointing out Uber (aka For-Hire-Vehicles), they have been studied indeed as a major source of congestion because they circle the network looking for fares. Congestion pricing under several proposed scenarios will NOT exempt them, however, which would help address this.