Submitted by HawtGarbage917 t3_11aw5r9 in nyc
ECK-2188 t1_j9vl9eu wrote
Fuck Dolan.
Taxpayers should file a class action lawsuit if they force us to pay for anything that scumbag wants to milk out of the city.
TonyzTone t1_j9wvhxs wrote
We should’ve done that in 2008 when he was still putting Eddie Curry out there on the court.
ECK-2188 t1_j9wvvm3 wrote
Damn… the shade is justified
lastinglovehandles t1_j9yifu2 wrote
You’re just gonna have to watch Randall / Brunson and like it.
spicytoastaficionado t1_ja0mwj6 wrote
Even Curry getting hit with strays lol
LunacyNow t1_j9wmgnt wrote
A lawsuit would have no standing. MSG owns the property. If this is an eminent domain case then the government would need to compensate the owner when taking the property. Just like if the government takes someone's house to pave a new highway on the parcel of land - the govt HAS TO pay the owner of the house fair market value.
>It is another word for condemnation - the right of the government to take private property for a public purpose. Various examples would be to make way for a road or public park, or to provide housing for disadvantaged persons. The United States and New York Constitutions require the government to pay you fair compensation if it takes your property.
ctindel t1_j9wnu60 wrote
Since when has "failing to renew a permit to operate a business" been classified as an eminent domain case? Are there other examples of this in NY case law?
LunacyNow t1_j9wu2qv wrote
The permitting is separate issue allowing them to have more than 2500 patrons in the establishment. It's not clear if they could operate 'normally' w/o that permit, if at all. If the end result of all of this is the state/city gov't forcing a move then this could be eminent domain (thus requiring compensation).
ECK-2188 t1_j9wnbfe wrote
Don’t kill my dream friend
akmalhot t1_j9wnf38 wrote
How do such dumb people get up votes.
All it takes is rich people bad
ECK-2188 t1_j9wnti2 wrote
Not that he’s “rich” dude. It’s that he’s a prick.
There are plenty of rich people who are not.
James Dolan: The Michael Jordan of Douchery
akmalhot t1_j9wo67h wrote
Oh yeah he sucks, absolutely
But you can't just try to end around ekinent domain by not renewing msg permit after all this time.
Now I'm not saying the 8 bil figure is correct but with all the corruption it'll prob cost that much today
ECK-2188 t1_j9wp6y4 wrote
Honestly, all biases aside I hear you.
That would make perfect reasoning if we’re speaking on individual US citizens who are property owners.
Not implying that James Dolan isn’t a US Citizen, but the Dolan’s ownership of MSG had not paid any city property taxes in decades.
The fact they still get subsidized damn near 40+ years is beyond me.
akmalhot t1_j9wppkf wrote
That's idiotic policy , but it's irrelevant
The comparison would be the governed revoking your occupancy permit on your house, and the justifying paying you 40k.for taking rhe raw land since it doesn't have an occupancy permit ..
Dolan sucks , the corruption and expense to do anything in NYC sucks, the fake 5-8 billion dollar number being thrown around is probably ridiculous, I don't know enough to confidently comment.
ECK-2188 t1_j9wqfia wrote
Well in any event, Dolan’s lawyers are the real winners in the this.
They got that retainer bag💰
akmalhot t1_j9wqmsm wrote
The lawyers always win first.
Just like any class action, $10 for the victim.... the cartoons where they cut a slice.if cake and take everything but the slice
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