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[deleted] t1_ja1141u wrote


[deleted] t1_ja14ey7 wrote



[deleted] t1_ja1528o wrote



Ok_Yogurtcloset8915 t1_ja1a5dn wrote

no thanks, my smooth brain protects it from rotting like yours has


[deleted] t1_ja1b6dn wrote



Ok_Yogurtcloset8915 t1_ja1c74o wrote

oh I do know those things, don't worry! I just don't have trouble distinguishing between the bad stuff the us does and the good, because, again, no brain rot. and thanks for the luck, but you can save it for your mobik buddies, they need it way more than me ❤️


1j12 t1_ja4iu1f wrote

They overthrew the Russian puppet leaders and let the Ukrainians democratically elect a leader that they wanted. It was the first time in centuries that Ukraine wasn’t controlled by Russia in some form.


procgen t1_ja3vq9f wrote

The US absolutely should do coups when it advances our interests. Like it or not, we are all subject to natural selection.


CactusBoyScout t1_ja4kqb2 wrote

That one point is the only part of what she said that’s even up for debate. The rest is just literally simping for a dictator (Putin) and calling Ukraine’s post-Maidan government fascist.

It’s just the usual “everything the west does is imperialism and bad” drivel you get from certain morons on the left.