Ok_Yogurtcloset8915 t1_ja0icep wrote
> Kristin Richardson Jordan, a far-left council member who represents Harlem and who proposed the street naming, called the honor “way overdue.”
> “It is actually not OK to erase black leaders who are not pleasing to white people,” she said during the vote. “I profoundly vote aye on Elijah Muhammad Way.”
of course it's her
p4177y t1_ja0j6q7 wrote
At this rate I'm awaiting her proposal to name a street in Brighton Beach "Vladimir Putin Way" in honor of his peace efforts in Eastern Europe.
[deleted] t1_ja0jzbd wrote
nokinok t1_ja0ngrq wrote
Where was the rest of the city council on this?
Ok_Yogurtcloset8915 t1_ja0pgbe wrote
> In February 2022, Jordan received criticism for justifying the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine by falsely claiming that the Revolution of Dignity was a coup led by the United States, European Union, and NATO.[14] She said, "In 2014, the U.S. helped overthrow Ukraine’s democratically elected leader in an illegal coup, helped install a fascist government and empowered a far right military all with the goal of destabilizing Russia."
it's amazing how easy it is to predict a politician's dipshit views on one subject just by knowing their views on an entirely unrelated subject. of course she's pro Russia.
wheely-overhead t1_ja0qppc wrote
Fast way to lose funding for your district. Smart move.
sternfan1523 t1_ja0qttz wrote
Probably busy tweeting about how we need to bring back mask mandates
[deleted] t1_ja0roft wrote
KidAstoria t1_ja0s964 wrote
A liberal, progressive council voted in favor of this??
knockatize t1_ja0stn4 wrote
They have highly selective blinders on certain issues.
[deleted] t1_ja0try5 wrote
[deleted] t1_ja0tx6g wrote
blakeley t1_ja0wsz5 wrote
We have to stop naming things after people and building statues of people, it’s stupid.
KidAstoria t1_ja0yh59 wrote
My head is about to explode.
KidAstoria t1_ja0yj9y wrote
Hypocrisy means nothing to them then.
[deleted] t1_ja0zuja wrote
LunchMasterFlex t1_ja0zv49 wrote
What if, and hear me out for a second, we didn’t let stupid people with agendas divide us further. We could just not pay attention to things meant to outrage.
And I left this intentionally vague.
knockatize t1_ja0zyp8 wrote
It’s not hypocrisy when they agree with the philosophy. They genuinely believe the same nonsense.
HS_sadness t1_ja10evv wrote
NOI is a hate group
ButteredBeans40 t1_ja10nn1 wrote
It’s the most reliably racist group of people, yes.
[deleted] t1_ja1141u wrote
[deleted] t1_ja11t41 wrote
[deleted] t1_ja131ol wrote
[deleted] t1_ja13e9z wrote
rontonsoup__ t1_ja13q9a wrote
Hahahahhahaha except the NYPD was found responsible last year ha!
[deleted] t1_ja14ey7 wrote
tsgram t1_ja14hws wrote
The only debate is which NOI lemmings planning the killing. NYPD certainly fucked up the investigation.
rontonsoup__ t1_ja14nlj wrote
There’s no debate. The evidence has already been revealed only a few months ago do some research.
[deleted] t1_ja14r8f wrote
[deleted] t1_ja1528o wrote
tsgram t1_ja15ua4 wrote
My dude, I wish you nothing but the best. Whoever told you that wants you to be stupid and dependent. You can rise above that. Best of luck.
bigpony t1_ja161jp wrote
Although I do not agree with any anti-semiticsm.... I'm a descendant of those tortured by Columbus only to come to America and have a whole Columbus Day and be forcefully taught lies about him and my family as routine schooling (He never even came to America he just raped manatees and children in the Caribbean.
So between this and the thousands of TRAITOR CONFEDERATE STATUES there is no moral track record with naming anything here. This is a daily assault for most marginalized people.
[deleted] t1_ja16h48 wrote
trele_morele t1_ja16tj5 wrote
rontonsoup__ t1_ja17y38 wrote
My guy, believe what you wish. You can keep your well wishes, but thanks anyway. They’re not genuine.
If it’s too far fetched for you to believe in 60s policing and infiltration of black organizations and killing of black leaders by CIA/FBI/Police, then there’s nothing to debate.
[deleted] t1_ja19yod wrote
Ok_Yogurtcloset8915 t1_ja1a5dn wrote
no thanks, my smooth brain protects it from rotting like yours has
TetraCubane t1_ja1azfx wrote
Elijah Muhammad wasn’t actually Muslim. Nation of Islam is some weird off shoot.
They had Malcolm X killed after he became an actual Muslim.
[deleted] t1_ja1b6dn wrote
Weaponized_Puddle t1_ja1bhy1 wrote
Horseshoe Theory
stansvan t1_ja1bo00 wrote
Oh. So you are saying it's wrong but keep doing it? Because two wrongs make it right? Hmm. That can be some of these politicians slogan. Mistakes have been made in the past, elect me and I will make sure they continue into the future.
Ok_Yogurtcloset8915 t1_ja1c74o wrote
oh I do know those things, don't worry! I just don't have trouble distinguishing between the bad stuff the us does and the good, because, again, no brain rot. and thanks for the luck, but you can save it for your mobik buddies, they need it way more than me ❤️
tsgram t1_ja1co4b wrote
I assure you that I genuinely hope you break free if whatever you’re in. As for the rest… 🤷♂️
bigpony t1_ja1ct4a wrote
Nothing wrong with people who have mental illness as I am not an ableist.
But which part made you diagnose me across the internet?
[deleted] t1_ja1di9e wrote
franticredditperson t1_ja1ea9p wrote
Yeah, she could have named it after Malcolm X and I would not have cared but not someone who thinks white people were invented by evil scientists......
[deleted] t1_ja1ebc6 wrote
[deleted] t1_ja1fjdf wrote
Ok_Yogurtcloset8915 t1_ja1flcm wrote
it's just odd that your takeaway here is "naming more streets after racists doesn't matter" instead of "maybe we ought to rename Columbus circle if renaming streets is a priority"
[deleted] t1_ja1fr01 wrote
stansvan t1_ja1fuau wrote
I think it's very newsworthy. Shows the blatant contradiction of politicians and those who support them.
bigpony t1_ja1gobm wrote
I guess words aren't your strong suit?
KaiDaiz t1_ja1h129 wrote
Would argue she's a black nationalist
bigpony t1_ja1hi8z wrote
Yeah, I think although it sucks it's totally legal here to be racist.
Renaming streets I don't think is a major city priority except for the neighborhoods they happen in. I live in an area of NYC fighting to keep it's ethnic name, (we will most likely lose) but i wouldn't consider that newsworthy fodder for anyone outside my zipcode..
I care about the real material conditions of NYers and leaving space for every community to set up their own cultural milestones.
Would we rename chambers street? Should we rename the stock market. Whos racism gets to stay and whos is intolerable?
If the issue is "named after a racist person" its a drop in the east river.
I have clearly illustrated why Columbus crimes/myth goes way beyond racism.
bigpony t1_ja1i3bh wrote
thanks for the clarification. Words matter.
dragonsnap t1_ja1mwpu wrote
Well I would have cared as that would get pretty confusing with the existing Malcolm X Boulevard…
brooklynbotz t1_ja1ny34 wrote
Yeah everyone sucks. I'd be ok with only making Fred Rogers statues moving forward.
blakeley t1_ja1o8tx wrote
I’d prefer to name things after endangered animals or things people needed to remember… like “always be nice to your waiter” boulevard
sedatemenow t1_ja1omdl wrote
Elijah Mohammed? The guy who green lighted Malcom X and had babies with the very young women that worked as his secretaries? Excellent.
sedatemenow t1_ja1pd5p wrote
The Nation of Islam is fucking crazy. Made up by an inmate (Fard Muhammad) in Detroit county jail, Elijah Mohammed likely had that dude killed as well because he just disappeared one day. The FBI alleges that Fard Muhammad, who was half Black and Half white was actually a white man named Willie Ford. Either way, he disappeared in 1934 and Elijah Mohammed took over.
Western_End_2276 t1_ja1qc73 wrote
Oh boy…let’s read these comments
JollyAd3963 t1_ja1qemr wrote
While I'm not a Elijah Muhammad fan, I will say many of the streets in NYC are named after slave owners and people who have done horrific things to black people but no one says anything about that.
caffeine314 t1_ja1qkbf wrote
Why are we asking people in the south to give up Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis? How is this any better? Weren't they "white leaders who are not pleasing to black people"?
Why can't people just be boring and moderate? By the end of Trump's Presidency I didn't even care what he did. I was just so exhausted from reading about the crazy shit every day.
caffeine314 t1_ja1qpif wrote
I want the Tappan Zee Bridge back.
PointOfTheJoke t1_ja1qqn7 wrote
"I just think hes like a really unifying force in Europe"
Slightly funnier if you do it in one of Bill Burrs character voices
Friendo_Marx t1_ja1sdul wrote
Abolish City Council. Replace it with something anything.
drpvn OP t1_ja1w915 wrote
This is making me realize I need to read a good biography of Elijah Muhammad
bimbolimbotimbo t1_ja1wa65 wrote
Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind
nonlawyer t1_ja1yute wrote
”Don’t poop on the street” Street
AggravatingCupcake0 t1_ja1yz55 wrote
Glad this is the top comment, because I came here to say this.
I read Malcolm X's autobiography back in college, it was so interesting to read how he thought he was a hot shot and knew everything about Islam after being associated with NoI... and then he went on his hajj to Mecca and was embarrassed to learn he barely knew anything about the religion at all.
thepotatochronicles t1_ja1zkg6 wrote
I think we're just finding out that there were always "batshit crazies" like this all along, it's just that they've been getting more and more of the platform lately...
And yes, I'd agree that it's just so fucking tiring. Can we get on with boring politics like the MTA or gasp zoning please
69Jew420 t1_ja2178o wrote
> “It is actually not OK to erase black leaders who are not pleasing to white people,”
Basically saying, "Jews aren't actually a minority and they can go fuck themselves."
TetraCubane t1_ja21voo wrote
Yep, pretty much Malcolm Xs experience in Mecca showed him that everyone from all races, ethnicities, nationalities are equal under God. He didn’t see any special lines for white people, asians, black people, etc. (Pretty much why there was a recent uproar a few years ago when there was a stampede because there was plenty of space that could be used but was closed off for royalty and billionaires).
NutellaBananaBread t1_ja25t4q wrote
Wallace Fard Muhammad literally just made up a bunch of shit. Kind of like Joseph Smith.
NutellaBananaBread t1_ja26l91 wrote
>We could just not pay attention to things meant to outrage.
I actually appreciate this story since I looked more into Kristin Richardson Jordan and now know my councilwoman is an insane person.
Colavs9601 t1_ja27h2r wrote
My man, that would be the most pooped on street the world has ever or will ever know.
Dump_Bucket_Supreme t1_ja29qt9 wrote
woah woah woah let’s slow the roll on the joseph smith slander
oh cmon take a joke people
weech t1_ja2bb9n wrote
*Kind of like every religion’s founder
RE5TE t1_ja2brc5 wrote
You have those golden plates and read the hieroglyphics through a seer stone? That's not slander. That's what he claimed he did. That's insane.
WikiSummarizerBot t1_ja2bsfb wrote
>According to Latter Day Saint belief, the golden plates (also called the gold plates or in some 19th-century literature, the golden bible) are the source from which Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon, a sacred text of the faith. Some accounts from people who reported handling the plates describe the plates as weighing from 30 to 60 pounds (14 to 27 kg), gold in color, and composed of thin metallic pages engraved with hieroglyphics on both sides and bound with three D-shaped rings. Smith said that he found the plates on September 22, 1823, on a hill near his home in Manchester, New York, after the angel Moroni directed him to a buried stone box.
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IRequirePants t1_ja2czwx wrote
> They had Malcolm X killed after he became an actual Muslim.
People still espouse conspiracies about how it was really the FBI, CIA, etc.
Farrakhan has repeatedly hinted that NOI killed him.
IRequirePants t1_ja2d3ht wrote
> Tappan Zee Bridge
Little known fact - it's named after our first governor, Governor Tappan Zee.
IRequirePants t1_ja2dc1z wrote
Hahaha, I always think of Queens where there can be 68th Ave is right next to 68th Drive and 68th Road. Some people came up with that system and though "yep, that won't ever be confusing"
shep_pat t1_ja2hf9o wrote
Asa gay I’m pretty much like fuck Islam. Sorry…y’all are full of shit. I don’t need to virtue signal any pro Islam nonsense. Any democrat who believes in freedom of speech and religion needs to understand what they really stand for, which is a church/state what could possibly go wrong?
Sherlock_House t1_ja2mgqc wrote
Tappan Zee's Nuts
PhantomSandwich122 t1_ja2nrrd wrote
The bill that contained this also had over 100+ other name of peiple actually worth honoring. This was snuck in so many members had to vote for it.
rontonsoup__ t1_ja2oovm wrote
Break free? From hoping their successful in their undertaking? From knowing the truth behind who killed Malcolm X (who this post had nothing to do with)? It sounds like you need to break free from whatever has brainwashed you to be so hostile to the thought of organized political killings and framing of black leaders as hate groups because their message uplifts their own. The NOI did far more for blacks including getting them off drugs, in jobs, and a sense of pride of themselves for the first time since emancipation. More than any other group from its founding through to the 90s. You need to become far more educated before you can comment on such issues based on your deflection to a nonexistent moral high ground in hoping I break free of knowing these things. You need to ask yourself why you want this.
As I said, nothing to debate here. You have no points and you’ve done little research.
ShittyDuckFace t1_ja2si37 wrote
Also basically saying, "all Jews are white and can just blend in with the rest of us white people"
ShittyDuckFace t1_ja2szp8 wrote
You'd be surprised at the antisemitic vein of leftist ideology. But it's there - eg. People who think they're being anti-Zionist but are in fact antisemitic, or pride parades that ban the Star of David (Jewish symbol) because it's "Israel's symbol"
I'm left myself, but I rarely if ever mention I'm Jewish to other lefties in case I am "oNe oF tHe BaD oNeS"
LoneStarTallBoi t1_ja2uhcm wrote
The CIA and FBI would be extremely happy to provide material support and coordination for Elijah Mohammed
Infinite_Carpenter t1_ja2ums5 wrote
I thought I read somewhere the men they charged were all exonerated in the past few years and they’re still not sure who did it.
Infinite_Carpenter t1_ja2uo5e wrote
All the alleged killers were recently exonerated.
[deleted] t1_ja2xnka wrote
spicytoastaficionado t1_ja2yi1s wrote
This was part of a larger bill that re-named 128 other public places and thoroughfares.
There was some pushback during the hearings, notably from City Council member David Carr, but he is also a republican so he didn't have much political capital to fight it.
SoloBurger13 t1_ja2yobn wrote
This isn’t true, they were exonerated and they’re suing the city of New York for wrongful imprisonment. As always you can be almost sure that the FBI killed Malcolm X as they did every other Black leader of this time
But fuck the nation of Islam in general. It’s a cult
I’d suggest the doc “Who Killed Malcom X” it’s the documentary that reopened the investigations
spicytoastaficionado t1_ja2yvrw wrote
>but no one says anything about that.
There has been ongoing discourse for years in not just NYC but all over the country regarding removing and renaming anything deemed remotely 'problematic'.
The Museum of Nature History removed a statue of Teddy Roosevelt (that had been there for 80 years) because activists complained it was "racist", yet I have not heard any of them expressing even a modicum of pushback to a street named after a notoriously racist, abusive, assassination plotting bigot.
spicytoastaficionado t1_ja2z4ex wrote
>leaving space for every community to set up their own cultural milestones.
If a "cultural milestone" is defined by lionizing a notorious bigot who founded an antisemitic and racist prison cult, that culture is trash.
dlm2137 t1_ja2z6as wrote
I think it was just 2/3. They did catch one at the scene.
orb_king t1_ja2zfj3 wrote
Actually there have been some recent developments in this area- exonerations, etc
anacardier t1_ja31m3u wrote
Also the part of Queens where 23rd crosses 23rd, 23rd, and 23rd
JoyBus147 t1_ja31stw wrote
"Slander" refers to untrue defamatory statements
Mustard_on_tap t1_ja31uh7 wrote
Well, they may get a chance.
Malcolm X's family will file a $100 million lawsuit alleging a coverup of his death
>The family of slain civil rights leader Malcolm X says they will file a wrongful death lawsuit against the FBI, NYPD and other government agencies over the handling of his 1965 assassination.
Souperplex t1_ja32280 wrote
Queens urban-planning is so bafflingly bad. Ironically their bike infrastructure is really good.
[deleted] t1_ja3482g wrote
Useful-Suspect-6540 t1_ja351fi wrote
As long as they are Muslims, otherwise you're not even allowed in the city. So Yes, its a very inclusive.
bigpony t1_ja35j2w wrote
I don't like the naming. I don't like the NOI. but these are fairly elected people naming things with what I assume to be community support. He is from that area it makes sense for them that the most prominent figures from THAT neighborhood be remembered.
I never suggested eye-for-an-eye ... really interesting that your mind took you there.
But lets be honest how is this any different than a confederate flag. Which is arguably more extreme!
This is selective outrage. A different set of moral standards for black people.
As far as I know Elijah never took over any countries or tortured thousands of people right? Please correct me if i am wrong.
As a nyer we live amongst many cults include the falon gong who we let go on with their shen yun performances in peace...
[deleted] t1_ja35obf wrote
[deleted] t1_ja36vds wrote
bigpony t1_ja36ybh wrote
I'm not even disagreeing with you on this one.
I'm not a fan of Hebrew Israelites, NOI etc.
They are still a community. Hate to say it but they did a lot of good things for their own as well.
sparklingsour t1_ja37b0i wrote
frogvscrab t1_ja37naf wrote
I wish more people knew this. Nation of Islam is about as linked to Islam as the black hebrew israelites are linked to Judaism.
69Jew420 t1_ja398ys wrote
Do you think.... Jews aren't a minority?
Thtguy1289_NY t1_ja39vt7 wrote
I feel like I already know the answer to this, but have any of you actually emailed your City Council rep personally to express how you feel about this? They are usually pretty responsive.
I mean, that might actually do something to impact a change. Writing on here won't.
k1lk1 t1_ja3c3fy wrote
Always has been. Back to the Wilson days.
despicedchilli t1_ja3ce4g wrote
> Because the media has been shoving down your throat that only white people can be racist for so long that democrats believe it.
Look up the meaning of "systemic racism."
jolygoestoschool t1_ja3fljn wrote
F*ck you. Take my upvote
TetraCubane t1_ja3fnj7 wrote
I mean yeah, racially it is inclusive. Technically, Christians and Jews should be allowed to enter since the scripture only mentions not allowing pagans and polytheists but the Wahhabi interpretation enforced by the Saudi government took it further.
jolygoestoschool t1_ja3fz8n wrote
NOI is not the same thing as Islam. So this is kind of a moot point, its not a religious organization. NOI is bad in all other kinds of ways of course, like being a hate group.
AFakeName t1_ja3g3fi wrote
Yeah, that dude was legit talking to god.
chunkybuttflake t1_ja3gxcw wrote
Nah he just raped kids
bimbolimbotimbo t1_ja3ko7n wrote
All of the stuff named after confederates has been around for a long time and we are actively phasing those out. This is happening today in modern times, that’s definitely a problem
hbp_burnerphone t1_ja3l04f wrote
You’re being downvoted, but you’re right
[deleted] t1_ja3l7ww wrote
casanovaelrey t1_ja3ncrg wrote
I'm Jewish but I'm pretty anti-Zionist (as it pertains to the geopolitical aspect and humanity crisis there currently), as are some major Jewish sects (including here in NYC and in Israel, was wild as it sounds). That being said, there definitely is a small minority in the left that is anti-Jewish. I share your hesitation as well with self identifying, because often times my appearance sometimes makes people feel comfortable saying borderline comments and I have to check them. So I completely understand your "pause for cause".
The NOI and Black "Hebrew Israelites" can hardly be called leftists though, just based on what I know of their ideology. It's very conservative in nature. Mainstream leftism is very pro-minority and pro-Jewish, however within the extremes there's ALWAYS an issue. Although, I'd argue they're Right Wingers, just unaligned with the Republicans, unless someone has a better understanding of their politics (I'm genuinely interested, I'm not being snarky).
I do want to caution against the motion that anyone who isn't a Jew that's anti-Zionism, is somehow antisemitic. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive, although great marketing by the Zionist lobby tries to link the two. I think there's a way to be anti-Israel, as it currently exists (either from a religious perspective or a human rights perspective), and still be pro-Jewish people.
casanovaelrey t1_ja3ntyu wrote
As a person of color, it isn't any better. It's actually pretty fucking embarrassing to tell you the truth. You've hit the nail on the head. Elijah Muhammad was created by the ideology of Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis, but he's cut from the same cloth and would have likely engaged in retaliatory actions had he had the power to do so. This is TERRIBLE as a NY'er. I'm surprised there wasn't more uproar. This is why history is important. People might not really know who he is.
ShittyDuckFace t1_ja3ohv8 wrote
>I do want to caution against the motion that anyone who isn't a Jew that's anti-Zionism, is somehow antisemitic
Oh no worries I'm fully aware of this. What gives me caution is my own previous experiences with people who aren't aware of how these thoughts morph, and my own personal conversations that I've had with friends who have said anti-Zionist sentiments without realizing that they're teetering on antisemitism and don't realize that they're not fully aware of the whole situation - which makes sense, since we're halfway around the world from Israel! And as a person who doesn't have any ties to Israel, it's understandable that this comes from ignorance and not maliciousness.
I would caution you about the rise of NoI and BHI sentiments however...These sorts of talking points have been cycling around for decades now and even within liberal circles. I had a really sad conversation a few weeks back where my friend essentially wanted me to 'prove that I'm the real Jew', whatever that means. These talking points I would argue are unaligned with political beliefs, making them more dangerous.
wolfkingstark t1_ja3p7x1 wrote
Next we’re gonna have Andrew tate blvd or Logan paul ave type shit 😂😂😅😂😅
casanovaelrey t1_ja3r5mj wrote
Oh I agree with you 100%. I didn't mean to sound like I'm discounting the rise of BHI and NOI talking points in liberal circles. At all. You're more than correct in pointing it out. They're doing a great job of filtering their message through the lens of "Black empowerment". Which I think is so wrong and predatory, because they know the challenges faced by Black Americans, historically and cultural (we won't dive into everything here as I'm sure we're probably equally well-read on the subject) and they prey on their longing for a sense of community to influence and infiltrate.
Also, I know what you mean regarding the "truther" comments and questions. I try to see where it's coming from and if it's true ignorance and curiosity, I educate. I know it's not our "responsibility" but I feel like we should. Just because there's so much information and Jews sometimes tend to be insular and that can be seen as "hiding something" to an outsider. That's just my perspective though.
And you're right, in that we must guard against legitimate concerns being highjacked by people with nefarious intentions. Honestly I look at the anti-Zionist/Jew movement on the extreme Left (and creeping into some more mainstream circles) and pro-Zionism on the Right as a war between extremist White and Black nationalists. Both use Jews as a pawn in their ideology but in truth don't really care about us as a people, per se.
Like the Right wing Christian extremists who only support Israel because 1. there are White Jews/racism against a majority Brown people, although there are also White Palestinians (but the perception is otherwise). 2. They think Jesus is the messiah and will only return if Israel has been established. 3. They think Jewish people will be forcefully "saved by the Gospel".
Just a thought. What do you think? I know I kinda took it in another direction but I'm curious.
CactusBoyScout t1_ja3rscy wrote
Someone on the /r/news thread said "NYC Council really in a competition with SF school board for most embarrassing municipal entity." lol
jay5627 t1_ja3s9y8 wrote
in Queens, that would be "Don't poop on the street" Ave, Rd, Dr & St
[deleted] t1_ja3t4mz wrote
[deleted] t1_ja3taf5 wrote
casanovaelrey t1_ja3tbnx wrote
Yeah bro, naw. You gotta chill. Yes, Eric Adams is dirt. I don't think anyone here will disagree with that but you need to take that "woe is me" BS back to Staten Island. Systemic racism is absolutely real. Read any history book. Just 60 years ago there were actual laws on the books to this effect. Just 30 years, there were actual government policies specifically targeted at particular groups, and today when can point out MULTIPLE issues still stemming from the fact that for the last 400+ years people like yourself will NOT get out of the way and let us end racism for once and for all. So no, White supremacy has DEFINITELY earned the vitriol that it gets.
Now that being said, I denounce EVERYTHING the NOI stands for. Regardless of the fact that one or two of their points might sound appealing in a vacuum, it's all fruits from a poisonous tree. Racial prejudice and systemic racism are both stains on humanity and should be eradicated.
[deleted] t1_ja3ttg2 wrote
[deleted] t1_ja3u6hk wrote
[deleted] t1_ja3ul49 wrote
procgen t1_ja3vq9f wrote
The US absolutely should do coups when it advances our interests. Like it or not, we are all subject to natural selection.
jonnycash11 t1_ja3x1ss wrote
Malcolm X was the minister of the NYC and Washing DC temples and put the group on the map after standing vigilant outside of a Harlem police station after one of their members had been severely beaten by police.
His home was firebombed on Valentine’s Day 1965 while he was away in Rochester making his last speech. Four days later he was shot while preparing to speak in Harlem.
In a March 1944 interview to Ebony magazine he stated that they “would have to kill me” because he knew where “all of their bodies were buried” and “might exhume some”.
[deleted] t1_ja3zj15 wrote
Goldenderick t1_ja40g68 wrote
It’s a VERY little know fact because it’s not true. The Tappans were an American Indian tribe of that Upstate New York area. Zee is a Dutch name for sea.
IRequirePants t1_ja42lgp wrote
You think people would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
George4Mayor86 t1_ja43ge0 wrote
Horseshoe theory is a fact.
George4Mayor86 t1_ja43wih wrote
Not really. Pretty much every mainstream liberal would say yes, they are oppressive. It’s fringe socialist weirdos who disagree.
[deleted] t1_ja443un wrote
bigpony t1_ja4dbnr wrote
thats def messed up
downonthesecond t1_ja4diha wrote
This is what progress looks like?
I imagine this will make news in a decade or so when there are calls to change the name.
bigpony t1_ja4f37c wrote
A long time ago? What is a long time? This guy died in the 1970s, by your logic shouldn't time erase that meaning?
The erection of these confederate monuments peaked in the 1950s as a response to the civil rights movement. Not after the war. The people who put them up are the daughters of the confederacy and they are still VERY (20k active members and a facebook group.) They are switching tactics and going after school boards now.
I am not aware of any large concerted effort to 'phase these out' can you enlighten me on this further?
I'm confused as to your stance. Does time erase meaning or should the confederate statues and the street name be removed? What is your opinion?
jamesjebbianyc t1_ja4fwc2 wrote
I don't care Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam saved my brother's life. The work the nation of Islam has done in the ghettos of this country where most of the people commenting would never even step foot Ilin Is the reason why millions of black people are over this country respect the N.O.I
1j12 t1_ja4iu1f wrote
They overthrew the Russian puppet leaders and let the Ukrainians democratically elect a leader that they wanted. It was the first time in centuries that Ukraine wasn’t controlled by Russia in some form.
CactusBoyScout t1_ja4kqb2 wrote
That one point is the only part of what she said that’s even up for debate. The rest is just literally simping for a dictator (Putin) and calling Ukraine’s post-Maidan government fascist.
It’s just the usual “everything the west does is imperialism and bad” drivel you get from certain morons on the left.
wizoz613 t1_ja4l2ep wrote
NYC is gross already... Cant wait to leave! Its a shame liberal Jews are so blind and vote in all these morons into office. It will hit them really hard when its too late.
lamb_pudding t1_ja4lrvv wrote
I was just thinking how hard me and my buddies would poop on that street back when we were in college though. No diarrhea though. Only fat logs.
Soundsgoodtosteve t1_ja4lszx wrote
Farrakhan’s hands are so bloody it’s ridiculous that he can be seen as a man of any god.
franticredditperson t1_ja4m15g wrote
To be fair, I don't think there are a lot of Jewish people in district 9, as the majority of the population seem to be black. :
lamb_pudding t1_ja4mbhz wrote
I was wondering how much people would moan about mask mandates long after they were over. Only thing I could find in the news was NYC lifting a mandate for city workers.
[deleted] t1_ja4otbb wrote
TeamMisha t1_ja51g3h wrote
I imagine the average person here has no idea which council district they are in, let alone that they even have a councilperson, or a state congressperson for that matter lol
TeamMisha t1_ja51x55 wrote
I can't find this specific bill (I hate when journalists fail to include the actual bill info), but you can find proposed and passed legislation here:
You can see the votes along various stages of bills, sponsors, etc. This bill supposedly is under Parks & Rec committee but I can't even find it under that so that could be misreporting for all I know.
Goldenderick t1_ja54cjt wrote
I don’t know. You may have to ask.
Talk to yourself, without dribbling, and let me know what you say.
Useful-Suspect-6540 t1_ja54jps wrote
They also belive in the same God since they are Abrahamic. People forget that because they are busy hating each other. Humans are mostly dumb and severely lack critical thinking.
[deleted] t1_ja550if wrote
Swolnerman t1_ja59c71 wrote
It’s 99.9% of NYC residents, it’s everyone but you
Swolnerman t1_ja59jbs wrote
Care to share easy ways to access this information? May be more helpful
DadBodofanAmerican t1_ja5at50 wrote
It isn't that bad when realize it started as multiple towns and just filled in over time. Gotta cut some slack because it's a lot more organic that strictly planned. Plus the bifurcated addresses help: 150-12 30th Ave is at 150th Street.
[deleted] t1_ja5rol2 wrote
Her statement said nothing about Jews.
69Jew420 t1_ja5tfwg wrote
Tankie City Counselor: We should name the street after the guy who openly hated Jews and made allies with Nazis.
Jews: Wow, that seems fucked up
Tankie City Counselor: Buncha uppity white people don't matter.
You: Yeah, shut up Jew. She didn't mention you.
[deleted] t1_ja5ukpg wrote
This country is built and ran by people who openly hate Blacks and Hispanics.
69Jew420 t1_ja5vidt wrote
Okay? And this city counselor is someone who is running things who openly hates Jews it appears.
Are Jews supposed to celebrate when the color of the people that hate them in charge changes?
[deleted] t1_ja5w9ne wrote
Because she voted for the street sign. Hispanics and Blacks are expected to vote for people who don't represent our best interests all the time. Everyone actually.
69Jew420 t1_ja5ws4h wrote
plump_helmet_addict t1_ja60ci8 wrote
Lol. Lmao even. This is what progressivism is.
TeamMisha t1_ja61ini wrote
Sure thing, to start off with: council district. One can enter their address here on this map to find their district:
On the map the results will show your councilperson and a direct link to your district's website (every district has one) that includes information on your councilperson and how to contact their office. All council emails are generally "" (replace # with your number). This is the constituent email for residents of the districts to email questions, concerns, etc. and a member of the councilperson's team should get back to you.
A similar process can be followed for New York State Assemblymen and State Senator Districts. These are who represent you in the state government, not to be confused with federal level congresspersons and senators that go to DC.
Assembly: Senators:
And finally! Your congressperson:
thecrgm t1_ja6eu24 wrote
Can we just stop changing street names it’s confusing
lupuscapabilis t1_ja6nqn5 wrote
After what he did, no one has ever been named Tappan again
lupuscapabilis t1_ja6nzvb wrote
>“It is actually not OK to erase black leaders who are not pleasing to white people,”
Yikes. That's very specific language right there, doing its best to dismiss any criticism anyone has. Basically "I know this is wrong, but I can say it in a way that makes it okay."
TotallyNotGlenDavis t1_ja8190j wrote
I don't think any liberal would disagree that someone being forced to wear something is oppressive, we just generally avoid policing what people want to wear. It's not like there's serious discourse over the hijab in the states, there's no controversy our liberals lack that particular strain of secularism they have int Europe.
WickhamAkimbo t1_ja81mso wrote
>profoundly vote
Mmmm, alright then.
WickhamAkimbo t1_ja81phy wrote
Holy shit.
WickhamAkimbo t1_ja81ygg wrote
Just make it look better than this eldritch horror:
tikihiki t1_ja8cvzu wrote
"Elijah Muhammad told the annual Savior's Day convention on February 26 that "Malcolm X got just what he preached," but denied any involvement with the murder.[58] "We didn't want to kill Malcolm and didn't try to kill him," Muhammad said, adding "We know such ignorant, foolish teachings would bring him to his own end." from,him%20to%20his%20own%20end.%22
Regardless of who is was actually responsible for the killing, this seems hugely insulting to put this on Malcolm X blvd.
I won't claim to be an expert on this. Is there context I'm missing? What does Malcolm X's family think of Elijah Muhammad?
SoloBurger13 t1_ja8g989 wrote
I just said fuck the Nation of Islam lol where did I say they should get a street sign? Fuck Elijah Muhammad and Farrakhan
I think it’s important to name who correctly killed this man.
This is in addition to them having informants in the nation. I think a lot of people do not understand Contelpro or the extent in which the FBI was involved in assassinating radical black leaders and destroying movements
Calfis t1_ja8i71x wrote
I remember taking a philosophy of Judaism, Christianity and Islam class in undergrad and the professor tried to simplify it by basically saying old testament was original and new testament was revision 1 that some people accepted and last testament was revision 2 that some people accepted. Needless to say I learned next to nothing from that class but still got an A.
DisasterFartiste t1_ja8ovke wrote
Alternatively, “Don’t Poop On The” Street.
bbqcornnuts312 t1_ja8vbgg wrote
Nypost has more. Totally unsurprised to see the Kristin Richardson Jordan associated with this. I guess there are no Jewish voters in her district.
Just to clarify, this women held a "vigil" the eulogized Michelle Go and Kristal Bayron Nieves (murder victims) alongside Lashawn McNeil (cop killer, murderer). She copied and pasted another DSA nobody's Putin-apologistic, anti-American screed about Ukraine...verbatim. Like it was searchable. W/e you think about Ukraine and American responsibility, you think she'd try to cover her tracks in her anti-American, "anti-imperialist" fictions. But no.
That's the lack of intellect and self-awareness we're dealing with here. She saw how divisive the coverage of Kanye ended up being and she wants in.
So many members of the City Council are an astounding mixture of unfit (as in, hostilely resentful to requests they actually assist New Yorkers with problems), evil, and stupid, to the point of being depraved. It's hard to accept ordinary people let someone like this into office. What did she promise them? (And why aren't you all more pissed off about it? This woman's gets a nice plump salary from the city taxpayer when a drinking bird would be a better councilperson.)
This is a stunt, most likely, because she has no accomplishments and fundraising for 2023 Council elections is starting, but it's still a deeply ugly, repulsive stunt that would not be tolerated from anyone but a progressive or socialist in New York City. She's trying to tap into something nasty in New York voters' hearts, and maybe draw out something very ugly in the fringe. It's gross.
And yet this will not get coverage anywhere in tiny Jewish publications, and the NYPost. This is on the same level of MTG and her space lasers, yet there'll be more coverage of her in the NYT (still this city's most prestigious local paper, on top of being one of the most prestigious print journals in the country) than of Jordan...when Jordan impacts this city.
MTG strikes me as merely a stupid crackpot meme font/troll, but Richardson is living in a city with more Jews than Israel and where violent anti-Semitic attacks are ongoing. Part of the reason that is is because of NY Shitty Council's fetishization with deprosecution and "decarceration".
Endorsements like this, the embrace of someone like Farrakhan by a lawmaker...doesn't help.
[deleted] t1_ja9e5gd wrote
bbqcornnuts312 t1_ja9epx1 wrote
Nope! She is in Harlem. Kristin Richardson Jordan is not in a "Jewish" district.
She knows what she's doing and it's still grotesque. She wants to be in the papers.
HypnoShinso t1_ja9evdq wrote
casanovaelrey t1_ja9n80u wrote
The NOI is very Conservative in nature. Their religious beliefs and views towards other ethnic groups, their views towards LGBTQ people, and the list goes on is proof of that. These are all very Conservative policies. I know you hate to hear it but let's LITERALLY pull a run of the mill Democrat and run of the mill Republican, remove all NOI identifiers from their belief systems and see which politician supports it. That in and of itself is an indicator.
Next, ignored by the press?! What part of the internet do you live in? Nobody, and The Rock means NOBODY, in the mainstream press is a friend of the NOI. In case you haven't paid attention to the NOI, one of their biggest enemies is the White liberal. Don't believe me. Believe them. Look up the numerous publications and speeches by them on the topic.
Next, most older Black people are religiously Conservative, socially moderate to liberal, and economically liberal. This is why the Left-ward swing of the Democratic party has rode a wave of Black voters to victories for the last decade. So that point you made fell completely flat.
Next, since like most conservatives you like to lie through your teeth, even if the opposite is sitting in your face, I have already stated my opinion on Black nationalists. It's the same as my opinion of White nationalists. Although White nationalism is the genesis of Black nationalism, two wrongs don't make a right. I stated that CLEARLY and said that I think NOI are predators. I don't know how much stronger condemnation is needed. But with liars and manipulators like your type, I don't think it matters.
Besides, she's not my rep. But being that you're likely not from NYC, you wouldn't know that. I don't live in her district and had I, it's obvious that she's not my choice. 1. I'm very pro Ukraine. 2. Very pro-Jewish. 3. Very pro-culture/race mixing. In no particular order. And if you are from NYC (Staten Island will NEVER count in my book, argue with your mother), you are again intentionally lying about how voting and districting works to insinuate that I somehow voted for her because I live in Manhattan. She represents a part of Harlem. 10th District, I believe. I do NOT live in that district therefore she's NOT my rep.
Since you like to mix topics and have clearly demonstrated inability to comprehend complex topics, I will TDLR it for you. I said NOI are the worst ever because of how they try to manipulate Black Americans by inserting antisemitism and racially prejudiced ideology into otherwise legitimate discourse, i.e. lacing vegetables with polonium.
I also said that I think we should be careful to separate legitimate criticisms that even many actual Jews have about the modern state of Israel from unfair criticisms targeting Jewish people for simply being Jews. There's a complete difference. One is rightfully criticizing genocide and human rights abuses and the other is unadulterated hate directed at a group of people simply for existing. Zionism is NOT Judaism.
I also said that I feel like extremist talk is seeping into mainstream dialogue, often unknown by the people saying it (how it often starts) and it's my responsibility and the responsibility of other Jews/informed people to educate against that.
Where in any of my comments did you see any of the absolute bullshit that you tried to say. I know Trump, MTG, and Santos believe yelling lies and insults as loudly as possible is a way to muddy the waters of conversation but I'm not like other liberals. I don't care about decorum and turning the other cheek. That's a Christian value. I'm not Michelle Obama. I don't go high. When y'all go low, I take it to the m@thaf#$&in' flo' (floor). Be gone.
And to be clear, eff Louis Farrakhan, eff Elijah Muhammad, and eff the NOI. They're not even Muslim. Nothing they teach is Islamic or of Islam.
bimbolimbotimbo t1_ja9sdux wrote
You’re just looking for an argument are ya?
[deleted] t1_jaa99qz wrote
casanovaelrey t1_jaab3s6 wrote
You said absolutely nothing at all of any substance. My previous comments stand. Go be loud, wrong, and angry somewhere else. I'm not going to engage with a seriously ignorant individual who keeps trying to move the goal posts to obtain a moral high ground that doesn't exist. I've made my statements very clear on every topic and I stand by every statement. Have a good one.
bigpony t1_jac2yyd wrote
Discussions. Discourse. That’s why i politely asked your opinion. Why escalate to argument?
Dont_mute_me_bro t1_jac8f6x wrote
The Christian and Jewish God (as modernly interpreted) gave people free will. The Islamic God requires submission.
I can't think if a more different approach: freedom or submission.
Jimmy_kong253 t1_ja0i3t0 wrote
Not surprised