Nicker t1_j95rsqp wrote
why did you have to scream your title on a quiet Sunday morning?
seafoodgodddd t1_j95ruyz wrote
Interesting for sure, but you aren't getting me on that thing until several years, maybe more, of real world flight testing has been completed
[deleted] t1_j95v813 wrote
[deleted] t1_j95vcp1 wrote
ny_q OP t1_j95vh68 wrote
also have
NYCRSSfeed t1_j95vugq wrote
Spirited_Touch6898 t1_j95w5e9 wrote
I wander how much more quiet these are!
fieldysnuts94 t1_j95xai7 wrote
Word, can’t have a quiet Sunday in the city I guess lol
thisismynewacct t1_j95y15g wrote
Looks like the helicopters from Avatar
admins-are-garbage6 t1_j95ymfh wrote
cornbruiser t1_j9659tn wrote
To be heard over the helicopters.
Sea_Consequence_7699 t1_j9678pi wrote
It's more like a life sized drone than a helicopter.
AnacharsisIV t1_j968vk2 wrote
Motherfuckers always trying to ice skate up hill.
SockDem t1_j96aw7a wrote
I genuinely don’t see what’s dystopian about this. The rich can go vacation without all the noise pollution which currently hurts everyone else?
nycdataviz t1_j96bhf0 wrote
Noise pollution? You’re forgetting a few other kinds of pollution that they’ve been pumping into the air for decades so they can step over the lower classes’ public transportation system.
[deleted] t1_j96gb64 wrote
Not sure if that Nomex flight suit will protect against the post crash fire.
Guypussy t1_j96kcit wrote
Blue Thunder.
ZeroFucksToGive t1_j96p8vv wrote
Imagine the battery malfunctions and the passengers get Kobe’d
seafoodgodddd t1_j96uhk4 wrote
Kobe happened because of a shit pilot.
Unable-Ad3852 t1_j95o8i5 wrote
Think it's a good concept. At least it can glide when it runs out of battery mid flight.