drpvn t1_j8oxkma wrote
I don’t think about you at all.
wefarrell t1_j8oy7nj wrote
Is that a restaurant? Never heard of it.
WeCanDoThisCNJ t1_j8oy7w0 wrote
We assume your fear of gluten is so severe that we carry bagels to use in robbing Angelinos.
GreenQuisQuous t1_j8oyk54 wrote
dull_witless t1_j8oyysn wrote
Why would anyone set themselves up like this
plcorb t1_j8oz2in wrote
They don't. For real. They barely think of Staten Island. L.A. is simply off the map.
johnsciarrino t1_j8ozsvp wrote
The best way I’ve seen it said is that LA people are nice but not kind and NYers are kind but not nice.
AgentSk1nner t1_j8p002x wrote
I am uncertain as to whom you are referring...
SimmerDownRizzo t1_j8p0rzl wrote
DGAF. Everything west of New Jersey doesn't exist. We only accept that New Jersey exists because we need something to collectively hate.
[deleted] OP t1_j8p1wfl wrote
FrenchToastForDinner t1_j8p1xhw wrote
LA transplants are social climbing fake people
ECK-2188 t1_j8p1z5y wrote
I didn’t even know that’s how people from LA refer to themselves until now. r/todayilearned
bonyponyride t1_j8p2cbm wrote
I think there's a stereotype that LA people tend to be more superficial and fake, whereas New Yorkers are more straight forward and genuine. There might be some truth in the stereotypes, but it probably doesn't apply to the majority. Plenty of New Yorkers move to LA and vice versa.
SuspiciousFern t1_j8p2g7a wrote
Tbh I don’t think most of us in nyc spend much time opining about people and places outside of the microcosm that we exist in, and in moments like this where it comes up, many of our opinions are not much more than “oh yeah, that exists”
RedOrca-15483 t1_j8p4fir wrote
I think more about the street rats than Angelinos.
Comfortable_Ad8325 t1_j8p50xz wrote
Comfortable_Ad8325 t1_j8p51v7 wrote
Angela Who?
GrantAdoudel t1_j8p74vj wrote
Whenever I have to go to southern CA for work I feel like I'm visiting an alien planet.
DJBabyB0kCh0y t1_j8p8efc wrote
Wtf is Angelino's?
iliveoffofbagels t1_j8p9jd4 wrote
All I know is one of my best friends and ex roommates is from LA, and he mentions me being from New York wayyy more than I've ever mentioned him being from LA. The only time I've mentioned LA is if I'm visiting and I'm looking for restaurant recommendations or we're making plans. It always felt as a New Yorker I was the butt of random, "oh iliveoffofbagels probably doesn't like the pizza.... oh he probably despises these bagels..." type of jokes.
ECK-2188 t1_j8p9zse wrote
UserName checks out ☝🏼
NKR1978 t1_j8paqd1 wrote
California is the only place I feel truly comfortable outside of the Northeast. Part of me would love to live in LA, but it's so spread out and the thought of needing a car to get places is miserable.
Tetno_2 t1_j8pcdcr wrote
Agree with NJ but you forgot that Staten Island exists
drpvn t1_j8peaxj wrote
Fragile creature. It’ll be ok.
froggythefish t1_j8pefkm wrote
what the hell is an angelino
you're a Californian.
no one calls people in NYC "yorkinos", they're new yorkers.
lalaena t1_j8pfgtl wrote
My experience with Angelinos is that they’re more self-obsessed than people from other cities. This post supports that stereotype.
SimmerDownRizzo t1_j8pg6g3 wrote
The what?
blarghgh_lkwd t1_j8phkid wrote
Literally don't know what an Angelino is
TonyzTone t1_j8pi2h0 wrote
I legit thought that was what this thread was about.
janandgeorgeglass t1_j8pijc6 wrote
Easy, upvotes lol.
Abtorias t1_j8pj4qc wrote
Eschotaeus t1_j8pldad wrote
What? Is that an island? Where?
Die-Nacht t1_j8pll6j wrote
Never been.
The only thing I know about LA is that several ppl, who lived in LA and left it, have told me something like this:
"LA has the worst parts of city living. High density but no way to move around that isn't a car, so horrible traffic you can't escape."
Idk how true it is, but I know LA traffic is "notorious".
rectifiedspiritomb t1_j8pn368 wrote
We New Yorkers are a notoriously self-absorbed bunch
az782 t1_j8pncx6 wrote
Funny how so many people associating themselves with such a worldly and eclectic city as NYC pride themselves on their own ignorance of other places and lifestyles.
ECK-2188 t1_j8pnda8 wrote
Can confirm. Lived out in LA for three months doing HVAC and water damage repair.
Fucking traffic was unbelievably horrible.
That’s being said:
No better scenic stretch of Highway than the PCH
I’ll give them that.
tamwafle t1_j8pnq38 wrote
Basically think they’re chumps, living in a crummy “city” that will be unliveable in 50 years. Good food though at least.
And at my eastern liberal arts college the most insufferable hipsters were from LA.
diet_shasta_orange t1_j8pp2a8 wrote
Generally not much, but much more than everything in between us
-_SophiaPetrillo_- t1_j8ppa7z wrote
-_SophiaPetrillo_- t1_j8ppg36 wrote
We think about them so little that many of us didn’t know who you were referring to. I’ve never even considered what people from LA called themselves.
hobo1256 t1_j8prajf wrote
White, probably.
jay5627 t1_j8pre1v wrote
What's an 'Angelino'?
rick6787 t1_j8oxj5k wrote
We don't.