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k1lk1 t1_jai1vzu wrote

We need to bust the police union. Anyone on the force should be able to be fired for any reason whatsoever. And none of this administrative leave bullshit. Oh, you're not doing your job? Bye, go find work in Elizabeth or Cleveland.

It's sooooooo fucking stupid that taxpayers are constantly on the hook for police misconduct yet nobody on the force ever pays a price for it.


[deleted] t1_jai6b3l wrote



rNBA_Mods_Be_Better t1_jaj5re1 wrote

> They'd literally burn this city to the ground.

This is exactly the heart of the problem. The people responsible for "keeping law and order" in the city would burn it to the ground in a heartbeat if they were faced with accountability for doing illegal shit. It's the most glaringly obvious reason to disband them if we want a longterm solution.


darthravioli t1_jaj42jc wrote

You are right. Look at the racist riot they held in 1992 when the CCRB was created. A bunch of drunk off duty cops calling Dinkins and the black members of city council n-words as they trashed the streets. Fuck the NYPD and anyone who supports them.


k1lk1 t1_jai7t8j wrote

Alternate law enforcement would have to be a part of it for sure. You'd have to start with a separately run and managed force that grows over time.


[deleted] t1_jai81cv wrote



Kittycatkemtrails t1_jai8qyh wrote

And how is that so far from what they’re doing now? Only difference is how fast it happens and how much you actually see it happening.


TonyzTone t1_jaik67s wrote

>We need to bust the police union.

We need to be very careful about this. Breaking the police union will affect other public sector unions, and possibly even private sector unions. IANAL, but I know that police unions are still protected by the different labor and collective bargaining laws.


MattJFarrell t1_jaipcgj wrote

Agreed. I strongly believe in unions, and think everyone should have some employment and legal protections that comes with membership in a union. What we need to do is to strip away some of the absurd powers that the police union has. Also, police misconduct should not be investigated by the police force. That should be a separate, state-level organization.


TonyzTone t1_jaj53in wrote

It's a classic "who watches the watchmen" situation.

The separate organization could be the Attorney General, which is far enough removed from daily policing activities that it makes sense. Civilian Complaint Review Board is also independent of NYPD so, there's that.

The issue is ultimately accountability. What should happen if a police officer steps outside of their legally-restrained role which unfortunately exists in a fast-paced, high-tension environment with a lot of grey areas and "he said, she said."


the_lamou t1_jakvgn5 wrote

>What should happen if a police officer steps outside of their legally-restrained role which unfortunately exists in a fast-paced, high-tension environment with a lot of grey areas and "he said, she said."

What SHOULD happen is that even the slightest possible hint of impropriety is met immediately with strict discipline, because any organization that has a state-sanctioned right to use force against human beings has to be held to the highest possible standard.

Police officers should have it drilled into their heads that every action is held to scrutiny and judged, and should be constantly reminded that they serve the public and not the other way around.


sunflowercompass t1_jakzx18 wrote

The military doesn't get fucking unions. The people who man our nuclear missiles don't have unions. I am pro labor as they come but maybe we can have this one exception.


TonyzTone t1_jal0uv6 wrote

Because when the law was passed barring military unions, we were at the height of the Cold War and the most ardent pro-military union elements were sympathetic to the USSR.

If anything, you might be pointing more to the need to allow military unions than anything. For what it’s worth, National Guard members serving in a state capacity can be unionized.


SwellandDecay t1_jak5vo0 wrote

Who do you think gets called in to bust up unions and violently suppress workers? It's cops. I can promise you that the SBA is not helping workers rights in any way shape or form.


numba1cyberwarrior t1_jai9r1u wrote

>nyone on the force should be able to be fired for any reason whatsoever.

Agreed we should do this to all public unions including teachers


vcarl t1_jaictyi wrote

Teachers have strict curricula and regulations on behavior, in a way I don't think could be reasonably argued the NYPD has a comparable system of accountability. I don't think anyone would seriously argue that what teachers need is less stability and less bargaining power.