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mowotlarx OP t1_jakxuf5 wrote

No, they doxxed her. They leaked her private information to the SBA that then put it on Twitter.


[deleted] t1_jal5761 wrote



[deleted] t1_jamhtyy wrote



[deleted] t1_jami5o6 wrote



mowotlarx OP t1_janb9nv wrote

>Do you read

You 100% didn't read anything about the actual situation with Chiara and the data leak. And yet here you are with Do YoU ReAd. Do...literally anything, if you won't do "better."

Here's a quote from the article you refuse to read:

>The Police Department does not normally release internal police reports, and Ms. de Blasio’s contained personal details, including her height, weight, address, date of birth and driver’s license information.

>The post was removed for violation of Twitter rules, and the union’s account was suspended Monday morning.


bangbangthreehunna t1_jamqq6x wrote

Discovery laws.


mowotlarx OP t1_janb520 wrote

The info on de Blasio's daughter wasn't published because of discovery laws. The NYPD illegally leaked her immediate arrest record to SBA who then tweeted it. Maybe read up on the issue you're arguing about. This was discussed at length.