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Silvery_Silence t1_jam52sg wrote

Cool well there is more than enough video and other evidence to prove many cops literally assaulted protestors when there was no cause so your experience doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.


WickhamAkimbo t1_jankihk wrote

I didn't say that it didn't happen, it provably did. I very much question the idea that it occurred with enough regularity to justify throwing the entire NYPD under the bus.


Silvery_Silence t1_jant65y wrote

Lol there are tons of videos. I posted the link somewhere else in this thread. But if you want to doubt vídeo evidence feel free. Because cops are so good at accountability right? They didn’t get thrown under the bus give me a break. Police brutality helps no one including the police force.


WickhamAkimbo t1_jaoayxq wrote

I just said that I don't doubt the evidence. I doubt that it represents a majority of NYPD behavior or anywhere near enough frequency to judge the entire police force. I'm happy to see evidence used to hold individual officers accountable and punish bad actors.


Silvery_Silence t1_japelhk wrote

This is only one incident and involved hundreds of protestors lol. But yeah tell me again how this isn’t a systemic police problem.


WickhamAkimbo t1_japl404 wrote

Happy to give it a watch and give a more detailed response tomorrow. Off the bat, not super impressed with HRW's language covering the incident, which is just excessively biased in favor of protestors with apparently no interest in covering the events dispassionately and accurately. Maybe that's to be expected from a group that probably considers itself pretty anti-cop.

Yes, I don't think the NYPD have a systemic problem with excessive use of force. I interacted with them too many times in too many contexts for your claim to be statistically possible. I saw consistent use restraint in their actions and justifiable force when it was deployed. The abuse from dozen-plus protests I saw was coming solely from protestors (in the form of verbal abuse). That's an actually accurate accounting coming from someone that doesn't really prefer one group over the other.


Silvery_Silence t1_jawirq8 wrote

Haha, it’s the good old “my anecdotal experience is definitely more relevant and true than literally multiple investigations finding widespread abuse of power during the BLM protests of 2020.” You don’t want actual sources. You just want to pretend you’re right.

The HRW source was one source only. How about the gigantic payout/settlement? Pretty sure they wouldn’t settle a case they were confident about winning. I also posted a link to dozens of videos of cops bearing people up, sometimes the person being assaulted is merely standing there doing nothing before.

Police brutality apologists aren’t my thing.


Silvery_Silence t1_japdsda wrote

It was very widespread. No one said it was the “entire force”, do you know how large the force is? You seem mighty quick to absolve “the police.” It was absolutely widespread this has been widely reported as well as investigated. But yeah totally just a few bad apples. Let me know if you need any more receipts of this well documented failure at pretty much all levels to the police response here. There were multiple investigations that found widespread police abuse and look at that, only this week the nypd is about to pay a record settlement over their actions.

  • An independent New York City police review board has recommended that the department punish dozens of officers for excessive use of force and other alleged misconduct during protests that followed the 2020 murder of George Floyd, according to a report released on Monday.

“Among the complaints, officers were found to have used batons and pepper spray on peaceful protesters in 140 instances. Dozens of allegations of abuse of authority, including officers refusing to identify themselves, concealing their badges and making false or misleading statements, were also substantiated, the report by Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) said.”


Silvery_Silence t1_jape3zw wrote

Does hundreds of victims of violence that the nypd is about to settle with mean anything to you? Is that not widespread enough to signal systemic problems with the force?