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dust1990 t1_jdvdyr8 wrote

Hate on the Post all you want, but this is a good piece of journalism that should infuriate every New Yorker. The Post has a lot of sensational articles, but this isn't one of them.


xSlappy- t1_jdw19tl wrote

Nolan Hicks, their transit reporter is pretty solid


Pool_Shark t1_jdww5w2 wrote

The Post does this every once in awhile. When it comes to local news they sometimes do good investigative journalism and I wouldn’t be surprised if it performs as well or better than their usual trolling


oreosfly t1_jdwy9un wrote

The Post is full of BS way too often but I applaud them for occasionally digging into shit that none of our other local media outlets care about.


Pool_Shark t1_jdwyhim wrote

Yeah the real issue is that the bar is so low that we have to applaud the Post for doing this once in a blue moon.


IRequirePants t1_jdygjlk wrote

I like to think that their tabloid-clickbait funds their actual good work.

Anyway, when reading the Post, stick to the Sports and Local sections and avoid the Opinion and National sections. The tabloid articles are kind of fun if you like brainless celebrity gossip.


Spirited_Touch6898 t1_jdwxtet wrote

I wish the Times would pick up this story, unfortunately everyone just dismisses the Post.


ChunkofWhat t1_jdw8yby wrote

It is surprisingly good for The Post. Still, I wish there was more explanation of the different theories behind why MTA projects are so expensive.


NSTheWiseOne t1_jdyrm8g wrote

The people who run the post are absolute scumbags, but under the muck and trash, there are a handful of great journalists who work there


joyousRock t1_je62191 wrote

very well-written & researched article. WHY DO THE STATIONS HAVE TO BE SO BIG???