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aimglitchz t1_jdeld3r wrote

So platform barriers coming to Amtrak stations


ketzal7 t1_jdesl6e wrote

I think after seeing how much of shitshow the MTA leadership and board is he decided never to work there again.


Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_jdfcvmi wrote

Unbelievable that that creep Cuomo neutered Byford before he had a chance to do some genuine transformation of the MTA.


MirthandMystery t1_jdffks7 wrote

Excellent, Andy Byford knows his business. Was sad to hear he left the MTA a few years back.

He’s cool, calm, collected. Experienced with sorting train probs all over the world. Should be a great asset for Amtrak.


P0stNutClarity t1_jdffnsy wrote

The Tom Brady of transit. That was a quick retirement


yuriydee t1_jdg0yy4 wrote

Cuomo may have won the battle by forcing out Byford, but Byford has destroyed Cuomo in the war. Ironically Byford left at almost the perfect time as well, right before the scandal started.


Jimmy_kong253 t1_jdgrsq2 wrote

He should run the whole Amtrak not be some vice president bs


GrenadoHencho t1_jdh7rd7 wrote

I agree but appointing Andy Byford doesn’t get us any closer to that scenario. That’s my point. He’s a celebrity among urbanist nerds but he’s not some superhero who can force the nationalization of an entire industry.


mapinis t1_jdhzvkq wrote

The MBTA will miss out then


ike_tyson t1_jdi54v3 wrote

Too bad he's not running the MTA :(


msd90 t1_jdiaehg wrote

Used to live in Toronto when this guy was the head of the TTC. This guy knows his stuff, still wish he was head of the MTA.


BreakfastSpecials t1_jdiekpj wrote

We as a nation need to make him Secretary of Transportation.


Metapod_Used_Hardon t1_jdj0psp wrote

Asking honestly, why do people like Byford? I don’t really know much about his accomplishments. Seemed like he had good ideas, but he wasn’t around long enough to do much with them.


fuchsdh t1_jdjwuu8 wrote

Stuff like the continued ADA station rollout, contactless payment, and signal modernization were things that he spearheaded. The trains in 2017 were an absolute shitshow, and he managed to turn it around. He wasn't a magic bullet—the MTA remains a terribly inefficient organization, and fact that Cuomo could effectively strip him of authority to undermine him demonstrates the limits of what he was able to accomplish—but the city would absolutely be worse off without his term here.


ketzal7 t1_jdmy6s8 wrote

Well right now it’s a mix of appointees from the governor, mayor, borough presidents, and county execs from the surrounding counties, and some union reps.

The governor has the power to appoint a chairman so they have the most influence, but in general it seems like most of these board members aren’t super familiar with the subway system or represent other interests.