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Cinnie_16 t1_jaq8ko8 wrote

Reply to comment by experimentjon in My OMNYCard design by NYCBikeLanes

Bruhhhh!!! This is literally me. I hope wageworks either negotiates something with Apple Pay soon or create a chipper card because the easypauXxpress metrocard aren’t going to work after they take away all the swipe machines, which I read they are going to start phasing out soon 🤦🏻‍♀️


ShadownetZero t1_jb3pulj wrote

You can already use your transit/commuter card with OMNY cards.


Cinnie_16 t1_jb3th16 wrote

Yes, but what I’m looking forward to (and what experimentjon is talking about) is an auto reloading function/feature. Previously if you connect the commuter card to EasyPauXxpress metrocard it was automated. But I don’t think OMNY cards has auto reload feature yet?


ShadownetZero t1_jb3yy53 wrote

I think they've always had them. At least since I got mine last year.