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collegedropoutclub t1_jdzh575 wrote

This isn't Seattle keep those shit workshops out of here. People don't like being part of your experiment in the latest "progressivism" that is cooked up each semester.


albeinsc4d t1_jdzmnjx wrote


Whiskey_Fiasco t1_je007ab wrote

Who is that guy and why should I care?


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_je1oo66 wrote

Anyone from any group who spews hate -towards any group- should be a matter of concern.


albeinsc4d t1_je01hru wrote

  1. I am assuming you have internet access as you replied, so check out your favorite search engine and type his name in there.
  2. I didn't ask you to, so apologies if you felt this was directed at you.

Whiskey_Fiasco t1_je02plt wrote

So your answer is “this is a clickbait link to someone with no power and influence that you should get upset about!”