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MaybeSecondBestMan t1_je0a9uq wrote

I won’t pretend to understand the full nuance of what is no doubt a very complex issue, but as somebody who rides the trains every day, I can say that our public transit is shockingly bad for what is supposed to be the wealthiest city in the wealthiest country in the world. My impression from a few years of daily riding is that our trains are generally disgusting, inefficient, and probably badly mismanaged.


deathhand t1_je0bllp wrote

Congratulations you've got eyes and awareness.

The knee jerk response "well that's new york for you" has grown tiresome and thankfully the populace is waking up to it.

Welcome to a great, diverse city with a million stories otherwise.


spicytoastaficionado t1_je0s8fd wrote

>The knee jerk response "well that's new york for you" has grown tiresome and thankfully the populace is waking up to it.

I want to pull my hair out when people use that as a scapegoat for people/places/things being shitty in this city.


smallskeletal t1_je12z2f wrote

We got a taste of what Public Transit in this City could be under Byford, but Cuomo didn’t like being “outshined” and forced him out. We deserve better than our public transit being held hostage by the cronies of whoever is in the governors office


YouandWhoseArmy t1_je0qpj2 wrote

My train gets delayed almost everyday for the W to change tracks at Whitehall.

This is a known event. Surely some planning and process could make this an exception and not the rule.

Not in NYC. Basic stuff is impossible.


bayridgeguy09 t1_je143uw wrote

Same at rector, they send 3 W trains in a row every day right around 5pm, they have to wait for the train at whitehall to turn around and leave before they can enter. Who thought this was a good idea?


YouandWhoseArmy t1_je1e452 wrote

Ironically I believe the repaired the tunnel between Whitehall and court and the tracks there are buttery smooth.