wefarrell t1_jax7eht wrote
Reply to comment by drpvn in NYC official says city is spending an estimated $10M a day on housing, feeding migrants by NYY657545
The rate of illegal immigration has been declining since 2007 (not counting 2020 for obvious reasons) so I’m not sure what the scope of the “immediate problem” you refer to.
Are you referring to certain presidential hopefuls choosing to send migrants by the bus load to NYC?
drpvn t1_jax7s2m wrote
The immediate problem of “asylum seekers” flooding the city at immense and unsustainable cost. Yes, that’s what I’m referring to. Perhaps you’ve heard about it.
wefarrell t1_jaz28zx wrote
They’re not choosing to come here, they’re being bussed in.
drpvn t1_jaz2c4d wrote
Oh well I guess it’s not a problem at all, then!
wefarrell t1_jaz2ko8 wrote
It’s a problem that’s been engineered by republican governors.
drpvn t1_jaz2o48 wrote
Only took you four comments to get around to acknowledging there’s a problem.
wefarrell t1_jaz3gtg wrote
I acknowledged it right away but you weren’t clear on scope. I wasn’t sure if it was the one we’ve been hearing about for the last 20 years plus or the one created by Republican governors but you’ve made it clear it’s the latter.
drpvn t1_jaz6s59 wrote
The question is what should be done about the problem. Whining about how Republican governors are mean isn’t working.
wefarrell t1_jaz774y wrote
Nobody’s whining. If you want to deal with the problem you need to deal with the cause.
drpvn t1_jaz78jr wrote
What does that mean?
wefarrell t1_jaz7oyk wrote
For one, prevent people from being bussed against their will or under false pretenses.
drpvn t1_jaz7pqk wrote
wefarrell t1_jaz7upe wrote
Consequences for those who are sending them here.
drpvn t1_jaz7vzn wrote
What does that mean?
wefarrell t1_jaz855k wrote
You asking what kind of consequences?
drpvn t1_jaz88ms wrote
I’ve had enough for the night. You have approximately zero ideas. Good night!
wefarrell t1_jaz8h4q wrote
I just gave you an idea which is more than you can do.
drpvn t1_jaz8rpp wrote
Your idea was gibberish.
I would recommend lawsuits against every state sending them here, and also full-throated appeals to the Biden administration for billions to pay for this shit, with nonstop pressure and condemnation of the administration until the assistance is in hand. The legal issues aren’t clean and may not be a winner but it beats doing nothing.
wefarrell t1_jaz9c75 wrote
Only took you 11 threads to stop complaining and offer a solution. Good job and goodnight.
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