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movingtobay2019 t1_je1l919 wrote

Solving homelessness doesn't have to involve housing them in the most fucking expensive piece of real estate in the country.

It's people like you who care less about homelessness and just want to stick it to people who are better off than you.

I'd easily support a bill where NYC raised my taxes to house homeless upstate where land is cheaper and get them in programs to help them integrate back in society. But not this shit.


Bubbly_Experience694 t1_je1lrke wrote

Solving homelessness has to involve housing the homeless.


movingtobay2019 t1_je1nwp7 wrote


But said housing does not have to be in the most expensive city in the world. You can house way more people up state and provide more services for the same budget.

There is literally no reason to house them in NYC. They are from NYC? Beggars can't be choosers - otherwise you introduce perverse incentives.


Bubbly_Experience694 t1_je1oqez wrote

Look, man… I’m willing to meet you halfway as long as we agree that the only solution to this problem is to provide government subsidized permanent housing to the homeless. I just don’t believe in rounding them up like cattle and shipping them off. That this city is expensive (though not even the most expensive in the country) is the result of very deliberate policy decisions as opposed to some law of nature.


movingtobay2019 t1_je1rynh wrote

> result of very deliberate policy decisions as opposed to some law of nature.

I have no problem with telling NIMBYs to go fuck themselves as I'd also benefit more housing and lower rent, but demand will always outstrip supply in a highly desired city like NYC. You simply can't build out of it. Someone will ALWAYS be priced out or homeless in NYC. So housing shortages in highly desired cities are laws of nature. Otherwise, they wouldn't be highly desired cities. People compete globally to live in NYC.

>I just don’t believe in rounding them up like cattle and shipping them off.

Do you have a better idea? Because any idea that involves providing nice government housing for free to the homeless is politically DOA. Look at how unpopular housing migrants in hotels are.

>only solution to this problem is to provide government subsidized permanent housing

Depends on where and how it is implemented. There needs to be checks and balances to ensure they have the resources to get back on their feet and not pull the rug before they have the opportunity to do so. But also so that we don't have a permanent class of people reliant on tax dollars. I am sure we can all agree on that.