PandaJ108 t1_jb5esl5 wrote
Reply to comment by fieryscribe in Police arrest suspect in rape of woman on the Upper West Side by dosmey
Nothing to see here. Just somebody who pleaded guilty to a sexually motivated burglary still out and about to rape more people.
But if one dares to call for the incarceration of such career violent repeat offenders you get accused of “wanting to lock everybody up”.
cranberryskittle t1_jb5h4h2 wrote
wE hAvE tHe MoSt InCaRcErAtEd PeOpLe oF aNy CoUnTrY!!!, so the fuck what if we do? I'm totally comfortable with locking up murderers, rapists, and other violent filth for life with no possibility of parole. It's a pity that so many seem more concerned with violent felons' rights than their victims.
PandaJ108 t1_jb5igbw wrote
NY gets lumped with the rest of the country. NY (the state) incarceration rate is lower than the country average by quite a bit. And NYC rate of incarceration is even lower.
NetQuarterLatte t1_jb6liw0 wrote
And there's so much fear-mongering.
A white person from the midwest is made to believe they would get murdered the first day in a NYC subway.
A black person from NYC is made to believe they would be wrongly convicted for a crime or brutalized by white cops the moment they step in the midwest.
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Rottimer t1_jb5yxst wrote
And what’s the crime rate for the state compared to other states? It’s not like incarceration rate is inversely correlated with the crime rate - otherwise Nee Orleans would be one of the safest cities in the country instead of one of the most violent.
NetQuarterLatte t1_jb5jrza wrote
The US has a high in a incarceration rate.
But NYC has a much lower incarceration rate.
We are on par with or lower incarceration rate than Canada and Luxembourg.
But at what cost? This is one kind of criminal who is kept out of jail. No one is being held in jail for stealing a sandwich anymore.
Grass8989 t1_jb5i7c1 wrote
It’s funny because MANY OF these countries that they cite that have less incarceration than we do, have WAY stricter punishments when it comes to rape. You definitely wouldn’t be walking free pretrial.
cranberryskittle t1_jb5im3e wrote
They usually hold up the Nordic countries as the model for "rehabilitation" type prisons, and I don't think rape is really punished that much in those countries. I don't have the data available on me, but if memory serves it's usually a slap on the wrist in terms of time and comfort.
sp1200_ t1_jb76aw4 wrote
People see that stat and just want to go full Goodhart's Law.
senteroa t1_jb7azsg wrote
'Murderer' and 'rapist' aren't conditions that human beings are innately born with it. Terrible societal ills produce 99% of these cases. Rather than put resources toward curing and preventing those ills, you'd rather throw money into the bottomless, idiotic, demonic pit of police & prisons -- which only serve to further entrench and intensify society's ills.
Rottimer t1_jb5ygyl wrote
Who exactly is arguing that guilty violent offenders shouldn’t go to jail?
PandaJ108 t1_jb655o5 wrote
People who resort to bringing up nationwide incarceration rates when stating X NYC violent offender should have never been free to commit another violent crime. They may be absent in this particular thread but I have dealt with plenty of them.
Then if you want to go beyond reddit. People in positions of power and/or with a following in regards to criminal justice. Tiffany Caban does not think this guy should be locked up. Advocates with a following (like rebecca kavanaugh, Adam Johnson, Scott hechinger) don’t think this guy should be locked up.
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