ComeOnPelicanFly t1_je4yctz wrote
Is the only actual link they’re making here the fact that both terms have the word “comfort” in them?
Metapod_Used_Hardon t1_je4zspr wrote
It’s the full phrase. CTRL+F “station” in
edit: did downvoting change history? nope. “comfort women” were kept at “comfort stations.” it’s not just the word “comfort” that they have in common.
Metapod_Used_Hardon t1_je4zyft wrote
Whatever the reason, “public restroom” is a much better descriptor than “comfort station.”
eldersveld t1_je50r8i wrote
Sure, fine. I'm all for the evolution of both language and sensibilities. But...
>In an internal memo, parks department officials announced that any reference to “comfort station” will be replaced with “public restroom” or “public restroom building,” effective immediately, as part of a “conscious effort to champion and support human dignity.”
That made me laugh, because I swear, this is what we do best: performative actions that merit a press release but don't concretely address anything. You want to "champion and support human dignity," reopen all park and subway restrooms, build many, many more public restrooms, and staff them properly. Then the delivery driver that I saw pissing onto the curb a while ago would have other, more dignified options.
mowotlarx t1_je51wv7 wrote
Whatever, just build more of them. NYC Parks don't even get 1% of our budget and then provide a MASSIVE public service to every neighborhood. Give them more money and build more public bathrooms!
CactusBoyScout t1_je54s15 wrote
Reminds me of when the American Medical Association put out a guide to “more inclusive language” for doctors and nurses that included recommendations like not saying “combat disease” anymore because of “violent connotations” that could upset some people.
But the AMA made no mention of things like abortion rights or universal healthcare (they oppose it) which would make actual meaningful differences for people. What’s more upsetting? Hearing the term “combat” or being forced to carry your rapist’s baby? Or not being able to afford life-saving medical care? 🤔
Cribbing from this great NYTimes opinion piece:
drpvn t1_je554c0 wrote
“Crapper” would be even better.
bkornblith t1_je556ne wrote
We are at the phase of US decline where we rename shit forever instead of doing any actual systemic change. What we need… is more public bathrooms, but he’s, let’s rename everything for no reason just because of the word comfort. This is so infuriatingly dumb.
mowotlarx t1_je5oxjw wrote
It wasn't a press release. It was an internal memo. This was never going to be discussed as a political point, the intent was just to begin changing how they name internally and then on website, signage, etc. without comment.
CactusBoyScout t1_je5s9a8 wrote
I read an opinion piece arguing exactly what you’re saying. Basically that political deadlock has encouraged progressives and conservatives alike to retreat to winnable battles over language and culture.
Politically-active people want to feel like they’re accomplishing something but legislatures are mostly useless so they just bicker over language instead.
template009 t1_je5xys0 wrote
This is progressive theater.
Like the TSA is security theater.
Does nothing, looks ridiculous, bound to please some offense troll somewhere.
It is like wearing a mask alone in an outdoor selfie.
Decent-Delay5760 t1_je6v1w2 wrote
I bet it only took 2 years for a group of ten super woke people to come up with this proposal and they all celebrated at a steak house after and rimmed each other
Decent-Delay5760 t1_je6v9ix wrote
Nah they need more money for progressive think tanks that can recommend more of these name changes… don’t be a Nazi bro
collegedropoutclub t1_je6vfoq wrote
The first batch of Diversity Equity & Inclusion (DEI) studies graduates have arrived. Let the rewriting of herstory begin. See you at the Gate of the Exonerated. This post sits on the lands of the snoo people.
mowotlarx t1_je6yzjy wrote
Decent-Delay5760 t1_je72zwo wrote
You want more social services over equality and acceptance… must be nice to be privileged
zhidzhid t1_je79hz7 wrote
Not always... And hopefully never...
Otherwise-Air-4473 t1_je7k127 wrote
Sure I’ll pee on a bush again
[deleted] t1_je7t6g9 wrote
[deleted] t1_je8h3wa wrote
CarlCarbonite t1_jebetpa wrote
Come fart station
gonzo5622 t1_je4vgk1 wrote