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Daddy_Macron t1_jbbtuj5 wrote

If you rank NYC's budget by national budgets worldwide, we'd rank 41st in expenditures ahead of the Philippines. And if you account for the fact that the NYC government doesn't have to provide for its own defense or the biggest two parts of social spending (Social Security and Medicare), what we get for that money starts looking pretty bad.


alias_impossible t1_jbcsz8s wrote

Something to factor in though is cost of living. In a concentrated area condensed to a few hundred square miles, it's a bit harder to say that costs can be spread thinner across more areas where real estate and land don't comparatively much cheaper, or more available. NY States' budget is roughly $200 billion, double NYC's but for the whole state. Makes sense given that there is way more land, and thus not as expensive for a dollar to serve a person whose relative needs and subsidy with tax dollars are cheaper to effect.