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movingtobay2019 t1_je07g9i wrote

>After seeing a LinkedIn ad for a new role on her team that revealed new recruits will be paid more than her

Welcome to the real world. A new recruit is always more valuable than an existing employee. Did she really need transparency laws to tell her that? Everyone who gives a shit about their career knows the only way to get a raise is to change jobs every 2-3 years.

>candidates were often offended because the companies rarely made offers at the high end of the stated range.

Who didn't see this coming? Everyone thinks they are on the high end. Well someone has to be on the low end and the middle.

>Wall Street human resource executives blamed the transparency for a wave of resignations after bonuses were paid out at the end of February

There is ALWAYS a wave of resignation in professional services after bonuses are paid out.

>Activists and community leaders argue that the laws provide vital information to women and employees of colour who otherwise might not have the professional connections to know what kind of salary to negotiate for.

Of course it wouldn't be a complete pay disparity article without mentioning women and people of color. I am sure white male Joe Blow from bum fuck Ohio who graduated community college has the professional connections to negotiate higher salaries.
