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Unfair t1_jbixdew wrote

You can’t just join one - community board members are appointed by the borough president.


curlycake t1_jbj19k3 wrote

you can absolutely show up and speak


trainmaster611 t1_jbjfy56 wrote

And they're completely free to completely ignore you because they're not democratically elected officials.


Die-Nacht t1_jbjisxk wrote

I mean, elected officials can ignore you too. The point is to get your voice out there because complaining on Reddit isn't gonna do anything.

And if they are still ignoring you, well that means you're easy to ignore. You gonna have to build a small movement. Having a petition signed by ppl locally usually gets their attention.


bklyn1977 t1_jbjj3bj wrote

They president appoints members based on applications. I have done a two year term. I am not wealthy or white.


Unfair t1_jbkwj7x wrote

What was the application process like? Was there an essay and an interview?


bklyn1977 t1_jblpeu8 wrote

I had been active at meetings for a while. The application may have been more a formality. They need a range of voices so you need a good mix of parents, homeowners, students and so on. Get involved and push out the dead weight.


MissCherryPi t1_jbji4wj wrote

But you can apply to be appointed


b1argg t1_jbjj81v wrote

Which you won't be if you aren't politically connected


MissCherryPi t1_jbkvpph wrote

Not necessarily. Being a CB member is a lot of work and a pain in the butt. It’s not always easy to fill seats.