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JuniperusRain t1_jdikf0w wrote

There are plenty of races that include darker complexions that your average American wouldn't consider black even just looking at them (e.g., Indians). There's more to looking black than just skin tone, there's facial features, hair type, etc


Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdil45f wrote

We’re talking skin tone here, not other physical characteristics.


JuniperusRain t1_jdilmou wrote

Yes. That is my point. You cannot automatically assume the person is black based solely on the description "darker complexion."


Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdiltq8 wrote

But we do, and therefore we can.


sendphotopls t1_jdiqefw wrote

You’re just ignorant


Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdiqhgz wrote

In what way?


sendphotopls t1_jdiqnyt wrote

Oh shut the fuck up, playing dumb asking questions about anything anyone says here because you have no rebuttal for your ignorant bullshit


Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdiqzfe wrote

Lol you mean asking you to explain your accusations is me playing dumb?

What ignorant bullshit?


wwcfm t1_jdle5vl wrote

You’re ignorant for assuming “darker complexion” automatically means black and you’re apparently dumb as fuck too for needing someone to explain that to you. How embarrassing.