Submitted by Jigamanpimpc t3_120kjp9 in nyc
[deleted] t1_jdhq2s1 wrote
The_Lone_Apple t1_jdhritf wrote
So one of the swastikas was etched in the sidewalk in front of that chandelier building on Queens Boulevard in Forest Hills.
oreosfly t1_jdht0ag wrote
But but but some ppl in the other thread said the cops probably did it!
[deleted] t1_jdhtjtl wrote
Zohin t1_jdhu6sb wrote
These pro-cop, far right, Trump supporter disguises are getting good!
[deleted] t1_jdhx05p wrote
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdhyeox wrote
Does he?
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdhyx9t wrote
> Police say the crook, who has a dark complexion and slim build
A black guy. Just say a black guy. Because we all know if it was a white guy, they wouldn’t use “light complexion,” would they now?
[deleted] t1_jdhzfax wrote
[deleted] t1_jdi126q wrote
89titanium t1_jdi12ez wrote
Actually they would. All their crime stories only describe complexions. You're just obsessed with race for some reason.
fieldysnuts94 t1_jdi1mfp wrote
Big woosh for you dude
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdi1sg2 wrote
Lol again, “dark complexion.” They use light complexion yet both are still black.
This country is obsessed with race, let’s not bullshit ourselves here.
[deleted] t1_jdi3jna wrote
bherm100 t1_jdi3wcu wrote
Just about every documented incident has been. There is a tremendous amount of antisemitism in the community.
I mean damn. Best of luck finding a single antisemitic attack in NYC from a trump supporter. I'm unaware of a single one.
businesslut t1_jdi40wo wrote
He doesn't look black to me. Like the other response to you. You're obsessed with race.
89titanium t1_jdi42mf wrote
The description came from victim testimonies, not a few pixels from a night-time surveillance camera. Yet you say those pixels are black, ok. They simply don't use people's race in that publication, idk what to tell you. You made an assumption (that they made special rules just to not offend black people) and made a giant ass of yourself, insisting that they use racialized language. Have another, is this guy black too?:
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdi4m6y wrote
We’re all obsessed with race. The difference is I don’t bullshit about it like you might.
And he does look black.
[deleted] t1_jdi5388 wrote
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdi5ig3 wrote
You don’t have anything to tell me because they don’t seem to have any publications about any white crime. Of course they use racialized language. As I said, we all do.
bherm100 t1_jdi5k3x wrote
It is absolutely based on reality. And everyone, including yourself, knows it.
There is a tremendous amount of antisemitism in the black community. I'm not sure where you've been these last two years, but yeah. It's a thing. So much so they guys like kyrie and Kanye (as well as many other black celebrities) openly brag about it.
This story? There were multiple threads on it. Everyone knew the deal before the dude was caught (except for like two people who thought it might be cops)
We need to fight bigotry. Even if the bigots are not who we generally expect.
TheBravadoBoy t1_jdi5op5 wrote
You’ve been tending over just about every documented antisemitic attack in nyc?
bherm100 t1_jdi5tbw wrote
Huh? No. I don't know every single incident. Just the ones reported on. I believe every single one in recent memory had this in common.
[deleted] t1_jdi5tqz wrote
bherm100 t1_jdi61vx wrote
There's nothing to argue about. It's a fact. Find me a single incident in NYC fromThe last two years that is from a trump supporter. Find me two from white people.
You can't. That should tell you something.
_neutral_person t1_jdi65zr wrote
Don't project your issues onto us.
[deleted] t1_jdi69v4 wrote
YoungMarshmellow t1_jdi6gjl wrote
You're so "fake" woke it's insane
Something things aren't that deep.
Just if you see the guy in the video call the cops. You're turning the entire post into something imaginary that you made up in your head
89titanium t1_jdi6nlb wrote
Yeah, no white crime. Only light-complexioned crime. Sorry, didn't mean to cut so close to that white fragility.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdi6uvc wrote
What issues?
[deleted] t1_jdi6vde wrote
bherm100 t1_jdi77jv wrote
"I won't do that"
Because you know how foolish you'll look. I'll save you the time and humiliation. You won't find any.
I'm Jewish. My wife is black. What thay has to do with anything I have literally no idea.
Are you trying to claim I'm racist for knowing NYC crime stats, For reading newspaper articles? Oh piss off.
TheBravadoBoy t1_jdi7dof wrote
I repeated your exact words back to you and you’re acting like I said something different.
So by “reports” you mean the two or three other articles than have been posted to this subreddit this year? That’s what you mean by “every documented incident?”
[deleted] t1_jdi7j6z wrote
bherm100 t1_jdi7mfk wrote
I have zero idea what you are talking about. "Reports" as in documented incidents. Either via. Court case convictions, or articles about them.
You might get your info from Reddit. I don't.
bherm100 t1_jdi7puk wrote
Who's yelling at people on Reddit? Are you ok?? You seem a bit troubled.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdi7txl wrote
Oh please, it’s not about being “woke” in the opposite direction. It’s about being an adult. Editors and publications intentionally avoid addressing certain issues outright because of race.
A white kid shoots up a school and we need to address national gun control. Black people have been killing each other with guns in droves for the past 23 years and not a peep about gun violence.
Blacks actively targeted and killed asians during the pandemic, not a peep again. Had it been a white issue, they’d be equating modern violence to what Asians experienced in the 19th century.
There is a clear double standard.
[deleted] t1_jdi817k wrote
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdi830z wrote
Show me an article written by that “publication” that clearly shows a white suspect. That should help clear up whether they address whites as whites or use “light complexion.”
89titanium t1_jdi87sm wrote
Don't go all one-drop-rule on us now: Edit, one more:
[deleted] t1_jdi8fap wrote
[deleted] t1_jdibl2q wrote
sendphotopls t1_jdibtow wrote
I mean you're just wrong. "Dark complexion" can include Dominicans, Colombians, Hondurans, etc. and none of those people would identify as black. The most accurate verbiage to use in a case like this is a description of complexion instead of an assumption of race.
sendphotopls t1_jdibwj9 wrote
sendphotopls t1_jdic1jb wrote
The names of two rappers?
TheBravadoBoy t1_jdid0d9 wrote
Let me ignore for a moment that you’re pretending that you aren’t a more chronic reddit user than myself…
Not even the report by Dov Hikind’s org (who has had a demonstrated agenda pushing for racial profiling measures) dares to claim that almost all antisemitic attacks are by black people.
So where are reading all of these convictions where every single one is a black person?
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdidd84 wrote
I’m waiting for one with a clear white suspect. Not people covered from head to toe in black
bherm100 t1_jdidili wrote
Oh I'm not pretending. I'm answering your claim. I dont get my news from Reddit. Perhaps you do. As that accusation was yours.
Most hate crimes do not result in convictions. Hope this answers your disingenuous question.
Nyc also does not really track convictions by race. So you have to actually look the cases up. If you do, you'll find that it's mostly black men. Almost every one I've come across these last two years. There's been a big increase lately.
As a matter of fact I dare you to find single NYC hate crime on jews perpetuated by a white trump supporter. Best of luck.
Edit: can't find a single case? Gee. Totally unexpected. Apology accepted.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdidmwo wrote
We’re not talking about what they’d identify as. We’re talking about what American society identifies them as.
sendphotopls t1_jdie1t3 wrote
Your personal agenda does not matter in the pursuit of a suspect etching swastikas into sidewalks
[deleted] t1_jdie7uz wrote
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdieb34 wrote
What agenda would that be?
89titanium t1_jdiece2 wrote
You're woker than I. I assumed the guy who looks like a clone of Owen fucking Wilson to be white. You got me.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdiet0n wrote
I guarantee you’ve used radicalized language in your life as well. I mean, you post in r/Chicago. I can’t even begin to imagine what you’ve said in lol
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdievqv wrote
He looks nothing like Owen Wilson.
TheBravadoBoy t1_jdifio7 wrote
You are the one being disingenuous. In the comment I initially replied to, you said every documented incident, not every conviction.
I have provided a report by an org that shares your point of view that still demonstrates your comment is full of shit.
The point you’re now harping on, so that you can back track, that the rare cases where they actually get convicted they are usually black, doesn’t really mean anything.
oh shit dude nice you named a subreddit they post in, guess you’re not racist anymore lol
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdifpvh wrote
What racism?
thoughtsarefalse t1_jdifrk5 wrote
I would also add like more regions to that list too. Filipinos, south asians, and more can all hit darker skin tones, not only people with african heritage.
bherm100 t1_jdiftxo wrote
Still waiting for ONE case. Please present this information. That org does not share my point of view. No idea why you think it does. Nor does it claim my stance is "full of shit". It claims the vast majority of hate crimes are committed by black men. Barely any (3 percent) by white people. And my claim was never "every single one". It was " those reported on in the last two years"
This is called "muddying the waters". No one thinks EVERY hate crimes is from black men.
I'm asking you for something reallllllly simple to present. Please dont respond with any more nonsense untill you present a single case.
you’re right, i have no idea. i’m delusional, take me to the infirmary.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdify4y wrote
What racism?
Everyoneeatshere t1_jdigbmb wrote
Juicy Smolier. Some of y’all really think we have maga racist openly walking around. Nope the nyc racist is another character
can u stop downvoting me immediately, it’s hurting my feelings
TheBravadoBoy t1_jdigdak wrote
I never said I would do that. What you’re doing is sad.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdigdhe wrote
What racism?
i feel like you’re not really listening to me cause u just did it again
[deleted] t1_jdign5y wrote
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdigocz wrote
What racism?
ok nvr mind you’re no fun this is boring, pass
bherm100 t1_jdigusa wrote
Ok. So you cannot find a single case of a hate crime in NYC being perpetuated by a white trump supporter. Thank you.
Buh bye.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdih6h1 wrote
So you agree in principle, you’re just making assumptions about me because I said something honest and open and it made you feel uncomfortable with how you feel about the subject matter.
Stop with the bullshit and be honest with yourself. It’s much healthier.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdih7mp wrote
What racism?
TheBravadoBoy t1_jdihh8z wrote
Yep, nice. Good on you for taking off the mask.
bherm100 t1_jdihn1n wrote
Er...what mask. I'm Jewish. My wife is black. My kids are (obviously) mixed.
Are you trying to pretend I'm a racist? LOL.
Amazing. You don't like being proven wrong. I get it. Let's not start with this bullshit, ok?
I'm the one fighting racism. You're the one sticking up for it.
notqualitystreet t1_jdijpzh wrote
These people need a hobby srsly wtf
[deleted] t1_jdik1ag wrote
JuniperusRain t1_jdikf0w wrote
There are plenty of races that include darker complexions that your average American wouldn't consider black even just looking at them (e.g., Indians). There's more to looking black than just skin tone, there's facial features, hair type, etc
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdiky6x wrote
So you agree with the principle in this thread but dislike that I was honest about how all Americans use radicalized language, which you admitted to doing as well, proving my point.
But decided to bring up a point I made in another thread?
I think you’re dishonest with yourself about how you feel, especially based off what you’ve said in this thread. Now address this comment you made days ago in a completely unrelated thread
What an idiot.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdil45f wrote
We’re talking skin tone here, not other physical characteristics.
JuniperusRain t1_jdilmou wrote
Yes. That is my point. You cannot automatically assume the person is black based solely on the description "darker complexion."
[deleted] t1_jdilsf2 wrote
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdiltq8 wrote
But we do, and therefore we can.
BakedBread65 t1_jdinomk wrote
> none of those people would identify as black
Is people’s race determined solely based on what they identify as.?
tondracek t1_jdioc6q wrote
Imagine looking at a pile of dead kids every few and assuming the only reason people want to reform the system is because the shooter was white.
I’m personally not flexible enough to get my own head that far up my own ass. Maybe you could throw out a referral to your gym or yogi for those of us looking for a good stretch?
sendphotopls t1_jdiqa3n wrote
I’m not phrasing it as a matter of opinion, these people would be objectively categorized as Hispanic or Latino.
sendphotopls t1_jdiqefw wrote
You’re just ignorant
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdiqf7s wrote
Right over your head
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdiqhgz wrote
In what way?
sendphotopls t1_jdiqnyt wrote
Oh shut the fuck up, playing dumb asking questions about anything anyone says here because you have no rebuttal for your ignorant bullshit
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdiqzfe wrote
Lol you mean asking you to explain your accusations is me playing dumb?
What ignorant bullshit?
Louis_Farizee t1_jdirc5z wrote
>According to the report’s data, 64% of those assaults were committed by black persons, 17% by Muslims or Arabs, 11% by Hispanics and 3% by white persons.
There, I saved everybody a click.
SolitaryMarmot t1_jdirodm wrote
They absolutely do though.
"Police described the suspect as a male with a light complexion and medium build. He was last seen wearing a brown hat, black mask, multicolored jacket, and black plants."
That was what they released about the vandal who slashed all the tires at the 112th precint last month.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdirtpk wrote
Source for pics of suspect?
iciclepenis t1_jdixdav wrote
For those concerned about this dude's dark complexion, what change are you wanting? To prevent these crimes? To punish the criminal? To punish black people? What's the goal?
[deleted] t1_jdj021q wrote
[deleted] t1_jdj0g0u wrote
SolitaryMarmot t1_jdj0tve wrote
I'm just telling you what the police bulletins to the press and public say.
OP said they wouldn't use "light complexion" but they absolutely do.
The person caught in the tire slashing incident was white though.
CivilInspector4 t1_jdj3rna wrote
It's one dude who clearly does not give a shit about Jews, black people, hate crimes etc... But is arguing about subjective terminology used to describe the suspect. You can see from his other posts on Reddit he is a deranged Trumper who is directly biased/racist towards black people as well
Personally I think people like that are mentally unhinged and project a lot of crazy ideas they have on everyone else (ie "you are all obsessed with race not me!!"), so it's best to ignore or block them
ChornWork2 t1_jdj5wcl wrote
Would like to point out that black dudes tend not to commit hate crimes. So not much point in generalizing anything based on this...
Besides, is it really hard to imagine a an anti-Semitic trump supporter who happens to be black?
Elizasol t1_jdj61ft wrote
Some hate black people, some want an honest conversation
As a latin immigrant who grew up in this city, I got to see things as an outsider. And the most openly racist people I have known or been friends with were all black. Not like 'oh, here's some ignorant thoughts I have' kind of racists(although they were that too), but like standing in the middle of a street or surrounded by people and hurling racial slurs at people and not caring at all
[deleted] t1_jdj6l5o wrote
Jonny_Blaze_ t1_jdjax3u wrote
Can you cite your source for the fact that antisemitic black dudes don’t support trump?
Edit: lol at the downvotes. Source is trust me bro.
ShadownetZero t1_jdjbcsr wrote
I mean, he could be Latino or southeast Asian.
Doesn't seem like it, but no reason not to be factual until we know more.
atticusmars_ t1_jdjbnh0 wrote
Yeah I’m of the mind that the antisemitic black guys who likely feed into the antisemitic rhetoric that includes the attacking left,globalism, and Whatever other boogeyman are are infact, voting for trump.
kenzo19134 t1_jdje0yd wrote
Too warm out to be jussie Smollett.
Jonny_Blaze_ t1_jdjfkrx wrote
Yeah this thread is off the rails right now. Never seen so much right wing bullshit in this sub.
template009 t1_jdjfnfe wrote
He is also a victim
Fig85420 t1_jdjg0kx wrote
What is your goal in the argument?
tonka737 t1_jdjg9ip wrote
Those would fill out black on any US government form.
NoobNup t1_jdjguth wrote
there are black dominican, colombians, and hondurians. Also if it was a brown hispanic, most of the time they would say hispanic, or even go into specific race, like mexican, or hondurian. It's only for black americans that they say "teens", with no description at all
Substantial_Bend_580 t1_jdjhf2c wrote
I’m in rego. Gonna k*ck his ass rq
bherm100 t1_jdjhz30 wrote
I'm not right wing. I fucking hate Donald Trump. I'm quite far left and extremely anti racist. That kind of comes with being in an interracial marriage and having black kids.
But no. This was not done by a trump supporter. I wish it were. It would make it easier to not have to confront a serious fucking issue. But ignoring shit like this is not a good idea.
Edit. Someone above asked for a source for what I'm. Talking about in regards to the race aspect.
Again: I fucking hate this shit. But it's an actual problem.
Alternative_Run7827 t1_jdji7xw wrote
White supremacy strikes again
Alternative_Run7827 t1_jdji9va wrote
According to the NY Post this guy's racial identity is 'mentally ill'.
GeorgeMagnus t1_jdjm83p wrote
Yeah, let's forget about the antisemitism and talk about something else. Good tactic.
Rottimer t1_jdjmcey wrote
>most of the time they would say hispanic, or even go into specific race, like mexican, or hondurian
No, they wouldn't, because they only have a grainy picture to go off of. And since when is Mexican or Honduran a race?
Rottimer t1_jdjnc4v wrote
The honest conversation you should be having is with those individuals that you saw being openly racist.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdjqju9 wrote
Yea, let’s just ignore the perpetrators of the antisemitism. Wouldn’t want to be able to identify them, now, would we?
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdjqoa5 wrote
I think we have a pretty good idea
downonthesecond t1_jdjsi2m wrote
And he doesn't have good taste in ramen.
robertoandred t1_jdjsz4n wrote
Weird how conservatives are always looking for ways to excuse their own actions.
ShadownetZero t1_jdjtdme wrote
And no one is stopping you from making whatever assumptions you want.
Convergecult15 t1_jdjxd44 wrote
I love how they immediately disavow anyone of color from being part of their club. Used to be a black dude with a MAGA hat on the M train that would rant about China and Mexico every day.
Elizasol t1_jdjxdjt wrote
I have, the black friends I've confronted about it thought it was hilarious
ChubbyBidoof t1_jdk087c wrote
Drop the location when you find him
Chaosadhd t1_jdk3nbg wrote
Disco_Dreamz t1_jdk9fiw wrote
What makes you think this guy isn’t a pro-cop far right Trump supporter?
Disco_Dreamz t1_jdk9zcb wrote
Probably because it isn’t certain from the images that he’s black ya dum dum.
If the guy is actually Indian or Latino why would they want the public looking out for a black guy?
Very stupid comment. Don’t become a cop dude.
Pm-me-ur-happysauce t1_jdkkarq wrote
A victim of being caught
pixel_of_moral_decay t1_jdkr2kk wrote
Reddit was convinced the other day it was a cop who did that in front of the station… even though it makes no real sense.
IRequirePants t1_jdkxdaj wrote
One even beat up an actor in Chicago!
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdkxoii wrote
Because his skin is black, stupid.
iciclepenis t1_jdl0s7i wrote
The person in the article committed hate crimes. The people you knew were openly racist. What can I do with this information?
Elizasol t1_jdl1r4n wrote
.. This is nyc, if you live here long enough you will see hate crimes being committed. I've seen guys use racial slurs against asian or hispanic store clerks or vendors and then destroy some things in their store or display or physically threaten them. You can guess what they all had in common
This doesn't even take into account all the terrible racist things that happen in nyc schools I've seen growing up.
No one is asking you to do anything, it's not like you have the power to. But don't pretend that the conversation you guys are having on racism in this country is honest, it's not. One side hates black people and the other side refuses to acknowledge that black people are probably the most racist group of people in the country.
wwcfm t1_jdle5vl wrote
You’re ignorant for assuming “darker complexion” automatically means black and you’re apparently dumb as fuck too for needing someone to explain that to you. How embarrassing.
iftttdummyaccount t1_jdlz3hh wrote
How do you feel now dumbass
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdm01wc wrote
Perfectly fine tbh, it still doesn’t disprove that the media ignores a lot of black hate crime and emphasizes white hate crime.
iciclepenis t1_jdm1fg0 wrote
An honest conversation I would have about people being violent, destructive, and racist is how to implement positive change. I don't personally believe black people are the most concerning group in NYC or the US. Whether they are or are not I'd push to improve education, anti-racist policies, and encourage diversity and inclusion. These would benefit any person, group, or community.
StrawberryMilkshaek t1_jdm1p1i wrote
…Your source is saying that minorities can in fact be racist. This isn’t a new conversation or shocking, nor does it dispute what anyone was discussing. Him being black doesn’t remove the fact that most overt racists tend to gravitate towards a certain worldview that reflects in their politics.
Also, I’m gonna say this with the best of intentions, dont bring your kids into a conversation about race. As a biracial person, I’m telling you that if I found out my white parent was using me and my other parent to act as an authority on discussions of race it would make me uncomfortable. It’s weird and almost as bad as “I have a black friend.” I promise you. You can join into these conversations if you’re sensitive, capable of introspection, and willing to listen/learn, you don’t need to add the qualifier of your children.
TitanicsAnInsideJob t1_jdm2m9y wrote
damn people are cooking your ass lmao
hau5keeping t1_jdm2ski wrote
To be fair their argument was plausible. Lots of cops are trump voters / racists / law breakers. So I can see how anybody who has lived in this city or has family who are cops would come to that conclusion.
Pbpopcorn t1_jdm3ae5 wrote
BLM is such a joke. If anything it made people more racist by making them constantly think about it. To get rid of a racist society we need to look at people beyond their race. BLM itself is a corrupt organization just out for money and doesn’t actually help POC. I’m a POC myself btw. I thought the george floyd protests were dumb at the time and still do -they didn’t solve anything at a systemic level and were hypocritical at the time when we were supposed to stay home during the pandemic
bherm100 t1_jdm3u52 wrote
That's not what it says. That's not even close to what it says. It says that 3 percent of hate crimes against jews are committed by white people in NYC. So when this sort of thing happens, trying to paint it as white trump supporters is statistically unlikely.
Almost 70 percent are initiated by black people. That's a real actual problem. Hence why everyone knew how this case would go. It was the statistically likely option.
No one is using anyone. But let's not claim someone is a right wing racist for pointing out the obvious facts here. For complaining about racism. (My wife and kids enjoy talking about race, actually. Especially this sort of thing, as they've been victimized by black racism. But thanks for the advice without knowing anything)
But yeah, unfortunately qualifications are needed when someone tries to paint you as a right wing racist, who doesn't like black people, LOL. Come with that silly shit and I'll point out the obvious. Perhaps you misunderstood me? I was pointing out that the reason I'm so anti because I have to be for my family's sake . I didn't think it would be difficult, especially for someone like you, to understand.
Youre personal experience is your experience. No one else's. And your promises dont mean much, especially in light of the accusations presented.
I'm standing against racism by calling it out. Not sure what y'all are doing.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdmce7n wrote
They got nothing to go against my point so they gotta resort to other tactics lmao
TitanicsAnInsideJob t1_jdmci17 wrote
nah they’re really cooking you off your own point and everything lol
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdmcraj wrote
I mean, my point is standing fine lmao thats why its got 64 upvotes.
TitanicsAnInsideJob t1_jdmczf3 wrote
they could be dominican or puerto rican so saying they’re “black” would be limiting - boom your point is squashed again
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdmdfix wrote
Nah because black is a skin color, not an ethnicity. So point stands.
TitanicsAnInsideJob t1_jdmdouu wrote
Yeah, because when you hear “black guy” you totally think about dominicans and puerto ricans. Get real stop looking for something to be upset about
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdmgeg2 wrote
That’s your own projection. You think because you don’t think of puerto ricans and Dominicans when you hear the black descriptor doesn’t mean others don’t either.
TitanicsAnInsideJob t1_jdmgi10 wrote
Lol good try but no
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdmgm69 wrote
That doesn’t counter anything. You just said words lol
StrawberryMilkshaek t1_jdmh6tk wrote
Who here painted you as a racist, bud? Are they in the room with us? Seems like a victim complex to me.
Trump supporters… can be black. The whole OP is about a black man committing a hate crime and vandalizing shit. This seems to be coming from your own feelings towards whiteness and the assumptions that follow.
I’m glad your wife and kids enjoy talking about race, me too. I’m not sure any black or biracial person enjoys being used by a white partner or family member as a way to bolster their own opinion with strangers on the internet. Genuinely, ask your wife if she wants to be used for karma on reddit.
You’re popping into a thread and getting mad at the people pointing out that there are black Trump supporters and that there’s no purpose in bringing up Trump unless one is purposefully being inflammatory. I don’t see you speaking out against any of the other genuine racists that have popped into this thread. That’s so wild to me, saying you’re anti-racist, propping your family up as proof you care (which lmao I’m biracial ‘mY fAmIlY iS bLaCk’ literally means nothing to me and ignoring the fact that caring doesn’t stop the potential for racism, but that would mean being capable of any introspection which you seem to lack), and then doing nothing in a sea of racists except getting mad that people point out black Trump supporters exist. Lmao you’re a joke.
But damn, white saviour to the rescue!!! What will us poor poc do without you, Mr. Black Family Man?
Edit: You bring up your family on a regular basis for reddit arguments based off your comment history. Oof, bud. They’re more than props, and it takes more than having a couple of children to be anti-racist. No one in the thread you originally replied to was denying black people commit hate crimes. They were criticizing the original comment that brought up Trump and rightfully brought up there are still black Trump supporters. No one brought up white Trump supporters or denied the fact that a black man committed a crime. That all came from you, and you using your family to justify the tirade is weird as hell. I’d say it’s racist but you definitely seem like the type to immediately claim I’m calling you a racist. Psych “especially in light of the accusations presented” lmaoooo Anti-racist can’t handle being told that their actions can be interpreted as racist. Sounds about right.
Edwunclerthe3rd t1_jdmsxu1 wrote
There were swastikas outside queens college this week, was it this douche?
Substantial_Bend_580 t1_jdmyw88 wrote
Yeah idk why everyone is acting like it was an outlandish idea. Most cops are from Long Island & Staten Island anyway at least until recently. NYers are used to seeing cops as nazi degenerates
Substantial_Bend_580 t1_jdmz5n8 wrote
It’s not large at all. Most black Americans don’t commit hate crimes. It wouldn’t make sense to blast it all over the media aside from reporting when it happened.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdmzl0l wrote
Just as most white Americans don’t commit hate crimes. Yet, let’s not pretend the narratives don’t say otherwise.
It would make sense if both blacks and whites were held to the same standard. I have seen black people do horrible things to Asian people. Most if bot all of the hate crimes committed against Asian Americans during the pandemic were done by blacks or Hispanics.
Substantial_Bend_580 t1_jdmzz1m wrote
Black people are barley 15% of America. Most hate crimes are done by whites and it’s been like that for decades 💀 it simply wouldn’t make sense to use black criminals as the face of hate crime in America.
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdn0cn0 wrote
Just because they’re a smaller percentage doesn’t mean they can’t commit an equal amount or more hate crimes…
Do you understand how statistics work?
>it simple wouldnt make sense to use black criminals (racists) as the face of hate crime in America
And there it is lol you said the quiet part out loud haha holy fuck.
Substantial_Bend_580 t1_jdn0t51 wrote
But they don’t. There are literally sundown towns & KKK in nearly every state. Again, why would you expect hate crimes don’t by blacks to be prevalent in the media like the crimes done by whites? Most hate crimes are done by whites so idk why you’d equate not many black offenders in the media as the media ignoring it
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdn32i9 wrote
And there are black and Hispanic people in every state that attack one another over racial differences, attack themselves (Dominicans vs PR’s for instance), attack other races (Asians predominantly), etc.
In 2021, total hate crimes committed amounted to 8673 reported cases. 56.1% (4865.55) were white offenders. 21.3% (1847.34) were black offenders.
Those white offenders accounted for .002% of the 2021 white population. The black offenders accounted for .005% of the black population. Statistically, you are more likely to have a hate crime committed against you than a white person.
Black people per population commit more hate crimes than whites. Shocker…
Substantial_Bend_580 t1_jdn4v38 wrote
Does that change the fact that most hate crimes are committed by whites? Which was what we were talking in the first place? More offenders more exposure
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdn6c7x wrote
Yes, because the likelihood that a white person commits a hate crime is less than a black person. Statistics matter.
It’s like you don’t understand statistics. In this case, it’s the opposite. The greater the representation of race per hate crime = more exposure. More black people are committing hate crimes than whites via population. More offenders do not equal more exposure.
naelisio t1_jdno6zm wrote
As opposed to the people that shoot people in grocery stores for the color of their skin?
Elizasol t1_jdnop9h wrote
Who are the people who shoot people in grocery stores? Genuinely don't know what you're referencing
Elizasol t1_jdnrf5v wrote
So a shooting in Buffalo invalidates what I said?
Like most people, I haven't met any mass shooters yet
stork38 t1_jdnwd2x wrote
Yup. I'm sure it's a totally common occurrence for some cop to just draw huge swastikas on the sidewalk outside where he works. Must happen hundreds of times a day.
iftttdummyaccount t1_jdofs2i wrote
Fucking idiot lol
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdoitmo wrote
Oh no… you called me names! How will that disprove my point?! 😧
Imagine having a load of shit for brains? Lol
iftttdummyaccount t1_jdqph3n wrote
We do a little trolling
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdqs2jr wrote
Is that what you call that?
iftttdummyaccount t1_jdr9buq wrote
Yeah, boomer ass
Prophet_Muhammad_phd t1_jdrc4rf wrote
You’re not very good at trolling tbh.
drpvn t1_jdhmzje wrote
Interesting user name.