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Spartacus714 t1_je307hx wrote

STOP MAKING EVERYTHING WHITE MARBLE FLOORS. They’re slippery as fuck in the best of times, but they turn deadly when wet. They chip and expand and are hard on people’s feet. All for an aesthetic that’s douche ugly anyway.


collegedropoutclub t1_je35au9 wrote

When they get the de-icing salt tracked in there, it's like a soapy film, slippery as hell.


SleepyHobo t1_je3lgx7 wrote

Thank you! I strongly echo your sentiment. The upgrades to Penn Station and more recently, the new expansion to Grand Central, are horrible.


DifficultyNext7666 t1_je4rlgs wrote

The chip and expand wasn't on the marble. It was bad design by the architecture firm. At least if we're speaking the oculus