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ChrisFromLongIsland t1_jbozu9l wrote

Maybe they can go on Medicare when they retire which is good enough for every other American.

It's completely unaffordable for NYC to pay any money for retirees Healthcare when almost no other American gets this Benifit. Something Ike 15% of NYCs budget goes to pay for employees that no longer work for the city. When people complain there is no money for parks and a lot of other things it's going to people that don't even work for the city anymore. It's not fiscally sound over the long term.


Speedyx t1_jbp1daq wrote

Isnt that the entire point of working for government. You dont get great pay but you get great benefits. You take away the great benefits then no one will want to work for city government.


Turtle_Shaft t1_jbp3unk wrote

Please this is the point you’re gonna make? As there arent a million other ways the city wastes money, healthcare for retired workers is whats’s eating all the funding? Thats why people go to work for the city. If the city didn’t offer this those parks would be even worse. You sound like a moron


ChrisFromLongIsland t1_jbqe5ko wrote

Huh? There would be more money fir parks. Maybe the city would be able to pay more pay now to workers. At least the city is not deferring payment for work today to some time in the future. I would assume most people discount this benifet when applying for a job. If the job paid 10k more a year now vs cover the cost of retirees Healthcare which is already paid for by the feds NYC could attract more workers.


mowotlarx t1_jbp04fv wrote

Ok Boomer.

Since you feel so strongly about this you should return any Social Security or Medicare payments or benefits you are offered when you actually retire. Because you don't deserve it and you didn't pay for it fully and nobody owes you anything. Is that right?


ChrisFromLongIsland t1_jbqdrs1 wrote

I love social security and Medicare. Why would I want to stop those Benifits. I don't think NYC needs to supplement those Benifits for people who retired from working for the city long ago. I would rather NYC use that money to fix the subway system or make the parks nicer.


mowotlarx t1_jbr0f4z wrote

NYC employees are paying into their pension and for those benefits. It's not a free gift from taxpayers (which city workers also are - tax payers).


bengreen27 t1_jbpgdhk wrote

Im sorry to say, they offered it as a carrot to take the job, to go back on their word is beyond messed up its criminal. Offer the new contracts w the bs u propose at the very least.


jay5627 t1_jbpt88p wrote

> It's not fiscally sound over the long term

Then they shouldn't have offered it to people who spent their lives working for the city to get that benefit.


ChrisFromLongIsland t1_jbqe9dg wrote

Yes and they stop offering it to new employees and raise there current salaries and stop creating a ticking time bomb if underfunded future Benifits.


gh234ip t1_jbpadcq wrote

Once they reach age 65(?) they do go on Medicare, this is about the medical insurance they get when they retire but before the become Medicare eligible. Once they become Medicare eligible this insurance will become secondary while Medicare will be their primary insurance.


holeyhell t1_jd3dcwi wrote

they got rid of the mta employee at my local subway station and instead there's three cops looking bored and i have to flag them down to open the emergency exit for me so i can bring in my bicycle, that i use because transit so unreliable. meanwhile the city is projected to be $350+ million overbudget on PD overtime this year, make it make sense