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MandatoryDissent55 t1_jbpg7ag wrote

>The switch will provide some new benefits, such as routine hearing and vision exams, hearing aids, and mental health care provided via telemedicine.

These are not new benefits. They were already provided by medicare. The difference is that this aDvAntAgE pLaN requires pre-approval for certain benefits, which only serves to deny healthcare to people who would have had access under the medicare plan.


Aggravating-End-8217 t1_jbqq3g4 wrote

Actually dental vision and hearing is minimally covered by traditional medicare


Inkkling t1_jbs3gby wrote

Some unions have better vision and dental than anything offered by Medicare. Had, anyway.


justanotherskinnyfat t1_jbtqvtq wrote

Traditional Medicare does not provide this coverage. Vision and hearing were debated to be phased in in 2027. Your statements are inaccurate