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irish_fellow_nyc t1_jbqqvhi wrote

This is very wrong and I believe the union leadership sold out its members. There is growing evidence that Medicare Advantage is a giveaway to the insurance industry. Under traditional Medicare, you can go to any doctor you want in the country, there is no pre-approval, and claims are usually not denied. Under Medicare Advantage, you are stuck in a "network", pre-approval is required to see a specialist, and there have been news reports of claims denials. There is growing evidence that Medicare Advantage is problematic. It is really not Medicare and a lot of people feel its a disadvantage


angelsplight t1_jbtzsnc wrote

Yup..As someone in the field that needs to tell people the pros and cons of selecting which, those being are getting screwed. They are limited to a network of doctors, many screening that used to be covered will now need a prior authorization that can take months sometimes, medications will need prior authorizations, limited on which pharmacy and hospitals will accept them and if they need chemo...Good luck.