tinoynk t1_jd3zngp wrote
The_Lone_Apple t1_jd400bx wrote
I hope a lack of turnout really gets under Trump's skin and depresses him into a muddy malaise.
photo11111 t1_jd41d9o wrote
[deleted] t1_jd41g02 wrote
thepobv OP t1_jd41oxk wrote
You called it!
[deleted] t1_jd41u9p wrote
bigdirty702 t1_jd41zfi wrote
No one cares anymore.. plus gas is expensive and tolls and parking. It’s also a Tuesday. It’s also a nice day
shant_jan t1_jd45hp4 wrote
reminds me of when they tried to do a second Unite the Right rally and it was like a dozen proud boys being protected by two hundred cops from one hundred counter protestors as a ton of press watched on.
Grass8989 t1_jd45mcj wrote
Reddit told me there was going to be a bunch of NYPD cops there supporting Trump, tho.
234W44 t1_jd467os wrote
Awe poor orange pus face... and those PAID protestors commanded by that guy from the Bronx that tells people that if they go, he'll get them green cards...
Whiskey_Fiasco t1_jd46hh2 wrote
It’s easier to scream “revolution” from the keyboard than it is to show up in NYC and face real consequences
Whiskey_Fiasco t1_jd46nc4 wrote
Holy shit! He really called it.
casicua t1_jd472pk wrote
What a classically impotent MAGA result.
Vigolo216 t1_jd47cop wrote
Maybe they learn after all. Last time they answered his call, they got ratted out by friends and family and got dragged in front of a court.
oceanblue966 t1_jd489tc wrote
Did any looting occur?
BigNum6ers t1_jd48b26 wrote
It’s because all the trump supports were forced to wear their police uniforms today. 🤫
mike_pants t1_jd48x1p wrote
There was. They just happened to be working, not marching.
werdnak84 t1_jd49dnz wrote
But they're still falling for Trump's trap. He intentionally got the date wrong because then that will put the FBI, NYPD, and DOJ off guard when Bragg actually releases the verdict.
BringMeInfo t1_jd49n4j wrote
In which case, perhaps the media should stop covering those protests. I've seen far bigger protests at City Hall that struggled to get any press coverage.
BringMeInfo t1_jd49qeh wrote
Nice days are better for protests though. It's just that no one cares.
BringMeInfo t1_jd49tmg wrote
As the "Proud Boys" learned over the weekend.
PZeroNero t1_jd49u31 wrote
MAGA punks fuck off
BringMeInfo t1_jd49wy6 wrote
Trajectory matters. This isn't the start of anything.
manormortal t1_jd4b06s wrote
I was never called tho :(
nonlawyer t1_jd4bkcu wrote
Trump got the date wrong because he doesn’t know when the indictment will drop. No one does except Bragg’s office, unless it leaks.
And an indictment isn’t really a “verdict,” it’s an indictment.
Trump isn’t playing 5D chess he’s just kind of an idiot
[deleted] t1_jd4bkth wrote
BringMeInfo t1_jd4bsb6 wrote
Yes, that’s the only plausible explanation here. Champion critical thinking!
[deleted] t1_jd4c0e9 wrote
BringMeInfo t1_jd4c72y wrote
You thought I was a Proud Boy for pointing out a logical fallacy, so no, I don’t think you know who I am. 😂
[deleted] t1_jd4cbis wrote
MysteryNeighbor t1_jd4ceqj wrote
None of these fuckers want that NYC smoke
BringMeInfo t1_jd4cgdn wrote
What can I say; your teacher lied: there are stupid questions.
TheNormalAlternative t1_jd4cvm3 wrote
Just like his inauguration. Zing.
ericisshort t1_jd4dpeg wrote
I heard there are actually thousands if not tens of thousands of patriots there protesting, but the fake news media is just lying about the numbers like they always do. Any photos showing the lack of protestors are actually edited personally by George Soros. /s
jerseycityfrankie t1_jd4emjv wrote
Limp and flaccid chuds can’t perform.
SpiceyPorkFriedRice t1_jd4f5ie wrote
People have way too much time on their hands.
janandgeorgeglass t1_jd4fshk wrote
I kind of wonder if that video going viral made a lot of these cowards stay home lol
Platonic_boy t1_jd4ftje wrote
No big deal. Many yahoos are actually rethinking the implications.
GeoBk t1_jd4fvfn wrote
I think this city should throw a party when they put him in handcuffs
pandagorillas t1_jd4gjg9 wrote
MAGA arrived in Manhattan completely unprepared for the price of parking and hotels.
Vegetable-Double t1_jd4gsrl wrote
I also think the fact that people actually got prosecuted for 1/6 has his supporters second guessing whether it’s worth going to jail for this guy (who definitely doesn’t care about them - or anyone besides himself for that matter).
thepobv OP t1_jd4gw1p wrote
You went from someone simply pointing that no one showed up to this protest, there's no momentum and it's not going anywhere to fully calling that person Proud Boy and Nazi Sympathizer with 0 other reasons.
Quick glance at the redditor post history and you clearly see they support LGQBT and seems to lean liberal.
immediate name calling, and antagonizing is exactly the toxicity that is the problem. You make things worst.
thepobv OP t1_jd4h0sl wrote
That person was an ass. hope you don't take it to heart
Vegetable-Double t1_jd4haer wrote
Wtf is that costume???
[deleted] t1_jd4hr7z wrote
smallint t1_jd4iv92 wrote
This. I upvoted but I always want to emphasize. 🤷♂️
Most_Interaction_623 t1_jd4ogcd wrote
So is he arrested or what?
johncester t1_jd4pxe8 wrote
Apparently facial recognition is the main deterrent 😆
itiswhatitis4444 t1_jd4q13d wrote
itiswhatitis4444 t1_jd4q4qc wrote
BeginningStructure75 t1_jd4qd6h wrote
Most_Interaction_623 t1_jd4qipa wrote
“So he’s At Large”
JKastnerPhoto t1_jd4r1xy wrote
nbkn8y2 t1_jd4s7iy wrote
There are dozens of us, dozens. -Tobias Funke
StuntMedic t1_jd4s9bz wrote
Imagine their horror at seeing the menu at a Panera Bread.
StuntMedic t1_jd4soft wrote
Which actually works in their favor because they'll be cross analyzed with ZZ Top roadies to the point of error.
TheSchweekly t1_jd4tf3h wrote
Reporters have definitely proven to be a kind of Trump supporter
Azozial t1_jd4u275 wrote
Weird! Buses aren't being paid for by Ginni Thomas.
Sp00ky_Bullshit t1_jd4ut8x wrote
SuperAsswipe t1_jd4v186 wrote
I do find the poorly educated fascinating..... but only when I don't have to deal with them personally in any way, shape, or form.
[deleted] t1_jd4w0qn wrote
hereswhatipicked t1_jd4wjqj wrote
Unfortunately the libs enjoy nice days, so Trump supporters hate nice days out of reflex.
ericisshort t1_jd4wqi2 wrote
No “might” about it. There are definitely lots of people who actually think like this, which is why the /s was absolutely necessary.
ButteredBeans40 t1_jd4x2zv wrote
So this sub is all up in arms that the protest better not happen.
Then it doesn’t happen, because no one really gives a fuck, and you still have shit to say. Incredible.
mtempissmith t1_jd4x7x0 wrote
Sounds good to me. Biggest block party ever is definitely warranted IMHO if he actually gets convicted and goes to jail. As a convicted felon he'd be barred from office and that would be an awesome reason to celebrate.
Democrat or Republican I don't get why anyone would think of supporting Trump now. The man is clearly mentally ill and unfit for office. Only his most diehard, fascist followers are left now.
Even if he is not convicted on this he will not land in the Oval Office again. This whole farce of a presidential campaign is just to line his pockets one more time and to puff up his ego. No way he will get the nomination. The Republicans have got to know what a disaster it would be.
They could run a donkey up against Trump and the donkey would win. Except for his diehard followers, and they are fewer by the day, everybody loathes him and thinks he's crazy. Nobody wants him near the nuclear launch codes at this point. The very thought is just alarming.
ButteredBeans40 t1_jd4xbde wrote
Stop coverage? It’s trump related- so it will be CNN headlines for at least the next 2 weeks. Nothing else important going on in the world except trump protest.
RyVsWorld t1_jd4xdni wrote
Or Times Square applebees
ButteredBeans40 t1_jd4xeqy wrote
What consequences are there for a citizen exercising their first amendment right to protest peacefully?
Deluxe78 t1_jd4y1fs wrote
Well it’s hard to protest something that might not happen
Whiskey_Fiasco t1_jd4z6uz wrote
If nothing else, to be ridiculed by 10x as many citizens also exercising their 1st amendment rights
IRequirePants t1_jd4zd21 wrote
When demand outpaces supply
chengjih t1_jd50k98 wrote
The NY Times noted that the earliest date the grand jury could return an indictment was Wednesday. The whole "I am going to get arrested Tuesday" came from Trump himself, getting the process wrong.
ninja_stelf t1_jd50r61 wrote
awful all the way through.
ButteredBeans40 t1_jd51129 wrote
So, none.
NYCSexFiend69 t1_jd516r6 wrote
And yet, they wouldn't touch anything with the word "halal" with a 10 foot pole.
HashtagDadWatts t1_jd51fjj wrote
Right wingers usually don't have a problem making things up to be upset about.
Ok-Strain-9847 t1_jd51zvl wrote
Trump Played the audience. He is laughing his ass off.
ExtraBitterSpecial t1_jd52kfp wrote
It's Noo Yawk Citay. Trump and his bullshit are old news here. Have been for decades too.
I'm sure his shenanigans still play in some red state, racist, ignorant, broke ass, cousin fucker areas. and even there it's getting stale.
ExtraBitterSpecial t1_jd52u3a wrote
“Cletus, we're not in Kansas, Mississippi, Missoura, North Dakota, etc etc, anymore “
ALuk21 t1_jd53hol wrote
Back than people came to save the President, not politician or a businessman.
SpudPlugman t1_jd53izj wrote
And didn’t pay a DIME to help them afterwards
SpudPlugman t1_jd53u4c wrote
Narrator: there wasn’t
jumbod666 t1_jd53z54 wrote
As expected. Media was hoping for something to report
Dr_Pepper_spray t1_jd541ls wrote
Only the looting of your heart.
Dr_Pepper_spray t1_jd544zv wrote
It's funny, but it's also a relief.
Edit: hopefully they continue to stay home and grumble on backwater social networks.
SSG_SSG_BloodMoon t1_jd55cn2 wrote
Where the "shit to say" in question is "ha" and "good" and "morons"? Are you trying to point to some irony or what? What's "incredible" about it? Seems like a pretty consistent "get fucked, maga" outlook
SpudPlugman t1_jd55tp7 wrote
He was pizza rat for Halloween and just never put regular clothes back on…
Cocaine is a hell of a drug
BeBackInASchmeck t1_jd56gim wrote
Just goes to show you how desperate the media is to get this guy back in the news for anything.
Iwentforalongwalk t1_jd56j2s wrote
When will the press learn to stop covering that asshole
NinjaCaviar t1_jd56r3r wrote
Guess it’s $7 pretzels for lunch
FrankySobotka t1_jd574do wrote
Staten / Long Island
capitalistsanta t1_jd592c9 wrote
Ironially reflective of this whole situation. Media gave his dumb pill popper so much free press per usual
Souperplex t1_jd59txm wrote
Reminds me of the first day of early voting in the mayoral elections: Kathryn Garcia came to my polling site to vote. There were more reporters covering her voting than there were voters.
squindar t1_jd5a2gc wrote
the OG Trump supporters, for sure
[deleted] t1_jd5ai7c wrote
raven_kindness t1_jd5b7q0 wrote
this seems like an exercise in critical thinking of actions and consequences so i’m not sure they got that far
RepresentativeOwl2 t1_jd5bitd wrote
Is that a MAN-BEAR-PIG costume?
qroshan t1_jd5d97c wrote
It's funny that there are multiple Trump related posts on r/nyc and yet redditors point to CNN claiming moral high ground.
Irony can be pretty ironic
[deleted] t1_jd5g60f wrote
TerraAdAstra t1_jd5hf7l wrote
So a dozen proud boy’s being protected by 200 other proud boys?
magicfitzpatrick t1_jd5iec5 wrote
He’s old news.
randomlydancing t1_jd5iio3 wrote
Around 13 years ago, they was a westboro baptist church protest in front of Brooklyn technical high school and there were far more counter protestors and police than there were ppl from the church
CodedCoder t1_jd5izqh wrote
wish it was getting stale in Florida.
GoodLifeWorkHard t1_jd5kyx5 wrote
The cops were protesting as well! Can you believe it?!?
[deleted] t1_jd5main wrote
Whend6796 t1_jd5n2h7 wrote
The people dictate what the media covers. After all, even your interest brought you to this thread.
Keyboard-King t1_jd5nr5g wrote
This is Biden territory and don’t you forget it. Eric Adams is going to save the city! Let’s never change.
Titan_Astraeus t1_jd5nz98 wrote
Rights only protect you from government overreach, you're not free from the ridicule of other people for voluntarily showing how much of a dumb asshole you are.
Keyboard-King t1_jd5oh4u wrote
It’s sad to see how an obsolete corrupt politician still lives rent free in people’s head. Meanwhile we have our own politicians in NYC, lowering our quality of life, yet they never seem to get criticized. The masses are too easily distracted.
GKrollin t1_jd5oqsb wrote
When was that?
[deleted] t1_jd5owim wrote
shant_jan t1_jd5q5j6 wrote
august 2018 i believe
ButteredBeans40 t1_jd5qxdq wrote
Right, a few blue haired weirdos screeching isn’t much “consequences” as it is embarrassing for them.
Whend6796 t1_jd5tkpz wrote
Reddit forces you to read and participate in comment threads that you aren’t interested in?
[deleted] t1_jd5v916 wrote
-686 t1_jd5vvxm wrote
Sucks to suck Donny
DeepThinkingMachine t1_jd5xh55 wrote
Typing proud gets you these two emojis 🥲🥹 I wonder if the Nazis know that 😂
ExtraBitterSpecial t1_jd5yfim wrote
Thank you!
[deleted] t1_jd63a8o wrote
RobbieAnalog t1_jd64l1q wrote
Spiderman meme
Cosmic-Warper t1_jd66fv4 wrote
9 dollars for a fucking grilled cheese get tf outta here
DeathPercept10n t1_jd675jc wrote
wreckballin t1_jd678kw wrote
People need to know the ship is sinking and the rats need to abandon ship.
But be aware these rats will look for another ship to sail and THAT one will need to be sunk as well!
This is a long fight to stop the crazy!
sokpuppet1 t1_jd6cqxi wrote
Fuck trump
m_jl_c t1_jd6cr2s wrote
National run on banks LMAO. Like these hillbilly clown MAGA idiots have any money in banks to begin with.
sokpuppet1 t1_jd6cvzy wrote
Yeah but the other protests go against the corporate overlords so of course no coverage
sokpuppet1 t1_jd6cz35 wrote
As a former member of the media—the people don’t dictate shit.
Serious_Historian578 t1_jd6focb wrote
Reporters gotta eat
-blourng- t1_jd6iruo wrote
Tired of hearing about this idiot.
LCPhotowerx t1_jd6jnh9 wrote
Fuck trump
SanityPlanet t1_jd6jqyf wrote
Jackie Daytona?!?
LCPhotowerx t1_jd6jr7q wrote
no thats just Melania
Luke90210 t1_jd6k8fw wrote
-Dr Martin Luther King
JonBenet_BeanieBaby t1_jd6rs40 wrote
sowwy, had to wash my hair tonight
[deleted] t1_jd6skwe wrote
5oLiTu2e t1_jd70n0a wrote
Sad but true
_oksure_ t1_jd71sec wrote
And everyone with a brain expected this, but the media needs this because it’s ability to help Biden is waning.
The_Lone_Apple t1_jd78jlu wrote
People can have two different thoughts at the same time. If that's hard for some, maybe Prevagen will help (or kill them...whichever).
[deleted] t1_jd7aty7 wrote
[deleted] t1_jd7bcwb wrote
[deleted] t1_jd7bn6k wrote
LoKi_802 t1_jd7frrx wrote
Yup, I was there eating lunch nearby and it just looked like a reporter convention
RyVsWorld t1_jd7i8mz wrote
Nah that’s gourmet eating to them
CrumpledForeskin t1_jd7ifp9 wrote
I read that as “protecting” and knew you had to be making a joke. Both work haha
ctguy54 t1_jd7lp9k wrote
Their biggest decision is wether to donate to tump’s presidential run or his defense fund. It will all end up in his pocket, but ….
sujihiki t1_jd7m7k1 wrote
Yah. But i don’t want to protest on a nice day. I want to hang with my kids. That said, i don’t want to protest on bad days either so
sujihiki t1_jd7ma58 wrote
There are some solid ass halal trucks not to far from them
sujihiki t1_jd7md16 wrote
Only thing getting stale in florida are old new yorkers
NYCSexFiend69 t1_jd7mocw wrote
Fo sho. But to them, it's demon meat!
lostindarkdays t1_jd7t4hy wrote
Truck Fump
thereia t1_jd7wb8m wrote
Tail trying to wag the dog.
BodheeNYC t1_jd7wyak wrote
Trump needs to start paying his “protestors” as well as Soros does.
Hopeful_Chard_8346 t1_jd87duq wrote
well, this news makes me happy.
co_matic t1_jd87xlk wrote
Turns out you can, in fact, stump the Trump.
fvez_ t1_jd89iv0 wrote
Bro you can make like 5 grill cheeses with 9
SI_MonsterMan t1_jd8bv0z wrote
Fuck you... no wait... y'all are right.... :(
sinkwiththeship t1_jd8cdkm wrote
That's most Trump/GOP events lately. Look at actual full photos of CPAC. That auditorium was MAYBE 1/3rd full.
0hmyscience t1_jd8hpw5 wrote
Hey, they want to help, not get smacked in the face
[deleted] t1_jd8hw2d wrote
Dada2fish t1_jd8lk30 wrote
People gotta work.
bbqcornnuts312 t1_jd8q6k1 wrote
There's so much gassing up about a hoard of right wingers descending, like the "planned day of hate"; it turns out to be a fucking hoax; and there's zero reflection about any of it or what the motivations of those promoting these ideas might be.
But summer 2020 vandalism and arson stretching from Union Square into Chinatown (including residential blocks), Fordham Road, all over the city? Probably millions of dollars of damage in Midtown?
Just "burning the Target", as some goblin described it here...140 cities, one Target each. I guess. "Peaceful but fiery" and virtuous. You still see the remnants walking through Lower Manhattan, all the disgusting graffiti.
Fuck the media and fuck the political agents who own the coasts to an absurd extent, who mysteriously dominate every election from the top to the bottom of the ballot, even when they run candidates that would probably be better suited to a shitty NGO internship (or a mental ward) than public office...but still have to gaslight about a big scary oppositional bogeyman in blue America to leverage power. It's disgusting. It's not even QAnon levels of conspiratory, it's just openly mendacious and stupid.
madison-Layla t1_jd8qpv6 wrote
The Trump supporters stayed home, so more lies could not be constructed. We are still here
Ok-Faithlessness1903 t1_jd8rsm8 wrote
Then why did no one show up
ButteredBeans40 t1_jd8tg8a wrote
Cause no one gives a fuck about trump. Has nothing to do with “consequences” or legality of protests
JubeltheBear t1_jd8ujhn wrote
oh.. ok...
[deleted] t1_jd9grd0 wrote
StuntMedic t1_jd9oief wrote
Or in Brooklyn get one with five different cheeses for 18.
downonthesecond t1_jd9sc1a wrote
I mean nothing happened, why would protesters stay?
walrusgumboot167 t1_jd9yrdb wrote
This isn’t Portland. Proud boy not gonna be met with vibes and crystals here
rdizzy1223 t1_jda822m wrote
They have all their money tied up in commemorative nascar 24k rimmed ceramic dinner plates.
fvez_ t1_jdc9yfb wrote
I was gonna complain but sounds kinda good, where in Brooklyn
AnotherNYCPhotog t1_jdm67gj wrote
You mean one of the most hated ex presidents whos currently running for office again and has a habit of inspiring bigots to be hateful? And you can't see why people would keep an eye on his career?
AnotherNYCPhotog t1_jdm6cs9 wrote
I mean trump is polling ahead of every other Republican for president lmaooo. So it's a obvious lie. Republicans are still obsessed with him and he lives rent free in their heads.
thepobv OP t1_jd3zl6r wrote
> So many reporters here I just saw a reporter start interviewing someone but they turned out to be a reporter too
I thought this was a bit humorous lol