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sillo38 t1_jbqqops wrote

That's not this model. These are R211As, the R211T has the open gangways and hasn't started revenue testing yet. I don't think that's expected until December.


Grass8989 t1_jbqtwfj wrote

Maybe the article has the wrong info, but from the article:

“The R211s come with:

Security cameras on the ceilings Wider door openings (58 inches compared to 50 inches on existing train cars) Open “gangway” passageways (similar to articulated buses with their “shotgun” layouts)”


sillo38 t1_jbqxmyd wrote

It’s wrong (or they’re just lumping all the features together under the R211 umbrella), they only got the first full set of R211Ts a month or two ago. They haven’t done anywhere near the testing they need to do before they do revenue testing.

For comparison they had the first full, 10 car set of R211As since summer of 2021.


FLHCv2 t1_jbr8xgy wrote

>before they do revenue testing

What does this mean?


runningwithscalpels t1_jbrryeo wrote

Today was the first day of revenue testing on the R211s - they have to run trouble free in customer service for 30 days before transit fully accepts delivery on them - as of right now they still technically belong to the manufacturer. Any sort of glitch restarts the clock. The R179s which are the other "new" trains running on the A and C (and J) lines had lots of teething problems so you want the bugs worked out before you take delivery on a bunch of trains.

To put it in perspective, these R211 cars have been on property for 2 years doing various tests with nobody on the trains, training crews on the new equipment, etc before getting to this point.

The 211Ts which are the open gangway cars only came on property fairly recently - so they too have to do the empty testing first.


nobigdealright t1_jbrus80 wrote

I would like to subscribe to your train facts


archimon t1_jbsii72 wrote

/r/nycrail has plenty where that came from!


F1yMo1o t1_jbraf8z wrote

I also thought it sounded silly. Especially as someone looking at financial statements all day.

Just looked it up, it’s step 4 in testing new trains.


sillo38 t1_jbtajo8 wrote

Revenue testing in this sense essentially means passenger testing.


D14DFF0B t1_jbqxjs6 wrote

Only a small portion of the overall R211 order is open gangway.


Unubore t1_jbr67g6 wrote

In the linked tweet, you can see the doors in the last frame, so this train in service doesn't have open gangways.


Grass8989 t1_jbr7kwz wrote

I’m thankful that didn’t go with an all open gangway design.


SolutionRelative4586 t1_jbrvw38 wrote

I'm not. NYC should enter the 20th century. I do not like being trapped on a car with crazy people or nasty stuff.


woodcider t1_jbsbruk wrote

You can always leave the car. With a gangway, there’s no getting away from the crazy. It’ll just follow you.


Bluedude588 t1_jbspru5 wrote

Because crazy people never go in-between cars!


tuberosum t1_jbt5rpo wrote

Dude everyone knows crazy people can’t navigate doors! It’s their only weakness.